時代とともにウェブも世界も変化してきました。1997 年のリリース以来、Google 検索はユーザーが必要な情報をより簡単に見つけられるよう進化を続けてきました。
時代とともにウェブも世界も変化してきました。1997 年のリリース以来、Google 検索はユーザーが必要な情報をより簡単に見つけられるよう進化を続けてきました。
Equal OpportunityGoogle is proud to be an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. We are committed to building a workforce that is representative of the users we serve, creating a culture of belonging, and providing an equal employment opportunity regardless of race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, national origin, disability, age, genetic
Inside Earth Studio Powerful motion design, all in the browser. Earth Studio gives you the tools you need to create professional content with Google Earth imagery. Read more in the Documentation. Keyframe Animation Earth Studio uses keyframes, just like other industry-standard animation tools. Move the globe, set a keyframe, rinse and repeat. It’s that easy. Quick-Start Projects Create an orbit, o
Grab your wand and help fend off a ghostly catastrophe. Press play to swipe spells, save your friends, and help restore the peace at the Magic Cat Academy. This year’s Halloween Doodle follows freshman feline Momo on her mission to rescue her school of magic. Help her cast out mischievous spirits by swiping in the shape of the symbols above the ghosts’ heads. And you’d better pounce fast—the ghost
時をさかのぼる 約 5,000 年前、古代都市メンフィスの外れに当時のエジプト人が王の墓として建設したピラミッド。この遺跡群は、現在もギザの街に高くそびえ立っています。ズームインして探索してみましょう。
Create engaging videos, images, and HTML5-based designs for your business that can run on any device Intended for business use only Features that help businesses bring ideas to life Google Web Designer gives you the power to create beautiful and compelling videos, images, and HTML5 ads. Use animation and interactive elements to build out your creative vision, then scale your content for different