
ブックマーク / pipes.yahoo.com (2)

  • Pipes: Twitter OAuth login

    We will be deprecating the current v1 engine soon. This is your chance to try your Pipe in v2 and report bugs. You may encounter differences and incompatibilities when switching. (Find out more about v2.) Please take some time to log any questions or findings here. Click on the Upgrade link to complete the process. Thanks for trying the v2 engine! The v1 engine will soon be replaced by v2. Any Pip

    masterq 2011/04/30
  • Pipes: Rewire the web

    This pipe is designed to use eBay's RSS API to find items within a certain price range. Created by Ed Ho (show me) This pipe is designed to use eBay's RSS API to find items within a certain price range. Created by Ed Ho (show me) About Pipes Pipes is a powerful composition tool to aggregate, manipulate, and mashup content from around the web. Like Unix pipes, simple commands can be combined togeth

    masterq 2009/04/20
    図を使ってモジュールを繋げてRSSなどの整形を行なうツール。 前から使い易いか疑問だったのだけど試してみることに。
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