
2015年6月7日のブックマーク (1件)

  • SLOBSERVER - L'actualité de Second Life

    There are several aspects to consider when releasing a product or service into the market. With so much competition in all sectors, it might be hard for your product to stand out if you don't start by marketing it properly. Marketing, as well as how a user reacts to your product, is something that you should think of from the inception of your product to its launch. The Time to Market plays a sign

    nemoba 2015/06/07
    GUIはインプットによる副作用発生装置。FPで解くと唯一のルートの環境入力に副作用をぶっこ。 木構造のGUIは、ルートエレメントでパフォマンスが死ぬ。VDOMは苦肉の策感が凄く世代が先?と言。 WebCompとかモジュール相性悪