
StarWarsに関するguesthouseのブックマーク (3)

  • YouTube - Broadcast Yourself

    The entire movie was shot by taking about 25,000 photos using a digital SLR still camera a The entire movie was shot by taking about 25,000 photos using a digital SLR still camera and pieced together using Quicktime Pro and Final cut Pro. Since it was shot on a still camera, all the raw footage is 1080p HD. Also, I would like to send a HUGE thanks to Marlon and Mary of The Ghost Orchid. They provi

  • Road Squadron

    For the past 12 years, we've had many of the hundreds of thousands of kids we've seen at community, charity and hospital events wistfully ask if they could take a ride with Road Squadron and our Star Wars cars. This has never realistically been a possibility, until we though of doing it virtually, with the upcoming Star Wars convention as a worthy destination and fun points of interest on the way

    guesthouse 2007/01/23
  • ジェダイマスター、ヨーダに学ぶ人生に役立つ11の教え - 僕は発展途上技術者

    スターウォーズに登場するヨーダの名台詞ベスト1011を独断で選んでみました。 1. LUKE I don't... I don't believe it. YODA That is why you fail. だから失敗したのだ。(エピソード5「帝国の逆襲」より) 一番のお気に入り。 ヨーダが、戦闘機 X-Wing の機体を手を触れずフォースの力だけで沼から引き上げます。それを見て、ルークが「信じられない」とつぶやいたのを受けて。 はじめから「無理だ」と決めてかかっては出来るものも出来ない。「出来る」と信じることが大切ということです。 難局にぶちあたったときに思い出すようにしましょう。 2. Anger... fear... aggression. The dark side of the Force are they. 怒り、恐れ、攻撃性こそがフォースの暗黒面(ダークサイド)だ。(エピソ

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