Monthly Report on Charity/Philanthropy Research 寄付研究の月報です。 寄付を、経営科学の観点から考えてみよう!というブログです。 Interested in charitable giving, philanthropic giving, altruism, social marketing, behavioral economics and management science. いま読んでいる論文の中に印象的な一節があったので、ブログで共有したいと思います。 「ファンドレイザーは純収益(利益)の最大化を目指していない、ということを考える強い理由がある」 これは、下記の論文の中で見つけた文章でした。 Andreoni, J., & Payne, A. A. (2011). Is crowding out due entirely to fu
Building a Tabs component Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. A foundational overview of how to build a tabs component similar to those found in iOS and Android apps. In this post I want to share thinking on building a Tabs component for the web that is responsive, supports multiple device inputs, and works across browsers. Try the demo. Demo If y
Notable Changes crypto: add keyObject.export() 'jwk' format option (Filip Skokan) #37081 deps: upgrade to libuv 1.41.0 (Colin Ihrig) #37360 doc: add dmabupt to collaborators (Xu Meng) #37377 refactor fs docs structure (James M Snell) #37170 fs: add (James M Snell) #37179 use a default callback for fs.close() (James M Snell) #37174 add AbortSignal support to watch (Benjamin Gruen
Create React App vs Vite React on @replit. Vite ran before the container could even boot CRA files. If you've never heard of Vite before and would love to learn more about it, check out the rationale behind the project. If you are interested in how Vite differs from other similar tools, check out the comparisons. What's New in 2.0 Since we decided to completely refactor the internals before 1.0 go