The Teleport Access PlatformThe easiest, most secure way to access and protect your infrastructure Teleport Access On-demand, least privileged access, on a foundation of cryptographic identity and zero trust
Answer: The same reasons why it was a framework worth learning in 2004. The more things change, the more they stay the same. While we’ve seen a lot a progress in the JavaScript world, we’ve also seen a regression to the complexity-laden world that Rails offered refuge from in the early days. Bac...
(Korean, Japanese) Redux is a surprisingly simple library for managing application state with a Flux-like architecture. Here at Affirm, we are particularly interested in Redux’s time-travel capabilities. Our core business is offering transparent consumer loans, so it’s incredibly valuable to be able to replay the entire loan application process from the user’s perspective. Redux is more of a set o
This post belongs to the Trello clone with Phoenix Framework and React series. Intro and selected stack Phoenix Framework project setup The User model and JWT auth Front-end for sign up with React and Redux Database seeding and sign in controller Front-end authentication with React and Redux Setting up sockets and channels Listing and creating new boards Adding new board members Tracking connected
This blog site has been archived. Go to to see the recent posts. Data fetching for React applications There’s more to building an application than creating a user interface. Data fetching is still a tricky problem, especially as applications become more complicated. At React.js Conf we announced two projects we’ve created at Facebook to make data fetching simple for developers, even
Swiftでファイル操作をするにはNSFileManagerを利用するのが一般的です。iOSでデータを永続化する方法は、NSUserDefaultsやCoreDataがありますが、一時的に/tmpや/Library/Cachesに保存する場合、アプリ内領域に保存するためにはNSFileManagerを使います。 NSFileManagerによるデータの永続化 iOS Storage Guidlineによると、 Only documents and other data that is user-generated, or that cannot otherwise be recreated by your application, should be stored in the /Documents directory and will be automatically backed up
今までは何も考えずに で bash を使ってたけど,最近黒い画面で作業することが多くなった.なので,この機会に と bash から卒業して,iTerm2 と zsh を使うことにした. iTerm2 と zsh を使おうと思ったきっかけはこの記事. インストールの方法とか基本的な設定はほぼこの記事を真似てます. 環境 Mac OSX 10.9.4 Mavericks iTerm2 のインストール にアクセスし,Downloads からダウンロードして解凍,Application フォルダにつっこむ. iTerm2 のカラースキーム Preference -> Profiles -> Color