In the Kubernetes/Docker ecosystem there is a convention of using /healthz as a health-check endpoint for applications. Where does the name 'healthz' come from, and are there any particular semantics associated with that name?
I'm using the following versions: Ruby 2.4.1 chromedriver 2.33 selenium-webdriver 3.7.0 watir 6.7.3 page-object 2.2.2 Chrome browser 62.0.32 The env.rb file contains the path for the download directory. When running the test NOT in headless mode the file downloads perfectly, but when I am running it headless nothing happens and the file does not download. I was using chromderiver 2.27 and Chrome B
I am generating thumbnails and medium sized images from large photos. These smaller photos are for display in an online gallery. Many of the photographers are submitting JPEG images using Adobe RGB. I have been asked if the thumbnail and medium size images can use sRGB as the images as is appear "flat" in some browsers. I'm currently using ImageMagick to create the smaller versions. It has a -colo
I'm using fog with carrierwave in my website. But the images load very very slowly. Then I want to speed up loading of images with a CDN. I have followed this tutorial for create the CDN for images: I have now my distribution deployed for images but I don't know how works fine the cdn. I have in initializers/fog