
ブックマーク / blog.vuejs.org (10)

  • Announcing VitePress 1.0 | The Vue Point

    Today we are happy to announce the (long overdue) 1.0 release of VitePress! VitePress is a Static Site Generator (SSG) designed for building fast, content-centric websites. In a nutshell, VitePress takes your source content written in Markdown, applies a theme to it, and generates static HTML pages that can be easily deployed anywhere. VitePress is built on top of Vite and Vue, and is the spiritua

    Announcing VitePress 1.0 | The Vue Point
    efcl 2024/03/26
    VitePress 1.0リリース
  • Announcing Vue 3.4 | The Vue Point

    Today we're excited to announce the release of Vue 3.4 "🏀 Slam Dunk"! This release includes some substantial internal improvements - most notably a rewritten template parser that is 2x faster, and a refactored reactivity system that makes effect triggering more accurate and efficient. It also packs a number of quality-of-life API improvements, including the stabilization of defineModel and a new

    Announcing Vue 3.4 | The Vue Point
    efcl 2023/12/29
    Vue 3.4リリース。 Vueテンプレートのパーサーのパフォーマンス改善、`watchEffect`の改善、`defineModel`をStable APIに変更。 `v-bind`が同名の場合の省略記法を追加、Hydrationのエラー表示を改善。 グローバルTypeの`JSX`名前空間を登録し
  • Announcing Vue 3.3 | The Vue Point

    Today we're excited to announce the release of Vue 3.3 "Rurouni Kenshin"! This release is focused on developer experience improvements - in particular, SFC <script setup> usage with TypeScript. Together with the 1.6 release of Vue Language Tools (previously known as Volar), we have resolved many long-standing pain points when using Vue with TypeScript. This post provides an overview of the highlig

    Announcing Vue 3.3 | The Vue Point
    efcl 2023/05/12
    Vue 3.3リリース。 `<script setup lang="ts">`でのTypeScriptの型定義の改善、双方向バインディングを扱う`defineModel()`の追加など
  • Volar: a New Beginning | The Vue Point

    Most users of Volar know it as the official Vue.js VSCode extension. It started as a personal project when the official recommendation was still Vetur, and over time got adopted as the new official extension due to improved architecture and performance. As a project created to improve the quality of life for developers, we spent over two years before reaching 1.0, and have been continuously shippi

    Volar: a New Beginning | The Vue Point
    efcl 2023/02/12
    VularのLSP周りのエコシステムについて。 Plugin APIからRules API、Script APIの追加
  • Volar 1.0 "Nika" Released! | The Vue Point

    We are happy to announce that we have released v1.0 of Volar, the official IDE/TS tooling support for Vue! 🎉 This major version ships with tons of improvements across the board. In addition to improving UX, performance, and package size, we also released Plugin API v1 and refactored the core code to be framework-agnostic. 注:結尾附有中文版 (There is Chinese version of this post at the end)。 Earlier this

    Volar 1.0 "Nika" Released! | The Vue Point
    efcl 2022/10/10
    Volar 1.0リリース。 `<template lang="pug">`のbuilt-inサポートを終了しプラグイン化。 `vue-tsc`が`--watch`と`--declaration --emitDeclarationOnly`をサポート。 コアモジュールがVueなどのフレームワークに依存しなくなるなど
  • Vue 2.7 "Naruto" Released | The Vue Point

    Today we are happy to announce that Vue 2.7 "Naruto" has been released! Despite Vue 3 now being the default version, we understand that there are still many users who have to stay on Vue 2 due to dependency compatibility, browser support requirements, or simply not enough bandwidth to upgrade. In Vue 2.7, we have backported some of the most important features from Vue 3 so that Vue 2 users can ben

    Vue 2.7 "Naruto" Released | The Vue Point
    efcl 2022/07/02
    Vue 2.7リリース。 Vue 2.xの最後のminorアップデートとなり、Vue 2は1年半後の2023年末にサポートが終了する予定。
  • Vue 2.7 is Now in Beta | The Vue Point

    We are happy to announce that Vue 2.7 is now in beta. Despite Vue 3 now being the default version, we understand that there are still many users who have to stay on Vue 2 due to dependency compatibility, browser support requirements, or simply not enough bandwidth to upgrade. In Vue 2.7, we have backported some of the most important features from Vue 3 so that Vue 2 users can benefit from them as

    Vue 2.7 is Now in Beta | The Vue Point
    efcl 2022/06/21
    Vue 2.7リリース。 Vue 2.xの最後のminorアップデートとなり、Vue 2は1年半後の2023年末にサポートが終了する予定。
  • Vue 3 as the New Default | The Vue Point

    TL;DR: Vue 3 is now the new default version as of Monday, February 7, 2022! Make sure to read the Potential Required Actions section to see if you need to make certain changes before the switch to avoid breakage. From a Library to a Framework ​When Vue first started, it was just a runtime library. Over the years, it has evolved into a framework that encompasses many sub projects: The core library,

    Vue 3 as the New Default | The Vue Point
    efcl 2022/01/21
    2022年2月7日にVue 3が`vue@next`から`vue@latest`へと変更され、`vue`パッケージのStableバージョンとなる。 この変更に合わせてCDNでのlastestの参照先、ドキュメント、GitHubリポジトリも変更される。
  • Vue 3.2 Released! | The Vue Point

    We are excited to announce the release of Vue.js 3.2 "Quintessential Quintuplets"! This release includes many significant new features and performance improvements, and contains no breaking changes. New SFC Features #Two new features for Single File Components (SFCs, aka .vue files) have graduated from experimental status and are now considered stable: <script setup> is a compile-time syntactic su

    Vue 3.2 Released! | The Vue Point
    efcl 2021/08/10
    Vue 3.2リリース。 `<script setup>`と`<style>`での`v-bind`をStableに変更、`defineCustomElement`でCustom Elementを作成できるようになる。 またRuntimeとCompileのパフォーマンス改善、Node.js環境に依存しないSSRのStream APIの追加など
  • Reflections for 2020-2021 | The Vue Point

    With a new year upon us, we also have a new blog! In this post, we would like to take a look back at some of the highlights from 2020, as well as some ideas we have for 2021. Looking Back at 2020 ​2020 has been a challenging year, to say the least. Nonetheless, the team has made the best of a difficult situation. Despite an already massive user base, Vue's NPM downloads and Devtools weekly active

    Reflections for 2020-2021 | The Vue Point
    efcl 2021/01/17
    Vueの2020年の取り組みと2021の取り組み予定について。 Vue 2から3へのマイグレーションツール、Vue CLIのwebpack 5対応、Vue 3のIE 11対応、Vue 2.7のリリースなどを予定している。
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