
goとgo-1.7に関するnabinnoのブックマーク (3)

  • Go 1.7

    Go 1.7 Go Meetup Seattle 16 August 2016 Brad Fitzpatrick Props Thanks to Taichi Nakashima. I stole his slides. Yay Open Source! He is: @deeeet / @tcnksm (GitHub) http://deeeet.com 2 Welcome Let's celebrate the release of Go1.7. 3 Welcome This event is fork of Go1.6 release party by @davecheney. It's not the world wide event like before ... 😭 This presentation is based heavily on the official Go 1

  • Go 1.7 Release Party in Tokyo

    Go 1.7 Release Party in Tokyo GoCon Tokyo 8 August 2016 Taichi Nakashima About me @deeeet / @tcnksm (GitHub) http://deeeet.com A PaaS Dev&Ops (Using CloudFoundry) 2 OSS Tools gcli - The easy way to build Golang command-line application gotests - A tool to generate Go test functions from the given source code like gofmt ghr - Create Github Release and upload artifacts in parallel license - Generate

  • Go 1.7 Release Party in Tokyo (2016/08/08 19:00〜)

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    Go 1.7 Release Party in Tokyo (2016/08/08 19:00〜)
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