Display a <select> with other versions of your gitbook. Usage with gitbook.com When your book is hosted on GitBook.com, the plugin can access a listing of versions using the GitBook API. Put this in your book.json:
Usage var resolve = require("try-resolve"); resolve(filename, [require]) filename is a filename to be resolved. require is an optional instance of the require function from any file. Returns null if the file can't be required, otherwise it returns an absolute filename string. Example if (require("try-resolve")("/home/sebastian/file")) { // this file can be required } else { // it can't }
If you have ever used Express or some other web framework you are likely familiar with the concept of middleware. It is something that allows us to shape given input before moving into actual logic. Sometimes it may be beneficial to set up a post middleware as this allows you to define triggers based on what has happened. You can see this sort of solution at Mongoose for instance. A while ago I fi
Imagine being in an office. In your cubicle. You’ve worked long hours this week for an upcoming product introduction. You’re tired and cranky, and you just want the weekend to finally arrive. But first you have to try if the homepage for the new product works fine on Windows 10. No problem, you think, your trusty Mac laptop has software installed that allows you to run Windows. You fire up the sof
Rackとは RackはRubyによるWebアプリケーション開発のHTTP送受信処理を担当するモジュール(gem)で、Ruby on Railsを始めとする多くのWebフレームワークの一番下のレベルで利用されています。 https://github.com/rack/rack http://rack.github.io/ 本稿ではRackの基本的な部分を中心に説明します。 簡単なRackアプリケーション まず基本を理解するため説明用の簡単なアプリケーションを作成します。 最初にrack gemのインストールが必要ですが、Ruby on Railsをインストールしている場合はすでに必須モジュールとして入っています。単独でインストールする場合は次を参考にして下さい。 http://qiita.com/higuma/items/b23ca9d96dac49999ab9#2-3 次にconfig.
なぜDMMがweb3に参入したのか。Seamoon Protocolが目指す新たなエンタメ体験の未来とは
I Like Kill Nerds The blog of Australian Front End / Aurelia Javascript Developer & brewing aficionado Dwayne Charrington // Aurelia.io Core Team member. One feature missing in ES2015 (formerly ES6) classes is the concept of a private variable or function. However, thanks to ES2015 modules we can actually easily define private properties and functions that can only be accessed within our class. Pr
"I think a lot of mathematics is really about how you understand things in your head. It's people that did mathematics, we're not just general purpose machines, we're people. We see things, we feel things, we think of things. A lot of what I have done in my mathematical career has had to do with finding new ways to build models, to see things, do computations. Really get a feel for stuff. It may s
Swift 2.0 が今週にもリリースされそうというタイミングで気が早いですが、 Swift 3.0 (になるかわからないけど 2.0 の次の Swift )で追加されそうな Either について説明し、どんなものになるか考えてみます。 次期 Swift で Either が追加されそうだというのは次のツイート12からです。 @NachoSoto @jspahrsummers Didn't make it for WWDC, but we plan on having standard funcs for wrapping and releasing errors into an Either. このツイートをした Joe Groff さんは Apple の Swift チームのメンバーです。 本投稿では、 Either とは何か、 Swift に Either が追加されるとしたらどう
This specification defines "secure contexts", thereby allowing user agent implementers and specification authors to enable certain features only when certain minimum standards of authentication and confidentiality are met. This is a public copy of the editors’ draft. It is provided for discussion only and may change at any moment. Its publication here does not imply endorsement of its contents by
In May 2019, we were acquired by Enghouse Systems, a major player in the global communications software market. We continue to further strengthen our next generation, cloud-based software platform that enables Video Service Providers (“VSPs”) or operators to deliver video and entertainment services. The Enghouse Smart Browser (previously Espial Browser) is a feature rich HTML5 rendering engine for
11. 今日実装する機能 • 整数リテラル(1, 2, 3, ...) • 加算(1 + 2) • グローバル変数の参照と代入(gvar = 77; gvar) • ローカル変数の参照と代入(var lvar = 77; lvar) • 関数呼び出し(f(77)) • 非常に簡単な最適化 12. JavaScriptを厳密に知るなら ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/ files/ECMA-ST/Ecma-262.pdf ※半分冗談だけど半分は本気です
Deleted articles cannot be recovered. Draft of this article would be also deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this article? ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification一人輪読会資料。(やりたいチームメンバーがいればいつでもウェルカムなので、もしかしたらそのうち普通の輪読会になるかも) Introduction このECMA標準はECMAScript 2015を定義するものである 1997年に第1版が出て、今回で第6版 ECMAScript2015のゴール 大規模アプリケーション開発、ライブラリ開発、多言語のコンパイルターゲットとしての利用へのより良いサポート ECMAScriptの歴史 Wikipedia見たほうが図があって