About this Project Provides basic Amazon EC2 management features within Mozilla Firefox. List available AMIs List your running instances Launch new instances of an AMI Manage security groups and launch permissions associated with your instances Manage Amazon EBS volumes Use the packaged .xpi file to easily install the plugin in Firefox. View the source code on SourceForge: http://sourcef
December 15, 2006 S3 + Rake = Easy Backups for SVN Repositories, Databases, and Code Post by Peter Cooper I've wanted to post this to Ruby Inside for the past few weeks, but haven't found an ideal opportunity. Adam Greene has put together a great set of Rake tasks that use the Amazon S3 file storage service (and Amazon's own Ruby API) to make backing up your Rails application's code and databases
Welcome to S3Sync.net This is a community site for developers and users of the free and open source s3sync.rb and s3cmd.rb tools, which are interfaces to the Amazon S3 system. Discussion Forum This site provides a free forum to ask questions, discuss features, and report bugs. Please use this new forum instead of the old S3 forum thread. Get It s3sync README and s3cmd README Download *current* v
「いますぐ実践! Linux システム管理」はこちらです。 メルマガの解除、バックナンバーなども、以下からどうぞ。 https://www.usupi.org/sysad/ (まぐまぐ ID:149633) その他、作者に関するページは、概ね以下にございます。 https://www.usupi.org/kuri/ (まぐまぐ ID:126454) http://usupi.seesaa.net/ (栗日記ブログ) https://twitter.com/kuriking/ (twitter) https://facebook.com/kuriking3 (facebook) https://jp.pinterest.com/kuriking/pinterest) https://www.instagram.com/kuri_king_/ (instagram) [バックナンバーのトップへ
I think Amazon S3 is awesome. I was looking into building a RAID NAS (Network-Attached Storage) for backing up all my important data and I nearly bought a setup that would run into the hundreds of dollars - but then I did a little fancy multiplication and addition and realized S3 would cost me less than one one-hundredth what the NAT would have cost. In case you’re as in the dark about S3 as I rec
IMPORTANT: S3 Backup will stop working on June 28, 2023 Changes to AWS will make our current S3 Backup app no longer able to connect to S3 servers on June 28, 2023. Codebase for the app is very old at this point and we determined that we cannot issue an update that would allow it to continue working. The app was very stable and was doing its job with no updates for quite a few years now and we pla
Amazon Web Service の Simple DB を試してみたけど、なかなかリクエストの作成がうまくいかなくて、一回リクエストに成功したところで、明日も早いしもう寝るか、というポスト。へにょいリクエスト作成用の Ruby クラス付き。 Amazon Simple DB (以下、ASDB) は Web ベースで利用できるデータベースサービス。REST やら SOAP やらでアクセスできる。利用には Amazon Web Service (以下、AWS) のアカウントと Simple DB サービスへのサインアップが必要。2007 年末くらいから公開されていたのだが、サインアップが遅れた (Limited Beta の) ため、順番待ちに入っていた。で、1 月末にようやく使えるようになった。 ちなみに、S3 やら EC2 と同じく従量課金。手軽にスケールアウトできそうな反面、規模
The information in this post is outdated, if you want a better complete overview of the SimpleDB ruby libraries you should read this article Out there you can already find more than one project that lets you access Amazon SimpleDB using ruby. Since I wasn't really happy with any of them I started building my solution on top of aws-sdb. Being really bad at naming projects I named my gem dead_simple
Every record can potentially have different attributes. SimpleDB also has no data types associated with it’s attributes, all data will be stored as strings. AWS SDB Proxy adds a special _resource attribute, allowing storage of multiple models within the same SimpleDB domain. Record ids are generated using a SHA512 hash function to make key collisions extremely unlikely.
Special Attributes AWS SDB Proxy handles a couple of special attributes transparently. Here is the complete list: id: Every record automatically gets assigned a unique id using a hash function (see below) _resource: This attribute will always hold the name of the Rails model the item belongs to. This way AWS SDB Proxy can story multiple Rails models within one SimpleDB domain created_at: The t
The vision of eventually forming a truly scalable deployment architecture using Amazons EC2, S3, SQS and SimpleDB web services together, triggered a very vivid discussion at the Ruby Users Group Berlin (RUG-B). The presention gives an introduction to Amazon SimpleDB focusing on how to connect it to Ruby on Rails via the ActiveResource framework and the <a href="http://agilewebdevelopment.com/plugi
RightScale provides a platform and consulting services that enable companies to create scalable web solutions running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that are reliable, easy to manage, and cost less. Try it FREE!RightScale AWS gems documentation RightScale's AWS gems provide robust, fast, and secure Ruby interfaces to Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon SQS, and Amazon SDB. The gems use Amazon's REST and q