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Sass & Compass for Designers Read the book 'Sass and Compass for Designers' by Ben Frain to learn how to easily write more maintainable CSS with the Sass preprocessor and its companion authoring framework Compass. Whilst Sass and Compass may initially seem complex, this book clearly explains the core concepts and tools in layman's terms (if you can write CSS and HTML, you can easily master Sass an
We’ve all been there: that bit of JavaScript functionality that started out as just a handful of lines grows to a dozen, then two dozen, then more. Along the way, a function picks up a few more arguments; a conditional picks up a few more conditions. And then one day, the bug report comes in: something’s broken, and it’s up to us to untangle the mess. As we ask our client-side code to take on more
Home Lessons Learned: A Year with a Large AngularJS Project edit ✏️ After a year of working with a large AngularJS project, I thought I'd share a few of the lessons that I learned in the process. Firstly, I love AngularJS. It suits my needs exceedingly well, and I expect it will be my goto for the forseeable future when I need a solid framework for "thick client" single page applications. It's awe
April 10, 2013 Promise & Deferred Objects in JavaScript Pt.2: in Practice Introduction # In part 1 of this post, I spent a lot of time looking at the theory of promises and deferreds: what promises are and how they behave. Now it’s time to actually explore some ways to use promises and deferreds in JavaScript and dive into some best practices. I’ll start with some basic uses and examples of promis
April 5, 2013 Promise & Deferred objects in JavaScript Pt.1: Theory and Semantics. Introduction # In the not too distant past the primary tool available to JavaScript programmers for handling asynchronous events was the callback. A callback is a piece of executable code that is passed as an argument to other code, which is expected to call back ( execute ) the argument at some convenient time — Wi
We’ve written before about the dangers of nesting your CSS selectors too deeply. The Inception Rule is a good one for getting you to avoid some mangled CSS selectors. But there’s actually a lot of benefit to taking this concept a couple of steps farther. What happens when you avoid nesting for almost all of your major selectors? Contextual selectors First, let’s talk about why this might be a good
はてなブックマークの拡張機能を使用しているChromeブラウザで、Googleの検索結果から別のサイトへ遷移した後に、検索結果へ戻れない不具合がありました。本日リリースしたバージョンでこの不具合を修正しました。拡張機能は自動的にアップデートされます。 以下、詳細を説明いたします。 はてなブックマークChrome拡張には、Googleの検索結果にはてなブックマーク数を表示する機能があります。検索結果の読み込みが終わる前にブックマーク数が表示されると、今回の現象が発生します。回線の速度や遅延によって、発生しやすい場合がありました。 バージョン1.3.6では、検索結果の読み込み完了を待ってから、ブックマーク数が表示されるように修正しました。