
ブックマーク / hortonworks.com (17)

  • Cloudera Blog

    kimutansk 2017/05/22
    ここでのSchema RegistryってConfluentのとは違うんでしょうか・・?「Schema Registry」自体は一般の言葉でしょうから別物?
  • Cloudera Blog

    kimutansk 2016/07/15
  • Cloudera Blog

    In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping enterprises across the globe—be it in healthcare, finance, or manufacturingit’s hard to overstate the transformation that AI has had on businesses, regardless of industry or size. At Cloudera, we recognize the urgent need for bold steps to harness this potential and dramatically accelerate the time to […] Read blog post

    Cloudera Blog
    kimutansk 2016/04/21
    #ApacheStorm NimbusHA改善、自動BackPressure、SlindingWindow、分散キャッシュ、外だしPaceMaker、リソース配置最適化、動的デバッグ、性能改善と。ついに1系だけあって一気に来ましたね。
  • Cloudera Blog

    kimutansk 2016/04/08
    Pig0.15系、Tez上での性能調整と、Hive UDFの読み込みと。で、Yahooで Pig on Tezがプロダクションに入ってましたか。
  • Cloudera Blog

    In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping enterprises across the globe—be it in healthcare, finance, or manufacturingit’s hard to overstate the transformation that AI has had on businesses, regardless of industry or size. At Cloudera, we recognize the urgent need for bold steps to harness this potential and dramatically accelerate the time to […] Read blog post

    Cloudera Blog
    kimutansk 2016/01/14
  • Cloudera Blog

    In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping enterprises across the globe—be it in healthcare, finance, or manufacturingit’s hard to overstate the transformation that AI has had on businesses, regardless of industry or size. At Cloudera, we recognize the urgent need for bold steps to harness this potential and dramatically accelerate the time to […] Read blog post

    Cloudera Blog
    kimutansk 2015/11/27
  • Cloudera Blog

    In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping enterprises across the globe—be it in healthcare, finance, or manufacturingit’s hard to overstate the transformation that AI has had on businesses, regardless of industry or size. At Cloudera, we recognize the urgent need for bold steps to harness this potential and dramatically accelerate the time to […] Read blog post

    Cloudera Blog
    kimutansk 2015/08/22
  • Cloudera Blog

    In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping enterprises across the globe—be it in healthcare, finance, or manufacturingit’s hard to overstate the transformation that AI has had on businesses, regardless of industry or size. At Cloudera, we recognize the urgent need for bold steps to harness this potential and dramatically accelerate the time to […] Read blog post

    kimutansk 2014/10/28
  • Cloudera Blog

    In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping enterprises across the globe—be it in healthcare, finance, or manufacturingit’s hard to overstate the transformation that AI has had on businesses, regardless of industry or size. At Cloudera, we recognize the urgent need for bold steps to harness this potential and dramatically accelerate the time to […] Read blog post

    Cloudera Blog
    kimutansk 2014/10/24
  • Cloudera Blog

    kimutansk 2014/10/15
  • Cloudera Blog

    The ongoing progress in Artificial Intelligence is constantly expanding the realms of possibility, revolutionizing industries and societies on a global scale. The release of LLMs surged by 136% in 2023 compared to 2022, and this upward trend is projected to continue in 2024. Today, 44% of organizations are experimenting with generative AI, with 10% having […] Read blog post

    Cloudera Blog
    kimutansk 2014/10/11
  • Cloudera Blog

    The ongoing progress in Artificial Intelligence is constantly expanding the realms of possibility, revolutionizing industries and societies on a global scale. The release of LLMs surged by 136% in 2023 compared to 2022, and this upward trend is projected to continue in 2024. Today, 44% of organizations are experimenting with generative AI, with 10% having […] Read blog post

    Cloudera Blog
    kimutansk 2014/09/23
    StormとSolrを用いて売上データとSNS上の情報から価格の再設定を自動的に行うフレームワーク・・? 実際デモも試せるようではありますね
  • Cloudera Blog

    kimutansk 2014/09/05
  • Cloudera Blog

    The ongoing progress in Artificial Intelligence is constantly expanding the realms of possibility, revolutionizing industries and societies on a global scale. The release of LLMs surged by 136% in 2023 compared to 2022, and this upward trend is projected to continue in 2024. Today, 44% of organizations are experimenting with generative AI, with 10% having […] Read blog post

    Cloudera Blog
    kimutansk 2014/08/31
    マルチテナント/更なるスケーラビリティ確保/Nimbus HAが今後のStormの課題と。改善点は他にもありますが、Stormのアーキテクチャ的に困難な要素もあるので悩ましい所ですね
  • Cloudera Blog

    The ongoing progress in Artificial Intelligence is constantly expanding the realms of possibility, revolutionizing industries and societies on a global scale. The release of LLMs surged by 136% in 2023 compared to 2022, and this upward trend is projected to continue in 2024. Today, 44% of organizations are experimenting with generative AI, with 10% having […] Read blog post

    Cloudera Blog
    kimutansk 2013/11/14
    DAG形式の処理を動的に組み替えて最適化させるライブラリのApache Tez・・? このあたりの効率化ができたらそれはそれで大きいですが・・・
  • Cloudera Blog

    The ongoing progress in Artificial Intelligence is constantly expanding the realms of possibility, revolutionizing industries and societies on a global scale. The release of LLMs surged by 136% in 2023 compared to 2022, and this upward trend is projected to continue in 2024. Today, 44% of organizations are experimenting with generative AI, with 10% having […] Read blog post

    Cloudera Blog
    kimutansk 2013/06/14
    #stormjp Storm-YARN、前から発表資料としては出ていましたが、ついにOSSとして公開されましたか!
  • Cloudera Blog

    Riding the wave of the generative AI revolution, third party large language model (LLM) services like ChatGPT and Bard have swiftly emerged as the talk of the town, converting AI skeptics to evangelists and transforming the way we interact with technology. For proof of this megatrend look no further than the instant success of ChatGPT, […] Read blog post

    Cloudera Blog
    kimutansk 2012/09/06
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