
2016年4月21日のブックマーク (22件)

  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Snowflake’s security problems following a recent spate of customer data thefts are, for want of a better word, snowballing. After Ticketmaster was the first company to link its recent data breach to the cloud data company Snowflake, loan comparison site LendingTree has now confirmed its QuoteWizard subsidiary had data stolen…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    "ソーシャルギフトのgifteeが三越伊勢丹と資本業務提携、法人向け事業に活路" via Digg未だない;
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    しょうもな;"GoogleがAMPを使っている高速ロードWebページをGoogle Newsのトップへ優遇" via Digg
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    成果;"Z会がMake Schoolと提携、今夏日本で中高生向け通学型プログラミング講座を開催" via Digg
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    "Airb拡がるか;nbが旅行ガイドブックとアルゴリズムによる最適な地域、宿泊先マッチング機能を実装" via Digg
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    わからん;"Apple法務顧問がセキュリティに関する噂を否定「Appleは中国政府によるソースコードへの要求に応じなかった」" via Digg
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    喰ちゃう;"Lian-LiのDK-04はでっかいPCケースと電動式スタンディングデスクを一体化、ガラスの下にマザーボードが見える" via Digg
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    粘る;"Red Hatが新しいOpenStack製品とクラウドツールセットでクラウド企業への変身を継続" via Digg
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    食えちゃう;"Facebookの国内アクティブユーザーは2500万人、92%がモバイル利用——10代ユーザーの割合は少ない?" via Digg
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    細かい;"Inbox by Gmailに予定のトラック、リンク保存、ニュースレターのプレビュー機能が追加" via Digg
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    好きやな;"Facebookから追放のゴシップサイト、Shade Roomは復活― 多くのメディアページが削除されている" via Digg
  • もてなしや 将

    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    I'm at もてなしや 将 in 荒川区, 東京都
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    肥えた?;"TechCrunch共同ファウンダー、元編集長のマイク・アリントンはCrunchFund代表を降りていた" via Digg
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    軽さで;"モバイル版Chromeユーザーが10億人突破" via Digg
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    Cool;"MIT、自動走行車をゴム製アヒルで実験" via Digg
  • 『海外の法人向け売掛金のファイナンスは?』

    4月21日 輸出の海外の売り先に対する売掛ファイナンスが今日のテーマです。 時々、ご相談があるのですが、私どももそうですが、多くのファクタリング会社や売掛担保融資を行うところでは取り扱いされていません。 もちろん、海外の売り先と言っても、売掛先が日法人なら私どもでも検討は可能です。 ただ、メガバンク級の銀行の与信審査がクリアできるレベルの会社であれば、銀行系のノンバンクが対応していますが、私どもをご利用いただくような数日で審査の結果が出て実行されると言ったスケジュール感のサービスではないのでご注意ください。 おそらく数か月の準備期間は見ておいた方が安全だと思います。 あと、物流系の売掛担保融資を行うノンバンクもサービスのプログラムの中に「輸出ファクタリングサービス」があります。 このノンバンクには実態的にどのようなサービス状況になっているのか確認中ですので、分かり次第このブログでご案内し

    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    リスクを見抜けない;"海外の法人向け売掛金のファイナンスは?" via Digg
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    そうなんだ;"Facebook Messenger、グループ通知に対応" via Digg
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these… When Bowery Capital general partner Loren Straub started talking to a startup from the latest Y Combinator accelerator batch a few months ago, she thought it was strange that the company didn’t have a lead investor for the round it was raisi

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    どっちも;"BMWとダイムラー、Apple Car交渉を中止" via Digg
  • 3D画像であなたの体が丸裸!スマホで筋肉と脂肪をチェックできる「Naked」

    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    跳ねる;"3D画像であなたの体が丸裸!スマホで筋肉と脂肪をチェックできる「Naked」" via Digg
  • 世界初のパンケーキプリンターで、パンケーキづくりをもっと楽しくしよう

    PancakeBot とは、パンケーキの生地で自由に絵を描き、焼き上げてくれる世界初のパンケーキプリンター。生地がインクにあたるというわけです。 パンケーキアートのつくり方 では、どのようにパンケーキアートはでき上がるのでしょうか? まず、パソコンの専用ソフトウェアでオリジナル、もしくはお目当ての画像をトレースすることにより、元になる絵を作成します。 次に、SDカード経由で PancakeBot にデータを転送し、透明筒形のディスペンサーに生地に投入。あとはスタートボタンを押したら、アームが自動で動き回り、”フライパン”の上に絵が描かれていきます。 そして時間になると、ここは手動ですが、慎重に焼けている生地をひっくり返します。すると、パソコンで描いたアートの見事なでき上がり! ハイテクなのです ドローイングソフトがセットになったパンケーキプリンターというだけでスペシャルな感じですが、オモシ

    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    らc;"世界初のパンケーキプリンターで、パンケーキづくりをもっと楽しくしよう" via Digg
  • 定食 みゆき

    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    I'm at みゆき
  • Don Quijote

    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    I'm at ドン・キホーテ 中目黒本店 - @donki_donki in 目黒区, 東京都
  • Oreryu Shio-Ramen

    D-S-C-H 2016/04/21
    I'm at 俺流塩らーめん 中目黒店 in 目黒区, 東京都