
ブックマーク / daveceddia.com (2)

  • Cheat to Win: Learn React with Copywork

    So you’ve built a few TODO apps. Ok, a lot of TODO apps. After the 35th one you’ve started to wonder if React can even do anything else. What’s the “next level” in terms of learning? How can you go about getting better at React? In this post I want to tell you about copywork and how it can give you limitless ideas for practice apps and help you improve. What is Copywork? I first heard the term fro

    Cheat to Win: Learn React with Copywork
    mizchi 2017/06/28
  • Roll the Dice: Random Numbers in Redux

    How would I model calling something like Math.random() in Redux’s world? One of the tenets of Redux is that reducer functions must be pure. What about when you want to do something impure, like generate a random number, or get the current date? Recap: What’s a Pure Function? A pure function is one that follows these rules: No side effects – it can’t change anything outside the function’s scope (th

    Roll the Dice: Random Numbers in Redux
    mizchi 2017/02/23
    reducerに Impure Function を持ち込むなと話
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