Vittorio Costantini is a Venetian glass master known for his precisely rendered small flameworked sculptures. He is inspired by nature, and he works with a range of subjects, including multi-colored insects, butterflies, birds, fish, and flowers. Costantini's pieces are celebrated for their accuracy of form and truth to detail. The film, by Academy and Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker Robi
The Science Cheerleaders--current and former professional NBA and NFL cheerleaders who are also scientists and engineers--perform LIVE at the U.S.A. Science and Engineering Festival in Washington D.C. Visit http://www.sciencecheerleaders.org to learn more about these remarkable women and their work to engage people from all walks of life in science!
This is a Halloween video trick I did for my Nature of Math class at Biola University, October 28, 2009. It was another experiment in video editing and mixing video with live action. UPDATE: NOV 1, 2009 Thanks for all the compliments. I appreciate it. All this attention was quite a surprise - I mainly posted the video for the students who weren't in class that day, and so my students could pas