Thunderbirdアドオンサイトへようこそ。 機能を追加したりデザインを変えたりして、Thunderbird を自分のものにしましょう。 閉じる
Thunderbirdアドオンサイトへようこそ。 機能を追加したりデザインを変えたりして、Thunderbird を自分のものにしましょう。 閉じる
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What is this? This is a Java library you can use in your application to support Unix daemonization. By taking advantages of POSIX API, this library lets you fork your process into background with proper daemonization steps. It currently has several features, which we'll see in more details. Daemonization One feature of this library lets you fork a copy into background as a real Unix daemon, when s
What is JOTM ? JOTM is an open source Transaction Manager implemented in java. It supports several transaction models and specifications providing transaction support for clients using a wide range of middleware platforms (J2EE, CORBA, Web Services, OSGi). JOTM is hosted by the OW2 consortium. The license used by JOTM is BSD-style License. This implementation is fully functional and mature since i
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Microsoft Store App Awards Winner 2022, Creativity - Graphics and 3D "Paint.NET is just about perfect ..."- Lifehacker "Impressive." - PC World, Top 100 Products of 2007 "It raises the quality bar," - Jeff Atwood, Stack Overflow co-founder, on Coding Horror About Paint.NET is image and photo editing software for PCs that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with supp
Philosophy The equation its very simple: put together humanism, psychoanalysis, semiotic and design. Youll have interaction design. The expression humanism generally refers to a series of values and ideals related to the celebration of the human being. The expression, however, has different meanings, that a lot of times are conflicting and I do not intend to get deeper in this discussion h
Recent entries Apache2.4のリリース予定は来年(2011年)初め(あくまで予定) inoue 2010-12-23 Herokuの発音 inoue 2010-12-20 雑誌記事「ソフトウェア・テストPRESS Vol.9」の原稿公開 inoue 2010-12-18 IPA未踏のニュース inoue 2010-12-15 労基法とチキンゲーム inoue 2010-12-06 フロントエンドエンジニア inoue 2010-12-03 ASCII.technologies誌にMapReduceの記事を書きました inoue 2010-11-25 技術評論社パーフェクトシリーズ絶賛発売中 inoue 2010-11-24 雑誌連載「Emacsのトラノマキ」の原稿(part8)公開 inoue 2010-11-22 RESTの当惑 inoue 2010-11-22 「プ
Ruby-GetText-PackageはRuby on Railsのローカライゼーションを強力にサポートします。 Railsのための機能 Controller/Viewを翻訳する機能 Modelを翻訳する機能(テーブル名、カラム名) クライアントロケールの自動取得 (Controller/ViewだけではなくModelについても)翻訳対象文字列を自動で抽出しpoファイルを生成する機能 複数のテキストドメインを作る機能 ロケールごとのAction/Fragmentキャッシュ エラーメッセージの翻訳(ビルトイン) いくつかのヘルパー関数の翻訳(ビルトイン) ここではRuby on Rails 2.0.0以降でRuby-GetText-Packageを使う方法を説明します。 Ruby on Railsではrakeを使うことが多いので、この例ではpo/moファイルの管理についてもrakeを使うよ
Java Native Access (JNA): access native libraries with pure Java code.Unsigned types use the same mappings as signed types. A full list of mappings may be found here. Top Using Pointers and Arrays Primitive array arguments (including structs) are represented by their corresponding Java types. For example: // Original C declarations void fill_buffer(int *buf, int len); void fill_buffer(int buf[], i