Osaka RubyKaigi 04
Last week, I gave two lectures at the Programming Language Implementation Summer School (PLISS). PLISS was very well organized and the students and other presenters made for a very enjoyable week of new ideas, learning, and discussing. For my own lectures, I decided to take an approach that focused more on the high-level ideas and can introduce a wider audience to how we build interpreters and a r
A few months ago, I set myself the challenge of writing a C compiler in 500 lines of Python1, after writing my SDF donut post. How hard could it be? The answer was, pretty hard, even when dropping quite a few features. But it was also pretty interesting, and the result is surprisingly functional and not too hard to understand! There's too much code for me to comprehensively cover in a single blog
Fat Pointers For Temporal Memory Safety of C by Jie Zhou, John Criswell, and Michael Hicks. This appeared in OOPSLA 2023. It describes an extension to Checked C that adds new pointers that provide temporal memory safety. C to Checked C by 3C, by Aravind Machiry, John Kastner, Matt McCutchen, Aaron Eline, Kyle Headley, and Michael Hicks. This paper describes the semi-automated 3C tool for convertin
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In this Github repository, I'm documenting my journey to write a self-compiling compiler for a subset of the C language. I'm also writing out the details so that, if you want to follow along, there will be an explanation of what I did, why, and with some references back to the theory of compilers. But not too much theory, I want this to be a practical journey. Here are the steps I've taken so far:
(The old master has moved to historical/old branch. This is a new one uploaded in September 2020.) chibicc is yet another small C compiler that implements most C11 features. Even though it still probably falls into the "toy compilers" category just like other small compilers do, chibicc can compile several real-world programs, including Git, SQLite, libpng and chibicc itself, without making modifi
はじめに このオンラインブックは執筆中です。完成版ではありません。フィードバックフォーム この本には一冊の本に盛り込むにはやや欲張りな内容を詰め込みました。本書では、C言語で書かれたソースコードをアセンブリ言語に変換するプログラム、つまりCコンパイラを作成します。コンパイラそのものもCを使って開発します。当面の目標はセルフホスト、すなわち自作コンパイラでそれ自身のソースコードをコンパイルできるようにすることです。 この本では、コンパイラの説明の難易度が急に上がりすぎないように、様々なトピックを本書全体を通じて次第に掘り下げていくという形で説明することにしました。その理由は次のとおりです。 コンパイラは、構文解析、中間パス、コード生成といった複数のステージに概念的に分割することができます。よくある教科書的アプローチでは、それぞれのトピックについて章を立てて解説を行うことになりますが、そのよう