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Get affordable and hassle-free WordPress hosting plans with Cloudways — start your free trial today. The following is a post by Lucas Bebber. Lucas the originator of some of the most creative effects I’ve ever seen on the web. So much so I couldn’t resist blogging about them myself several times. Much better this time: we got the man himself to explain how SVG filters work and how you can use them
Get affordable and hassle-free WordPress hosting plans with Cloudways — start your free trial today. Both of these things are used to hide some parts of elements and show other parts. But there are, of course, differences between the two. Differences in what they can do, differences in syntaxes, different technologies involved, the new and the deprecated, and browser support differences. And sadly
JavaScript library enabling SVG icons to morph from one to the other. It implements Material Design's Delightful Details transitions. View on GitHub
source map | unminified javascript | full coffeescript seen.js has no dependencies. Licensed under Apache 2.0 To see what is new in this version, read the release notes. Demos Hello, World! Materials gallery Noisy Wave Patch Noisy Sphere Same Scene, Canvas vs. SVG Same Scene, Multiple Angles SVG Masks and Effects Text Depth of Field Audio Equalizer N-Body Gravity Simulation Mocap-Driven Skeleton 2
07 Sep 2014 Wouldn’t it be great if you could get the compression of a JPEG with the transparency of a PNG? Well, you can, sort of. Here’s a little trick that I discovered while working on the new Sapporo Beer website. Notice how the beer can on the Sapporo website has a transparent area around the edges (it’s hard to notice but there’s a video playing behind it). As a PNG, the beer can graphic wo
You may think that this is just yet an other charting library. But Chartist.js is the product of a community that was disappointed about the abilities provided by other charting libraries. Of course there are hundreds of other great charting libraries but after using them there were always tweaks you would have wished for that were not included. Get awesome Dashboard Templates by Creative TimAre y
An article on how to make embedded SVGs cross-browser responsive. We’re going to cover embedding techniques, how to apply the “Padding Hack” and how to use inline media queries to make SVGs adaptive. An SVG can be embedded on a web page in many ways; one of which is embedding it inline in an HTML5 page using the <svg> tag. The other commonly used techniques include embedding it as an image using t
Softwares , Demos Subset Polyfill for existing browsers Level0.1: AJAX implementations without browser's SVG renderer See this page Level0.5: AJAX implementation using SVG (Slow, has cross domain restrictions) .. Browsers, viewers webkit (chromium) implementation SVG Map Toolkit Data conversion tools Shapefile to TILED SVG Map converter CSV to TILED SVG Map converter Example data Japanese mapdata
SVG Placeholder Image Generator For making placeholder images without calling an external reference, using SVG, JavaScript, and DataURIs. width: height: color: wireframes? Make Image Open in a new window:
An exploration into scalable logos for the modern web. Resize your browser (Or rotate your device) to see the reductions based on screen size. Concept by Joe Harrison. This is a personal experiment and not in affiliation with the brands themselves in any way. Concept by Joe Harrison 2014. This is a personal experiment and not in affiliation with the brands themselves in any way.
Get affordable and hassle-free WordPress hosting plans with Cloudways — start your free trial today. A huge pile of information about SVG. How to Use SVG These are overview articles covering lots of stuff relating to SVG. Why to use it and the basics of how to use it. Mostly: <img>, background-image, <svg>, <iframe>, and <object>/<embed>. Using SVG by me SVG on the Web — A Practical Guide by Jake
NYC Taxis: A Day in the Life This visualization displays the data for one random NYC yellow taxi on a single day in 2013. See where it operated, how much money it made, and how busy it was over 24 hours. Begin A Special Thanks goes out to Mapbox and Heroku for assistance with covering the surge of activity when this project was first released in 2014. Here's Technical Blog Post #1 and #2 about how
01 July 2014 Using SVG inline provides total access to the graphic for complete customization and control over its output. This is especially handy when creating shapes by hand in the browser, or making edits to an existing graphic. There are a number of stroke related attributes within SVG that allow us to control the details of our strokes, just as we do in vector graphic software. Hopefully thi