
食と気候に関するmshkhのブックマーク (1)

  • The everyday foods that could become luxuries

    Meat is likely to become a luxury food in the next few decades as more people adopt a plant-based diet to reduce their carbon footprint. Everyday foods such as coffee, meat and spices could become luxury items due to global climate impacts and changing tastes. As we head towards the end of another extraordinary year, BBC Future is taking a look back at some of our favourite stories for our "Best o

    The everyday foods that could become luxuries
    mshkh 2021/10/03
    "Climate change could wipe out half of the land used to grow coffee worldwide by 2050, " "Spice crops are already bearing the brunt of climate change. " "Another way to think about luxury food is as something that you shouldn't eat often and lots of,"
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