Despite the European Central Bank's decision to launch quantitative easing, many economists, policymakers, and central bankers continue to underestimate unconventional monetary policy. But, to understand QE's transformative potential, they need only look to its recent success in Japan. TOKYO – Last month – just a few days before the European Central Bank announced its intention to initiate quantit
Around the world, central banks' balance sheets are becoming an increasingly serious concern not only for their critics, but also for central bankers themselves. But it is a mistake for monetary policymakers to allow balance-sheet profits and losses to guide their decision-making. MUNICH – Around the world, central banks' balance sheets are becoming an increasingly serious concern – most notably f
Economic and Regulatory Policy Jean Pisani-Ferry Raghuram Rajan Mark Roe Economic History Harold James Robert Skidelsky Public Intellectuals Ian Buruma Esther Dyson Bjørn Lomborg Peter Singer Naomi Wolf TOKYO – The year 2013 saw the Japanese economy turn the corner on two decades of stagnation. And the future will become even brighter with the appearance of what we are calling the “wage surprise.”
Markets are in turmoil again, following the Federal Reserve’s indication of an exit from quantitative easing toward the end of the year. Regardless of how markets ultimately respond, recent developments have exploded the myth that central bankers are disinterested technocrats, loftily independent of the politics of their time. NEW DELHI – Markets are in turmoil once again, following the US Federal
While the world focuses on the gathering of cardinals in Rome to choose a successor to Pope Benedict XVI, a similar conclave is underway in Tokyo to choose the Bank of Japan’s next governor. And, as with the deliberations at the Vatican, politics, not doctrinal debate, is underpinning the decision-making process in Japan. TOKYO – While the world focuses on the gathering of cardinals in Rome to cho
The world suffers from a shortage of aggregate demand relative to supply, but more monetary and fiscal stimulus has done little to revive growth and employment. That is because years of a debt-fueled boom left behind an economy that supplies too much of the wrong kind of good relative to the changed demand. NEW DELHI – Two fundamental beliefs have driven economic policy around the world in recent
During the past four years, the US Federal Reserve has added enormous liquidity to America's commercial banking system, and thus to the American economy. But, while many observers worry that this will lead to a rapid increase in the volume of bank credit, causing a brisk rise in the money supply – and thus fueling inflation – there is nothing inevitable about such an outcome. CAMBRIDGE – During th
More than any other area of official policymaking, monetary policy suffers from the sense that there is a free lunch to be had. But there is a high price to be paid for the ultra-loose monetary policy that many countries are maintaining – and not only in terms of higher inflation. CHICAGO – Economic growth in the United States seems to be slowing again. This might reflect temporary factors, like t