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"User Interface"の検索結果201 - 240 件 / 614件

  • GitHub - ggerganov/imtui: ImTui: Immediate Mode Text-based User Interface C++ Library

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      GitHub - ggerganov/imtui: ImTui: Immediate Mode Text-based User Interface C++ Library
    • Yahoo!が提供するレイアウト用CSSライブラリYahoo User Interface(YUI)をZEN DISTROに適用

      ホーム Yahoo!が提供するレイアウト用CSSライブラリYahoo User Interface(YUI)をZEN DISTROに適用 Yahoo!が提供するレイアウト用CSSライブラリYahoo User Interface(YUI)をZEN DISTROに適用 アメリカYahoo!がYahoo! User Interface Library:ヤフー ユーザー インターフェース(YUI)ライブラリーってのを公開した。 ■Yahoo User Interface(YUI)って何? それは、Yahoo!が作った、CSSとJavaScriptのライブラリーとのことで、CSSでのレイアウト、JavaScirptを利用したメニュー、ドラッグ&ドロップできるオブジェクトのクラスなどがBSDのライセンスの元に提供されている。 って、書いても「なんじゃ?!そりゃ~」と思う人もいるでしょう。 僕もそう思

        Yahoo!が提供するレイアウト用CSSライブラリYahoo User Interface(YUI)をZEN DISTROに適用
      • 36 Brilliant User Interface Animations

        Animated interface elements reveal the process and functionality of a UI much better than static text. They enhance user experience and help guide user flow. Like any other element of good design, UI animations should have a purpose. They should be functional without being overly flashy. Today’s post showcases 36 slick UI elements with smooth, creative transitions that are a joy to watch. A lot of

          36 Brilliant User Interface Animations
        • The Way of the (Co-)Prototyping チームでUser Interfaceをプロトタイピングする

          自社でサービスをリリースするほどGoodpatchのデザインプロセスのコアになったチームによるプロトタイピング。User Interfaceデザインの現場で現在進行形でかたまりつつあるその価値と実践方法についてご説明します。Read less

            The Way of the (Co-)Prototyping チームでUser Interfaceをプロトタイピングする
          • VUI (Voice User Interface) | Accessible & Usable

            公開日 : 2017年10月19日 (2017年10月21日 更新) カテゴリー : ユーザビリティ ユーザーからの音声入力 (発話) をトリガーに、人工知能を介してシステムとインタラクションする形のユーザーインターフェース、いわゆる VUI (Voice User Interface) が、徐々に普及しつつあります。プラットフォームとしては Amazon Alexa、Apple Siri、Google Assistant、Microsoft Cortana がメジャーですが、スマートフォンアプリのように GUI (Graphical User Interface) を伴うものもあれば、スマートスピーカー (Amazon Echo、Apple HomePod、Google Home など) のように VUI 単体のものもあります。 VUI によってもたらされるユーザー体験 (UX) として

              VUI (Voice User Interface) | Accessible & Usable
            • 20 Retro User Interface Templates in PSD Format

              Retro user interface is the main component of retro and vintage web design. From the header sections including its respective elements such logo, navigation menu and banner advertisements to the main body section going down to footer section, all web elements must congruently blending with each other. With such daunting task, retro user interface elements will surely help you finish the job in a v

                20 Retro User Interface Templates in PSD Format
              • First look at Windows 7's User Interface

                At PDC today, Microsoft gave the first public demonstration of Windows 7. Until now, the company has been uncharacteristically secretive about its new OS; over the past few months, Microsoft has let on that the taskbar will undergo a number of changes, and that many bundled applications would be unbundled and shipped with Windows Live instead. There have also been occasional screenshots of some of

                  First look at Windows 7's User Interface
                • FormBox – A jQuery & CSS3 Drop-Down Menu With Integrated Forms | AddyOsmani.com | Where User Interface Ideas Grows

                  Welcome To AddyOsmani.com ” Hey guys. My name is Addy and I'm a passionate Web Designer. On my site you can find lots of useful tutorials on JavaScript and User Interface design. Who Am I? I'm a passionate 24 year old Irish Web Designer & Developer and (currently) a Project Manager who loves creating exciting new user interfaces and writing about topics that can help other web designers out there

                  • Sid05: User Interface Designer based in Lucca, Italy

                    I'm Marco Giusti, AKA Sid & I'm a User interface designer Typography lover Web sites developer Passionate bass player Freelance worker

                    • 10-foot user interface - Wikipedia

                      Kodi is an example of home theater PC software, which is designed to be displayed on a TV. It can be controlled using a remote, a game controller, or a keyboard. In computing, 10-foot user interface, 10-foot UI or 3-meter user interface is a graphical user interface designed for televisions. Compared to desktop computer and smartphone user interfaces, it uses text and other interface elements whic

                        10-foot user interface - Wikipedia
                      • GitHub - piotrbernad/FlatUI: Easy to use User Interface elements which are really similar to design in iOS 7.

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                          GitHub - piotrbernad/FlatUI: Easy to use User Interface elements which are really similar to design in iOS 7.
                        • Yahoo! User Interface Library

                          「ソフトウエアを作る環境を楽しくするお役立ちフリーソフト」を集めて,1日1本のペースでご紹介しています。今回はJavaScriptライブラリ「Yahoo! User Interface Library(YUI)」です。 「Yahoo! User Interface Library(YUI)」は,米Yahoo!が公開しているJavaScriptライブラリです。Ajaxをサポートする機能を持ち,カレンダーやツリーといった豊富な部品を提供します。ドラッグ&ドロップが可能な部品を作るといったこともできます。

                            Yahoo! User Interface Library
                          • Yahoo! User Interface Libraryを使ってカレンダー作成 ( しゃいん☆のブログ| 名古屋市 Webシステム開発 サーバ構築 ネットワーク構築 株式会社コネクティボ )

                            今回は、Yahoo! User Interface Library(YUI)を使ってカレンダーを作成する方法を紹介します。 まずYUIの入手ですが、http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/から入手できます。 ダウンロード後、解凍すると「build(ライブラリ集)」、「examples(サンプル集)」、「docs(マニュアル類)」の3ディレクトリが入っています。 Yahoo! User Interface Libraryではカレンダーのほかにも、ツリー表示、オートコンプリートなどのライブラリがあります。 今回はカレンダーを作成するのみなので、build内のcalendarを使います。 calendarディレクトリを開くと「assets」ディレクトリ、「calendar.js」、「calendar-min.js」が入っています。それぞれの構成は です。 通常はcalend

                            • Desktop App User Interface - Win32 apps

                              This browser is no longer supported. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support.

                                Desktop App User Interface - Win32 apps
                              • Graphical User Interface as a Reflection of the Real World: Shadows and Elevation

                                UI design is moving towards removing any unnecessary elements to focus much more on functionality. But while functional aspect of a design is key to product success, visual details are equally important — particularly how they can improve those functional elements. In this article I’ll show you how visual elements, such as shadows, carry information that is processed by the user of the interface.

                                  Graphical User Interface as a Reflection of the Real World: Shadows and Elevation
                                • GitHub - websemantics/hotdraw.js: HotDraw.js is a JavaScript Graphical User Interface (GUI) framework for developing structured drawing editors

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                                    GitHub - websemantics/hotdraw.js: HotDraw.js is a JavaScript Graphical User Interface (GUI) framework for developing structured drawing editors
                                  • The iOS Design Guidelines - Ivo Mynttinen / User Interface Designer

                                    Updated: 18. October 2020 The iOS Design Guidelines Design great-looking apps for Apple iOS devices. Designing iOS apps can be difficult sometimes, but finding correct and up-to-date information about all of Apples’ devices shouldn’t be. These design guidelines will help any designer who’s building neat things for iOS get started within seconds. About these guidelines These guidelines describe how

                                      The iOS Design Guidelines - Ivo Mynttinen / User Interface Designer
                                    • Luke WroblewskiさんがUser Interface 15 Conferenceで発表した“Why You Should Des... - Sooey

                                      Luke WroblewskiさんがUser Interface 15 Conferenceで発表した“Why You Should Design for Mobile First”というプレゼンテーションの紹介。 SpoolCast: Luke Wroblewski’s “Why You Should Design for Mobile First” UI15 Session Sample » UIE Brain Sparks Webサイトはデスクトップ向けサイトをモバイル用にするのではなく、まずモバイル端末向けに設計する。それによってスクリーンサイズや処理速度などの制約が生まれ、必然的にフォーカスすべき機能が絞り込まれる、という内容。 As Luke says, designing for mobile first can actually help refine and improv

                                      • 30 High-Quality Mobile Design User Interface PSD Files

                                        30 High-Quality Mobile Design User Interface PSD Files by Sonny M. Day | Last updated Feb 16, 2017 | Design, Photoshop | 0 comments Designing applications for mobile devices involves a great deal of working on PSD files. You can either create them on your own but if you want to save time, you can use predesigned PSDs created by other designers. There are many like them on the web that you can down

                                        • Zooming user interface - Wikipedia

                                          Example of a ZUI In computing, a zooming user interface or zoomable user interface (ZUI, pronounced zoo-ee) is a type of graphical user interface (GUI) where users can change the scale of the viewed area in order to see more detail or less, and browse through different documents. Information elements appear directly on an infinite virtual desktop (usually created using vector graphics), instead of

                                            Zooming user interface - Wikipedia
                                          • Rosetta *Customize User Interface Windows7の外観(Theme)を変更する

                                            WindowsのUI(外観)と言えば、Macに劣るイメージがあると思います。 確かにフォントの美しさでは負けてしまいますが、外観はAeroという美しい透過UIによって旧バージョンのWindowsからは想像もつかない美しさを手に入れました。 ですが、そろそろこのUIにも飽きてしまったという人も多いと思います。 そこで今回は、簡単にThemeを変更する方法を紹介したいと思います。 1 VistaGrassをインストール VistaGrassとは、VisualStyle(Theme)を簡単に変更することができるフリーのアプリケーションです。ダウンロードは以下から。 「VistaGlazz」を起動して、「自己責任で使用してください」というような内容のダイアログが表示されるので、「I agree(同意します)」ボタンをクリック。 そしたら、一番左にあるPCのアイコンをクリックして、「PatchFil

                                            • JavaScript(AJAX)サンプル集 Yahoo! User Interface Library(YUI) - Menu

                                              スポンサードリンク Yahoo! User Interface Library - Menu YUI Menuとは Overlayの拡張で、右クリックをしたときに出てくるメニューやブラウザの一番上のメニューバーのようなインターフェイスを作成することができます。 詳しくはhttp://developer.yahoo.com/yui/menu/のオリジナルを読まれるのがよいと思います。 Menuを使う前準備 必要なのは6つのファイルです。もちろんインストールは済ませておく必要があります。 <script type="text/javascript" src="your install path/yahoo-min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="your install path/dom-min.js"></script> <

                                              • Image Crop - DHTML User Interface

                                                Licensing This script is distributed under the LGPL open source license. Commercial licenses are also available. Some of these licenses also includes personal e-mail support for up to 1 year. Download files You can download the entire script from this Zip file. Files included in package image-crop.html = Main HTML file crop_image.php = PHP used to crop the image js/image-crop.js = Main Javascript

                                                • Device-scale user interface elements in iOS Mobile Safari

                                                  When we set out to build finger-friendly controls for iOS devices in Basecamp, two major constraints informed our design. In Basecamp on a PC, when you hover over a to-do, milestone, or file, you’ll see edit and delete controls. But as has been covered here and elsewhere on the web, there’s no way to hover on a touch device. So our solution to this first constraint is to show the controls when you

                                                    Device-scale user interface elements in iOS Mobile Safari
                                                  • BeInteractive! [TOUCH WOOD SH-08C User Interface]

                                                    ヒノキの間伐材で作られた携帯「TOUCH WOOD」がいよいよ発売されます!SH-05C/06C に続き、TOUCH WOOD の UI についても BeInteractive! が諸々開発をお手伝いさせて頂きました。 なんと言っても特徴的なのは、UI が斜めであること。利き手に合わせて斜めの向きを変えることも出来ます。更に自分の好きなように分割してカスタマイズ可能なメニューが加わり、キュートな木のボディと相まって、かなり素敵な感じに仕上がっております。以下のサイトでちょこっと見ることができます。 森のケータイ TOUCH WOOD SH-08C (公式) TOUCH WOOD SH-08C | NTT ドコモ UI 紹介動画 (公式にも同じものがあります) 公式サイトにも書いてありますが、UI はハイジ・インターフェイス株式会社/株式会社ライトニングの美馬さんプロデュース。デザインは原口

                                                    • 60 User Interface Calendar Inspirations and Downloads | Inspirationfeed

                                                      Welcome to the official calendar apocalypse! As humans we often forget things easily, such as anniversaries. One thing I’ve learned form my experience is to never forget that date, because once you do your in deep water.  Apart from relationships we have many other important events happening in our lifes. If you’re a busy person that has too much food on your plate, you probably use a calendar to

                                                        60 User Interface Calendar Inspirations and Downloads | Inspirationfeed
                                                      • GitHub - VladimirMarkelov/clui: Command Line User Interface (Console UI inspired by TurboVision)

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                                                          GitHub - VladimirMarkelov/clui: Command Line User Interface (Console UI inspired by TurboVision)
                                                        • GitHub - jpillora/webproc: Wrap any program in a simple web-based user-interface

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                                                            GitHub - jpillora/webproc: Wrap any program in a simple web-based user-interface
                                                          • UIGen | User Interface Generator


                                                              UIGen | User Interface Generator
                                                            • Alex Faaborg - » The Graphical Keyboard User Interface

                                                              WIMPy and the Terminal The history of user interfaces can be very briefly summarized into two distinct eras: the command line, followed by the graphical user interface. Interactions on the command line are very fast, but the set of possible commands is not discoverable. GUIs are essentially the opposite, on both issues. Interactions with graphical user interfaces are slower, but possible commands

                                                              • Essential Books for User Interface Designers

                                                                If you are looking to stock your library, you can’t go wrong with this list of books. These are the books that are literally on my desk, listed in order from top of the stack to the bottom. The Visual Miscellaneum: A Colorful Guide to the World’s Most Consequential Trivia By David Mccandless If you are a fan of Edward Tufte, you need this book. If you don’t know who Tufte is, you need this book, a

                                                                • User Interface Guidelines

                                                                  User Interface Guidelines About This page contains resources for user interface design and usability guidelines. Guidelines Apple iOS Human Interface Guidelines Apple Mac OS Human Interface Guidelines Eclipse User Interface Guidelines Chromium and Chromium OS's user interface design guidelines Google Android Design and User Interface Guidelines Google Material Design Microsoft Windows Application

                                                                  • pix2code: Generating Code from a Graphical User Interface Screenshot

                                                                    Transforming a graphical user interface screenshot created by a designer into computer code is a typical task conducted by a developer in order to build customized software, websites, and mobile applications. In this paper, we show that deep learning methods can be leveraged to train a model end-to-end to automatically generate code from a single input image with over 77% of accuracy for three dif

                                                                    • Aqua (user interface) - Wikipedia

                                                                      Aqua is the graphical user interface, design language and visual theme of Apple's macOS and iOS operating systems. It was originally based on the theme of water, with droplet-like components and a liberal use of reflection effects and translucency. Its goal is to "incorporate color, depth, translucence, and complex textures into a visually appealing interface" in macOS applications.[2] At its intr

                                                                        Aqua (user interface) - Wikipedia
                                                                      • Drab: Server Side User Interface Access

                                                                        Drab - Remote Controlled Frontend Framework Living Pages in Phoenix Drab is the extension library to Phoenix Framework for providing an access to the browser's User Interface (DOM objects) from the server side. The main advantage is to eliminate necessity of writing two applications: one for the client-side, and one for the backend. All the UI control may be now done in the backend, eliminating JS

                                                                        • さまざまなテーマのフリーアイコンセットを集めた「Best Free Icons For Web And User Interface Design」

                                                                          TOP  >  Design  >  さまざまなテーマのフリーアイコンセットを集めた「Best Free Icons For Web And User Interface Design」 非常にさまざまなシーンで活躍してくれるアイコン。たくさん種類をストックしておくと、いざという時とても便利です。そんな中今回紹介するのは、さまざまなテーマのフリーアイコンセットを集めた「Best Free Icons For Web And User Interface Design」です。 20 Free Square Icons by Krafted – Dribbble 魅力的なデザインのアイコンセットが多数まとめられており、個性的なものがピックアップされているのも特徴。気になったものを以下よりご覧ください。 詳しくは以下 Freebie: Pollution & Energy Icons (AI,

                                                                            さまざまなテーマのフリーアイコンセットを集めた「Best Free Icons For Web And User Interface Design」
                                                                          • Video: Douglas Crockford, “Advanced JavaScript” � Yahoo! User Interface Blog

                                                                            YUI Blog Development Video: Douglas Crockford, "Advanced JavaScript" Video: Douglas Crockford, "Advanced JavaScript" Last month, I posted some video taken from one of Douglas Crockford's presentations on frontend engineering (Video: Douglas Crockford, “An Inconvenient API: The Theory of the Dom”). Those who enjoyed Douglas's deep-dive into the DOM may be interested also in his "Advanced JavaScript

                                                                            • The Bricks - User Interface Framework

                                                                              The Bricks – User Interface Framework FreebiesAndrian Valeanu • August 06, 2012 • 3 minutes READ The Bricks is a Free set of User Interface components designed to facilitate the creation of design or prototype for the future website. This package will help you save your time in the process of development of components, and will become an excellent basis for creating a website from design to code.

                                                                                The Bricks - User Interface Framework
                                                                              • GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery

                                                                                Welcome to guidebook, a website dedicated to preserving and showcasing Graphical User Interfaces, as well as various materials related to them.

                                                                                • UIST 2016: 29th ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium

                                                                                  UIST 2016 Schedule is now available. Android app and iPhone app are now available. UIST 2016 Video Previews is now available on YouTube. UIST 2016 Awards announcement The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) is the premier forum for innovations in human-computer interfaces. Sponsored by ACM special interest groups on computer-human interaction (SIGCHI) and computer graphi

                                                                                    UIST 2016: 29th ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium