Enables keyboard enhancement for iPad. Enables click sound of the above keyboard enhancement.
この記事は Java Advent Calendar 2011 の10日目です。wikiばかりで全くblogを書かないので企画の力に頼らせていただきました! 昨日の記事 << | >>明日の記事 今日はGoogleのJavaユーティリティライブラリであるGuava Librariesの最新版 10.0.1 で、新たにパッケージごと追加されたAPIであるEventBusについて紹介します。このAPIはJavaDocに@Betaアノテーションが付いており、ベータ機能であるため、将来的に内容が変更される可能性があります。 EventBusって? レイヤー分割されたコンポーネントで構成されたシステムでは、上位層から下位層を呼び出す場合はメソッドを直接呼出し、下位層から上位層を呼び出す場合は相互依存を避けるためイベント通知の機構(publish-subscribeモデル、コールバック)を利用すること
YUI Blog Development App Framework Changes in YUI 3.5.0 App Framework Changes in YUI 3.5.0 Since the initial release of the App Framework in YUI 3.4.0, we've been astonished by how quickly it's been adopted. In projects large and small, both long-time YUI users and those who are completely new to the library have been enthusiastically using the App Framework's MVC components and providing great fe
Have you ever heard the phrase “Content is King”? Being a Web developer, and therefore having a job that’s often linked to content creation, it’s likely you have. It’s a fairly overused but true statement about what draws visitors to a site. From a Web developer’s perspective, however, some may argue that speed is king. More and more, I’m starting to favour that stance. In recent years many experi
This document discusses using CoffeeScript, Backbone.js, and Jasmine BDD to build single page web applications. It begins by explaining why CoffeeScript is useful for cleaning up JavaScript code and avoiding errors. It then discusses how Backbone.js provides structure for single page apps by defining models, collections, views and routers. It notes that Backbone works well with CoffeeScript. Final