
natureとmuseumに関するconsigliereのブックマーク (1)

  • Collections

    Wilson A. Bentley became fascinated with the crystalline structure of individual snowflakes on his parent’s Vermont farm. By adapting a microscope to a bellows camera, and after years of trial and error, he became the first person to photograph a single snowflake in 1885. In 1903, he sent 500 prints of his snowflakes to the Smithsonian, hoping they might be of interest to Secretary Samuel P. Langl

    consigliere 2011/01/19
    世界で初めて雪の結晶の撮影に成功した Wilson Bentley 氏がスミソニアンに寄贈した写真。下のリンクからコレクションを閲覧できます。
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