■顔のある画像をアップして使う(JPEGでもPNGでもGIFでもOKです!) ファイル ■顔のある画像のURLを入れて使う(JPEGでもPNGでもGIFでもOKです!) URL ■いずれをお使いの場合も画像のサイズは150KB(150000バイト)以下でお願いします。 ■顔認識技術はこちらのAPIを使わせて頂いております。 detectFace(); ■類似シリーズとして「石仮面ジェネレーター」もあります。
Editing Work Manuals (for chiefs, for editorial committee members, for meta-reviewers, for reviewers) The papers are published on the J-Stage website "Journal of Information Processing (JIP)". Vol.16 - The Latest Table of Contents (Link to the Outside Site: J-Stage) (2018.2.19) JIP's Continuation of the Promotion Campaign after July 31st, 2017. JIP still continues its promotion campaign: there is
Why it is important not to have children. リチャード・ストールマンが、子を持たないことの重要性について書いている。 どうも文章が回りくどく翻訳が難しいので、原文もつけた。 Why it is important not to have children. なぜ子を持たないことが重要なのか -- Richard Stallman -- リチャード・ストールマン I decided not to have children. My family was full of tension and anger, and then I noticed that many others were too. Such a family life was in no way attractive. When older, often I saw parents re
Hardware Debugging the Arduino using Eclipse and the AVR Dragon There is no music associated with this post. I’ve written before about using an Atmel AVR Dragon to debug an Arduino board, using AVR Studio 4. I recently had some communication from Stephen Lake where he mentioned he was using Eclipse for Arduino development. I’d looked at Eclipse a long time ago and setting it up was an absolute ter