
ブックマーク / fold.it (2)

  • Foldit

    What is protein folding? Every protein is created as a long chain, but the chain must fold into a specific 3D shape in order for the protein to carry out its function. What is a protein? Proteins are the workhorses in every cell of every living thing. Your body is made up of trillions of cells, of all different kinds: muscle cells, brain cells, blood cells, and more. Inside those cells, thousands

    yuiseki 2011/07/20
  • Solve Puzzles for Science | Foldit

    Hey everyone, We're about to release an update to the developer preview with a mix of features and fixes: General: * The HBNet filter will now only show BUNS when the network is hovered over. * Panels now are brought to the front when they are toggled visible. * Move AlphaFold button from Main Menu to Action Bar. Bug Fixes: * Fixed an issue causing the game to spam empty directories to the filesys

    yuiseki 2011/07/20
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