
2015年11月10日のブックマーク (19件)

  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
    【ニュース】TVアニメ『ハルチカ』花江夏樹さん・山下誠一郎さんら追加キャスト7名が判明! キャラ設定画やOP&EDアーティストも解禁
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
    【ニュース】『ラストエグザイル ‐銀翼のファム‐』劇場版の公開が決定!? 村田蓮爾氏描き下ろしの新規ビジュアルも解禁
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
    【ニュース】水瀬いのりさんのデビューシングルよりジャケット写真公開! 気になるタイトル、収録曲、イベント情報も解禁に
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    animate_tv 2015/11/10
    【ニュース】コーヒーの飲み方で「叱られた」! 『夢色キャスト』キャラインタビュー:朝日奈響也さん&橘 蒼星さん
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
    【ニュース】限定アイテム販売に、声優さんのサイン色紙も! 『K』アニメイト池袋本店オンリーショップレポート!
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
    【ニュース】今度の「スフィア」は音楽フェス!? 6時間にのぼる大規模ライブを、デビュー以来4度目となる国立代々木競技場第一体育館で開催!
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    animate_tv 2015/11/10
    【ニュース】ゲーム内でしか聞けなかったあの曲をソロバージョンで! 『POSSESSION MAGENTA』キャラクターCDシリーズ発売決定!
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
    【ニュース】榊原ゆいさん、ミニスカドレスやセクシーな魔女姿で熱唱! 一夜限りのハロウィンライブより公式レポート公開
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
    【ニュース】土方や沖田ら新選組の隊士たちが「オトメをダメにする」!? 『薄桜鬼 真改』よりクッションなど新グッズが登場!
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    animate_tv 2015/11/10
    【ニュース】アイドルユニット「S+h(スプラッシュ)」2ndシングル発売! アニメイト限定盤ではドラマパートのアフタートークも?
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
    【ニュース】サンジゲン10周年記念作品『ブブキ・ブランキ』はKADOKAWAと強力タッグ!? メインスタッフや放送時期が明らかに!
  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/10
    【ニュース】小野大輔さんの15年の軌跡と『亜人』キャストそれぞれの思いに注目! 声優グランプリ12月号を紹介