
2020年5月28日のブックマーク (2件)

  • Snowpack v2.0

    After 40+ beta versions & release candidates we are very excited to introduce Snowpack 2.0: A build system for the modern web. Starts up in <50ms and stays fast in large projects.Bundle-free development with bundled production builds.Built-in support for TypeScript, JSX, CSS Modules and more.Works with React, Preact, Vue, Svelte, and all your favorite libraries.Create Snowpack App (CSA) starter te

    Snowpack v2.0
    efcl 2020/05/28
    Snowpack 2.0リリース。 ES Modulesをネイティブに使った開発を行うためのビルドシステム。 開発時はファイルごとにビルドを行い、production buildではwebpackやparcelを使ってbundleしたビルドを行う。 Build ScriptsやPluginでのカスタマイ
  • Node.js — Node v12.17.0 (LTS)

    Notable Changes ECMAScript Modules - --experimental-modules flag removal As of Node.js 12.17.0, the --experimental-modules flag is no longer necessary to use ECMAScript modules (ESM). However, the ESM implementation in Node.js remains experimental. As per our stability index: “The feature is not subject to Semantic Versioning rules. Non-backward compatible changes or removal may occur in any futur

    Node.js — Node v12.17.0 (LTS)
    efcl 2020/05/28
    Node v12.17.0リリース。 `--experimental-modules`なしにES Modulesを利用可能に、Experimental APIとして`AsyncLocalStorage`の追加、REPLの改善。 Diagnostic ReportがStableに、`server.headersTimeout`のデフォルト値の変更など