2030年の労働市場の変化を捉え、人材サービス産業が取り組むべきテーマをまとめました。 皆様の取り組みの参考としてご活用いただけますようお願い申し上げます。 ■ 2030年の労働市場と人材サービス産業の役割 2030年の労働市場と人材サービス産業の役割(PDFダウンロード) ■ 働き方最前線 ~多様な人材の採用・定着と 事業成長を実現するために~ 働き方最前線(PDFダウンロード)
Find abbreviation word in meaning location Examples: NFL, NASA, PSP, HIPAA ,random Word(s) in meaning: chat "global warming" Postal codes: USA: 81657, Canada: T5A 0A7 Find out what any acronym, abbreviation, or initialism stands for With more than 1,000,000 human-edited definitions, Acronym Finder is the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms.
@mention To notify a person on GitHub by using @ before their username. Users in an organization on GitHub can also be a part of a team that can be mentioned. access token A token that is used in place of a password when performing Git operations over HTTPS with Git on the command line or the API. Also called a personal access token. API preview A way to try out new APIs and changes to existing AP
Today we’re announcing a public demo and an open-sourced Go implementation of a next-generation, privacy-preserving compromised credential checking protocol called MIGP (“Might I Get Pwned”, a nod to Troy Hunt’s “Have I Been Pwned”). Compromised credential checking services are used to alert users when their credentials might have been exposed in data breaches. Critically, the ‘privacy-preserving’
Check out my other repositories: Backend best practices - Best practices, tools and guidelines for backend development. System Design Patterns - list of topics and resources related to distributed systems, system design, microservices, scalability and performance, etc. Full Stack starter template - template for full stack applications based on TypeScript, React, Vite, ChakraUI, tRPC, Fastify, Pris