What is publint publint lints npm packages to ensure widest compatibility across environments, such as Vite, Webpack, Rollup, Node.js, etc. A full list of lint rules can be found at the rules page. How it works When linting an npm package, the site downloads the tarball from the npm registry, and runs publint against it in a web worker. For larger packages, it may take a while to download and lint
About the book This book dives deeply into JavaScript: It teaches practical techniques for using the language better. It teaches how the language works and why. What it teaches is firmly grounded in the ECMAScript specification (which the book explains and refers to). It covers only the language (ignoring platform-specific features such as browser APIs) but not exhaustively. Instead, it focuses on
Hotwire is an alternative approach to building modern web applications without using much JavaScript by sending HTML instead of JSON over the wire. This makes for fast first-load pages, keeps template rendering on the server, and allows for a simpler, more productive development experience in any programming language, without sacrificing any of the speed or responsiveness associated with a traditi
The original GitHub issue for "Aborting a fetch" was opened in 2015. Now, if I take 2015 away from 2017 (the current year), I get 2. This demonstrates a bug in maths, because 2015 was in fact "forever" ago. 2015 was when we first started exploring aborting ongoing fetches, and after 780 GitHub comments, a couple of false starts, and 5 pull requests, we finally have abortable fetch landing in brows
The all you need Dashboard — powerful, responsive, and pluggable.Add files from remote sources, edit images, generate thumbnails, and more. import Uppy from '@uppy/core' import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard' import RemoteSources from '@uppy/google-drive' import ImageEditor from '@uppy/image-editor' import Webcam from '@uppy/webcam' import Tus from '@uppy/tus' const uppy = new Uppy() .use(Dashboa
A Public Cloud Built For Developers Who Ship Over 3 million apps have launched on Fly.io, leveraging global Anycast load-balancing, zero-config private networking, hardware isolation, and instant WireGuard VPN connections, with push-button deployments scaling to thousands of instances. Deploy Your App in 5 minutes Public Cloud Infrastructure. Modern Platform Endorphins. The most flexible and power
Deno is the open-source JavaScript runtime for the modern web. Built on web standards with zero-config TypeScript, unmatched security, and a complete built-in toolchain.
As we did last year, it's time to look back at the JavaScript landscape in 2017. Let's see by the numbers which projects got traction in 2017 by comparing the numbers of stars added on GitHub over the last 12 months, and find out who are 2017's JavaScript Rising Stars. The following graphs compare the number of stars added on GitHub over the last 12 months. We analyzed projects coming from Best of
先日、Facebookは 膨大なプルリクエスト をReactにマージして、既存のビルドシステムを Rollup ベースのシステムに移行しました。 その結果 、 何人もの人々 から「なぜwebpackではなくRollupを選んだのか」という質問が寄せられました。 これは、もっともな疑問でしょう。 webpack は、近年JavaScriptコミュニティで最も評価されているツールの1つです。毎月のダウンロード数は何百万件にもおよび、何万個ものウェブサイトやアプリケーションに使用されています。巨大なエコシステムがあり、コントリビュータも多くいます。さらにオープンソースプロジェクトとしては珍しく、 かなりの寄付金 が集まっています。 それに比べるとRollupは小規模です。しかしReact以外にも、Vue、Ember、Preact、D3、Three.js、Momentなど、数々の有名なライブラリに
PySpa統合思念体です。これからJavaScriptを覚えるなら、「この書き方はもう覚えなくていい」(よりよい代替がある)というものを集めてみました。 ES6以降の難しさは、旧来の書き方にプラスが増えただけではなく、大量の「旧来の書き方は間違いを誘発しやすいから非推奨」というものを作り出した点にあります。5年前、10年前の本やウェブがあまり役に立たちません。なお、書き方が複数あるものは、好き嫌いは当然あると思いますが、あえて過激に1つに絞っているところもあります。なお、これはこれから新規に学ぶ人が、過去のドキュメントやコードを見た時に古い情報を選別するためのまとめです。残念ながら、今時の書き方のみで構成された書籍などが存在しないからです。 たぶん明示的に書いていても読み飛ばす人はいると思いますが、すでに書いている人向けではありません。これから書くコードをこのスタイルにしていくのは別にいい
ES modules are now available in browsers! They're in… Safari 10.1. Chrome 61. Firefox 60. Edge 16. <script type="module"> import { addTextToBody } from './utils.mjs'; addTextToBody('Modules are pretty cool.'); </script> // utils.mjs export function addTextToBody(text) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.textContent = text; document.body.appendChild(div); } Live demo. All you need is t
Hello! This particular page hash has moved to . Please update the URLs to reflect it. Thanks! type schoolPerson = | Teacher | Director | Student(string); let greeting = person => switch (person) { | Teacher => "Hey Professor!" | Director => "Hello Director." | Student("Richard") => "Still here Ricky?" | Student(anyOtherName) => "Hey, " ++ anyOtherName ++ "." }; type schoolPerson = Teacher | Direct
State of JavaScript The annual developer survey of the JavaScript ecosystem The JavaScript world could use a bit of classification. Since 2016, this survey has collected data from over 20,000 developers each year to identify current and upcoming trends. Together, let's find out which libraries developers want to learn next, which have the best retention ratings, and much more.
Esprima is a high performance, standard-compliant ECMAScript parser written in ECMAScript (also popularly known as JavaScript). Features Full support for ECMAScript 2019 (ECMA-262 10th Edition) Sensible syntax tree format, with optional node location info Experimental support for JSX, a syntax extension for React Heavily tested (~1600 tests with full code coverage) API Esprima can be used to perfo
compiled Svelte shifts as much work as possible out of the browser and into your build step. No more manual optimisations — just faster, more efficient apps. compact Write breathtakingly concise components using languages you already know — HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Oh, and your application bundles will be tiny as well. complete Built-in scoped styling, state management, motion primitives, form bi
Even years after Avatar’s release, there’s one thing Ryan Gosling just can’t get over: the choice of the movie’s logo font “Papyrus”. In the parody produced by Saturday Night Live, the designer of the logo opens the font menu, browses the fonts one by one, and randomly decides to go with “Papyrus”. “Papyrus” by Saturday Night LiveThe seemingly mindless choice of a font is a general problem with fo