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uiに関するhazrattのブックマーク (2)

  • A shorthand for designing UI flows

    Flows are just as important to good interfaces as individual screens are. Customers don’t land on screens from out of nowhere. Specific sequences of actions lead customers through your app as they try to accomplish their tasks. But as important as they are, flows are hard to communicate during the design process. Drawing out every state of a flow is too time-consuming. And drawings become instantl

    A shorthand for designing UI flows
    hazratt 2009/09/20
  • 使い勝手の悪さはユーザーにとってのコストだという話

    今読んでいる「Marketing Management」にこんな文章がある。 Customers buy benefits, not products. The benefits a customer receives from a firm's offering, less the costs he or she must bear to receive those benefits, determined the offer's value to the customer. 消費者が買うのは「商品」ではなく、「その商品を通して得られるもの」から「それを得るために払わなければならないさまざななコスト」を差し引いた「利益」である、という話。 ここで強く認識しておくべきなのは、その「コスト」とは単なる商品の購入のために支払うお金だけではなく、その商品を得るためにする労力(例:買い物に行く時間

    hazratt 2008/08/20
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