
2013年2月24日のブックマーク (4件)

  • Ruby 2.0.0-p0 リリース

    SIZE: 13608925 bytes MD5: 50d307c4dc9297ae59952527be4e755d SHA256: aff85ba5ceb70303cb7fb616f5db8b95ec47a8820116198d1c866cc4fff151ed 特徴 主要な新機能 主要な変更点は以下のとおりです。 言語コア機能 キーワード引数: API 設計の新しい柔軟性 Module#prepend: クラス拡張の新しい方法 シンボルの配列を簡単に作るリテラル %i __dir__: 実行中のファイルのあるディレクトリ名 default UTF-8 encoding: 多くのマジックコメントが不要に 組み込みライブラリ Enumerable#lazy / Enumertor::Lazy: 無限の遅延ストリーム Enumerable#size: 遅延サイズ評価 #to_h: Hash へ

    diary193 2013/02/24
  • All Infra Resources

    This reference describes each of the resources available to Chef Infra Client, including a list of actions, properties, and usage examples. Common FunctionalityThe properties and actions in this section apply to all resources. ActionsThe following actions may be used with any resource: :nothingThis resource block does not act unless notified by another resource to take action. Once notified, this

    diary193 2013/02/24
  • Chef Documentation

    Welcome to the Chef Software Documentation! This is the documentation for:

  • Home - Chef - Opscode Open Source Wiki

    Welcome to Chef! Chef is a systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure. With Chef, you can: Manage your servers by writing code, not by running commands. (via Cookbooks) Integrate tightly with your applications, databases, LDAP directories, and more. (via Libraries) Easily configure applications that require knowledge about y