
ブックマーク / www.newyorker.com (2)

  • The Flashing Warning of QAnon

    The embrace of apocalyptic memes is a symptom of hyperconnected societies in distress. We live in strange times, and they grew stranger still in August, when the President of the United States publicly supported the fringe political ideology known as QAnon. Trump then doubled down during an interview with Laura Ingraham, on Fox News, repeating QAnon talking points, such as how “rich people” were b

    The Flashing Warning of QAnon
    Cru 2021/03/26
  • Liu Cixin’s War of the Worlds

    In Liu Cixin’s work, civilizations engage in a Hobbesian struggle for survival.Illustration by Robert Beatty Two rival civilizations are battling for supremacy. Civilization A is stronger than Civilization B and is perceived by Civilization B as a grave threat; its position, however, is more fragile than it seems. Neither side hesitates to employ espionage, subterfuge, and surveillance, because th

    Liu Cixin’s War of the Worlds
    Cru 2020/09/27
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