HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW SSL? If you want to learn more about the technology that protects the Internet, you’ve come to the right place. Books Bulletproof SSL and TLS is a complete guide to deploying secure servers and web applications. This book, which provides comprehensive coverage of the ever-changing field of SSL/TLS and Web PKI, is intended for IT security professionals, system administrators, a
The ordering of cipher suites in the Old configuration is very important, as it determines the priority with which algorithms are selected. OpenSSL will ignore cipher suites it doesn't understand, so always use the full set of cipher suites below, in their recommended order. The use of the Old configuration with modern versions of OpenSSL may require custom builds with support for deprecated ciphe
Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator Redirecting to the updated SSL Configuration Generator…
On Tuesday, March 3, 2015, researchers announced a new SSL/TLS vulnerability called the FREAK attack. It allows an attacker to intercept HTTPS connections between vulnerable clients and servers and force them to use weakened encryption, which the attacker can break to steal or manipulate sensitive data. This site is dedicated to tracking the impact of the attack and helping users test whether they
A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds. I'm a cryptographer and professor at Johns Hopkins University. I've designed and analyzed cryptographic systems used in wireless networks, payment systems and digital content protection platforms. In my research I look at the various ways cryptography can be used t
輸出グレードのRSA暗号をサポートしていたことに起因する脆弱性FREAKに関する情報について関連情報をまとめます。 脆弱性概要 脆弱性の概要情報は次の通り。 愛称 FREAK (Factoring attack on RSA-EXPORT Keysの略) 輸出グレード暗号の強制使用に関する呼称 アイコン 無し CVE OpenSSL:CVE-2015-0204 Apple:CVE-2015-1067 Microsoft:CVE-2015-1637 発見者名 miTLS Inria(フランス国立情報学自動制御研究所)とMicrosoft Researchの合同チーム FREAK Attackの概要 中間者攻撃が行われるまでのFREAK Attackの流れは次の通り。(3月6日更新) MITMの攻撃成立条件 以下の条件が成立する場合、通信内容の盗聴や改ざんの影響を受ける可能性がある。 接続元・