Intimate stories and surprising truths about nature, science and the human experience in a podcast the size of the planet.
北海道のそこそこ田舎で育ち、やっとこさ吉野家とユニクロが町にやってきたのも僕が高校生になってからのこと。テレビ東京の映らない町でエヴァショックも起こらなかった教室で、僕は十代の青春を過ごした。 日頃、生活をしていて耳目に飛び込んでくるのは一辺倒な全国区のテレビ番組から得た情報・いわゆるメインカルチャーというべきものばかりで、カラオケに行くと野球部はLUNASEAやGLAYを歌い、サッカー部はB-DASHやSNAIL RAMPやキングギドラを歌い、バスケ部はサザンとミスチルを歌っていた(個人の見解です)。そのいずれにも馴染めずに自分が気持よく歌える歌をわからずにいた僕はつまるところの「歌が苦手な人」となった。今でも自分のことを「歌が苦手な人」だと思っているが、今では好きな歌をいっぱい知っていて楽しく歌えているから自分が「歌が苦手な人」だと思っていることが正しいのか間違ってるのかまるでわからな
Anjali Patole is spending her summer holidays queuing up for water It is 42C in the shade, but that doesn't deter 10-year-old Anjali Patole from queuing up every day near a water tank on a baking pavement in the city of Latur in the western state of Maharashtra. Here, Anjali and her uncle - her father has migrated to Pune to look for work, and her mother is a vegetable vendor - will stand under th
Gogi, with her signature polka dot outfits, is beloved by many in Pakistan Pakistan's first female professional cartoonist, Nigar Nazar, nearly ended up becoming a doctor. "In college I was studying to become a doctor, but I was constantly doodling in the margins of my medical books," she says. "Shortly afterwards I decided to take a U-turn and managed to persuade my parents to let me take fine ar
They might be using it, too—and the signal might be hiding in our data. As I write these words, there are a total of 1,327 confirmed exoplanets that we have detected because they periodically block the light from their host star. Of those 1,327 exoplanets, only 38 orbit their stars in the habitable-zone (i.e., at distances that could allow for liquid water to exist on their surfaces). And of those