When Alec Rust asked the HTML5 Boilerplate project to switch to a HiDPI favicon, I realized how little I knew about favorite icons, touch icons, and tile icons. When I decided to dive in a little deeper, things got interesting. Since they were first introduced by Internet Explorer in 1999, almost nothing about favicons has changed. They have almost-always been ICO files, either nested in the root
The problem with z-index is that very few people understand how it really works. It’s not complicated, but it if you’ve never taken the time to read its specification, there are almost certainly crucial aspects that you’re completely unaware of. Don’t believe me? Well, see if you can solve this problem: The ProblemIn the following HTML you have three <div> elements, and each <div> contains a singl
In today's modern workflow, the code that we author in our development environments is considerably different from the production code, after running it through compilation, minification, concatenation, or various other optimization processes. This is where source maps come into play, by pointing out the exact mapping in our production code to the original authored code. In this introductory tutor
MUELLER is a modular grid system for responsive/adaptive and non–responsive layouts, based on Compass. You have full control over column width, gutter width, baseline grid and media–queries. One default grid and (if needed) different per–media grids (e.g. large, tablet, handheld). Extend your media–grids to pre–defined layouts (e.g. a 2-column layout with switched columns). On top of grids and lay
Past conferences W3Conf 2013, San Francisco, CA W3Conf 2011, Redmond, WA
Audio5js is a Javascript library that provides a seamless compatibility layer to the HTML5 Audio playback API, with multiple codec support and a Flash-based MP3 playback fallback for older or unsupported browsers. The motivation for creating Audio5js is to provide a light-weight, library-agnostic, Javascript-only interface for audio playback in the browser.
The jQuery team have made the tough, but inevitable decision to stop supporting IE8 and below as of jQuery v2.0, while maintaining v1.9 as the backwards compatible version for the forseeable future. In the world of modern, evergreen and mobile browsers, this was a necessary move to ensure jQuery stays relevant. Of course, this split leaves plugin authors with a bit more responsibility. Where previ
This site is a static archive of the old jQuery Plugin Registry. New plugin releases will not be processed. The jQuery Plugin Registry is preserved for historical purposes. Search is still supported. We do not recommend using any versions of plugins from this registry. Please find jQuery plugins on npm.
顔文字ちゃんをかまってあげてください。 構い方 カメラ接続の許可を求められるので許可して下さい。 顔文字ちゃんは動きに反応します。体をよせたり手で触ってあげてください。なでてあげるとよろこびます。 構わず放っておくと眠るか怒るかしてしまいます。眠ったときはたくさん触っておこしてあげて下さい。 怒ってしまった場合は怒りがおさまるまで少し待ちましょう。ふてくされていたら怒るサイン、構ってご機嫌をとりましょう。 左右から構うとびよーんと伸びます。アワワワなりますが機嫌は悪くならないので大丈夫。ちょっとコツがいります。 あまり暗かったり背景と動くものの色が似ていると反応が悪いことがあります。 getUserMedia() 対応ブラウザのみ Chrome 22, FIrefox 18, で確認 ※ Firefox の場合 about:config にアクセスして media.navigator.en