If your app still embeds web content using the deprecated UIWebView API, we strongly encourage you to update to WKWebView as soon as possible for improved security and reliability. WKWebView ensures that compromised web content doesn’t affect the rest of an app by limiting web processing to the app’s web view. And it’s supported in iOS and macOS, and by Mac Catalyst. The App Store will no longer a
Swift is now open source. For the latest news, visit the Swift open source blog UPDATE: This post was updated to use the new _Nullable syntax in Xcode 7. One of the great things about Swift is that it transparently interoperates with Objective-C code, both existing frameworks written in Objective-C and code in your app. However, in Swift there’s a strong distinction between optional and non-option
Swift is now open source. For the latest news, visit the Swift open source blog Today Swift 1.2 was released as part of Xcode 6.3 beta. This beta release includes a significantly enhanced Swift compiler, as well as new features in the Swift language itself. For the complete list of changes, read the release notes. This blog post will focus on the highlights. Compiler improvementsThe Swift 1.2 comp
As a reminder, beginning February 1, 2015 new iOS apps submitted to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK. To enable 64-bit in your project, we recommend using the default Xcode build setting of “Standard architectures” to build a single binary with both 32-bit and 64-bit code.
Starting February 1, 2015, new iOS apps uploaded to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK, included in Xcode 6 or later. To enable 64-bit in your project, we recommend using the default Xcode build setting of “Standard architectures” to build a single binary with both 32-bit and 64-bit code.
In many cases, your code will not have to change significantly in response to this change. Code that in Swift 2 relied on value types implicitly converting to AnyObject will continue to work as-is in Swift 3 by passing as Any. However, there are places where you will have to change the declared types of variables and methods and get the best experience in Swift 3. Also, if your code is explicitly
Apple Intelligence Apple Intelligence is the personal intelligence system that puts powerful generative models right at the core of your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. It powers incredible new features to help people communicate, work, and express themselves. Writing Tools are available system-wide, and help users rewrite, proofread, and summarize text. The Image Playground API delivers an easy-to-use exp
JavaScriptオブジェクトの、お使いのブラウザの値を表示してみてください: navigator. 先頭に戻る 3. SafariはDHTMLをサポートしていますか? Safariは、JavaScriptを介してページ上のほとんどの要素にアクセスできる、W3C DOM-2を通じてDHTMLをサポートしています。詳細については、アップルインターネットデベロッパ向けの、DOM-2の使用に関する2つのパートからなる記事、Part IおよびPart IIを参照してください。 DHTMLがサポートされているかをスクリプトを使用してテストする場合は、document.getElementByIdメソッドをチェックします。Mozilla、Internet Explorer 5+、その他最新の各種ブラウザもこれをサポートしています。 if (document.getElementById)