Edward Rolf Tufte (/ˈtʌfti/;[2] born March 14, 1942),[1] sometimes known as "ET",[3] is an American statistician and professor emeritus of political science, statistics, and computer science at Yale University.[4] He is noted for his writings on information design and as a pioneer in the field of data visualization.[5] Biography[edit] Edward Rolf Tufte was born in 1942 in Kansas City, Missouri, to
The World Wide Web can be a dangerous place and as technology increases it's only getting worse. Every day we log onto various sites and use our personal information to interact with friends and family, buy items off of sites like Amazon, store contact information on our phones, and even online banking is commonplace. If someone were to come along and hack all of our accounts it could make our liv
Nowhere beats China when it comes to students who study abroad. According to UNESCO, the world's two most populous nations, China and India, send the most students overseas. China leads the way by a considerable distance with just under 700,000 students studying abroad. India is second with 189,500 while the Republic of Korea is in third place with 123,700. Germany and Saudi Arabia round off the t
この記事は2016年9月1日に更新しました。 突然ですが、皆さんはインフォグラフィックという言葉を聞いたことはありますか? インフォグラフィックとは情報を視覚的に表現した資料を指し、ここ数年、多用する企業が増えています。 インフォグラフィックが多用される背景には、世の中に流通している情報量が多くなり、ひと目で言いたいことが分かるように工夫された「インフォグラフィック」に対する需要が高まったことがあるでしょう。インフォグラフィックは基本的にイラストや図形と数字から成り立っているものがほとんどです。 言語がわからなくてもある程度意味を理解できるのでクオリティの高いものは世界的に広がりやすい傾向にあります。 今回は、インフォグラフィックの基礎知識から、実際に自分で作るときに使える無料の作成ツールの紹介、そして実際に大手企業などの事例を紹介します。 プレゼン資料作成やホームページ掲載用の画像作成な
There are at least 7,102 known languages alive in the world today. Twenty-three of these languages are a mother tongue for more than 50 million people. The 23 languages make up the native tongue of 4.1 billion people. We represent each language within black borders and then provide the numbers of native speakers (in millions) by country. The colour of these countries shows how languages have tak
What are the must-read classics of non-fiction? We’ve scraped, collated and summarised a selection of “all-time” book polls, prize-winners and readers’ picks to assemble a visual consensus. We mixed high-brow and low-brow. There are Pulitzer prize winners as well as lists from Time, the Times Literary Supplement and – of course – the Guardian, as well as the wisdom of the crowd in sources such as