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"World of Tanks"の検索結果1 - 40 件 / 43件


"World of Tanks"に関するエントリは43件あります。 ゲーム戦争ロシア などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『『World of Tanks』開発元、ロシアの侵攻を支持したディレクターを解雇。戦火に揺れる東欧ゲーム企業 - AUTOMATON』などがあります。
  • 『World of Tanks』開発元、ロシアの侵攻を支持したディレクターを解雇。戦火に揺れる東欧ゲーム企業 - AUTOMATON

    ホーム ニュース 『World of Tanks』開発元、ロシアの侵攻を支持したディレクターを解雇。戦火に揺れる東欧ゲーム企業 Wargamingは3月1日、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻支持を表明した主要開発者を解雇したことを明かした。同開発者はSNS上で侵攻支持のコメントを投稿した後、同スタジオから離れたことを伝えていた。Wargamingから海外メディアPC Gamerへの声明により、改めて事実と認められたかたちだ。 『World of Warships』 Wargamingは、ベラルーシのミンスクにて創業、現在はキプロスを本社拠点とするゲーム開発会社だ。基本プレイ無料の戦車対戦ゲーム『World of Tanks』のほか、海戦ゲーム『World of Warships』空戦ゲーム『World of Warplanes』と、陸海空の戦争をテーマにした作品を開発・運営している。同社は欧州に拠点

      『World of Tanks』開発元、ロシアの侵攻を支持したディレクターを解雇。戦火に揺れる東欧ゲーム企業 - AUTOMATON
    • 『World of Tanks』開発元重役が、創業の地ベラルーシKGBに「テロ活動の支持者」と認定される。政治的な理由からの“報復”か - AUTOMATON

      ベラルーシKGBは12月30日、Wargamingの重役を務める人物を「テロ活動の支持者」として起訴したことを発表した。同社はロシアおよび同国に協力的なベラルーシから距離を取っており、政治的な理由から“テロ活動”とみなされた可能性がありそうだ。現地メディアNasha Nivaなどが伝えている。 Wargamingは、戦車対戦ゲーム『World of Tanks』や海戦ゲーム『World of Warships』などを開発・運営するゲーム企業だ。さまざまな戦車あるいは艦船が登場し、それらのいずれかに乗り込み2チームに分かれて争うゲームプレイが特徴。同様に空戦ゲーム『World of Warplanes』も配信中だ。いずれも基本プレイ無料にて提供されている。 今回、ベラルーシKGB(KGB RB・The State Security Committee of the Republic of B

        『World of Tanks』開発元重役が、創業の地ベラルーシKGBに「テロ活動の支持者」と認定される。政治的な理由からの“報復”か - AUTOMATON
      • 『World of Tanks』元開発者がウクライナ状況の警告表示を開発元に要請―「ロシアの若者が侵略者として本物の戦車の中で生きたまま焼かれている」 | Game*Spark - 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト

          『World of Tanks』元開発者がウクライナ状況の警告表示を開発元に要請―「ロシアの若者が侵略者として本物の戦車の中で生きたまま焼かれている」 | Game*Spark - 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト
        • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

          Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

            World of Tanks—Forum Closure
          • ヘヴィメタルバンド「メガデス(Megadeth)」のデイヴ・ムステイン氏インタビュー。『World of Tanks』『World of Warships』シリーズとのコラボやバンドについて訊いた - AUTOMATON

            ホーム インタビュー ヘヴィメタルバンド「メガデス(Megadeth)」のデイヴ・ムステイン氏インタビュー。『World of Tanks』『World of Warships』シリーズとのコラボやバンドについて訊いた 全記事インタビュー

              ヘヴィメタルバンド「メガデス(Megadeth)」のデイヴ・ムステイン氏インタビュー。『World of Tanks』『World of Warships』シリーズとのコラボやバンドについて訊いた - AUTOMATON
            • 10周年を迎える「World of Tanks」,ウォーゲーミングのCEOビクター・キスリー氏インタビュー。「ここまでのヒット作になるとは全く予想していませんでした」

              10周年を迎える「World of Tanks」,ウォーゲーミングのCEOビクター・キスリー氏インタビュー。「ここまでのヒット作になるとは全く予想していませんでした」 編集部:S.K.Y ウォーゲーミングが運営する「World of Tanks」(WoT)は,その名前のとおり「戦車」にフォーカスしたタイトルだ。今でこそ,日本でも戦車は昔と比べれば市民権を得る存在となったが,それでもまだまだニッチなジャンルであることに変わりはない。 そんな「World of Tanks」がロシアでのサービス開始から10周年を迎える。 今回は,4Gamerでも幾度となくインタビューを行っているウォーゲーミングのCEO ビクター・キスリー氏(Victor Kislyi氏)に,10周年を記念したインタビューを依頼した。最初は「10周年なので日本のファン向けに何かコメントいただけないでしょうか」くらいの打診だったの

                10周年を迎える「World of Tanks」,ウォーゲーミングのCEOビクター・キスリー氏インタビュー。「ここまでのヒット作になるとは全く予想していませんでした」
              • 『World of Tanks』の“年末の顔”、アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー氏にインタビュー。戦車・筋肉・きんに君について訊いた - AUTOMATON

                ホーム インタビュー 『World of Tanks』の“年末の顔”、アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー氏にインタビュー。戦車・筋肉・きんに君について訊いた ウォーゲーミングは12月2日、PC/コンソール/モバイル向けに展開する戦車アクションゲーム『World of Tanks』シリーズに向けて、年末恒例イベント「ホリデー作戦(Holiday Ops)2023」を開幕した。同イベントでは、前年に引き続きハリウッド映画スターであるアーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー氏がゲーム内に登場。今年新たに登場したミラ・ジョヴォヴィッチ氏と共に、イベントを牽引している。インパクト満点で再登場したシュワルツェネッガー氏には、もはや『World of Tanks』“年末の顔”のイメージも付きつつある。 今回弊誌はウォーゲーミングから、そんなシュワルツェネッガー氏にメールインタビューする機会を頂いた。以降、同氏につ

                  『World of Tanks』の“年末の顔”、アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー氏にインタビュー。戦車・筋肉・きんに君について訊いた - AUTOMATON
                • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                  Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                  • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                    Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                    • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                      Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                      • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                        Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                          World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                        • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                          Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                            World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                          • World of Tanksの動画 #04|くそれび

                            今回は軽戦車(LT)です。軽戦車は偵察特化型です。たいてい目がよくて隠ぺいが高い。まぁ斥候みたいなもんですよ。足が速くて目が良くて隠ぺいが良い、代わりに砲は弱くHPが少ない。 もともとWOTはとある動画の影響を受けて始めたのでLTばっかり乗ってたんですよね。その割には上手くないんですが・・・まあそれは仕方ない・・・というかたぶん自分はこれ以上たいして上手くならない自信はありますよ。なんせ撃ち合いが苦手だし。むしろ撃たないで伏せてる方が得意ですよ。今回は観測ダメージが2300も出たんで美味しかったです。 砲塔ちっさ!!

                              World of Tanksの動画 #04|くそれび
                            • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                              Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                              • World of Tanksの動画|くそれび

                                久しぶりに出しますがちょっとエンコードの画質が気になったのもあるので。 それにして700メガちょいの動画のアップロードに一時間半ってかかりすぎなのでは?? 時間帯が悪かったのだろうか??もともとそんなに早い回線ではないけどこんなに時間かかったことないな。新しいアップロード方式が出てたからそっちを速くしてるのかもしれない。でも昨日使ったけど使いにくくて。 動画の内容としては地味。それに尽きる。 もともと撃ち合いは得意ではないけれど中戦車だから前には出ますよ。重戦車が丘を制してくれたら中央から丘が撃てるんですけどね。丘は取られてるし重戦車は前に出ないから・・・まぁああなりますよ。 youtube側のエンコード終わったやつを見るとそれなりに見られる画質なのでまぁあの設定でいきます。

                                  World of Tanksの動画|くそれび
                                • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                  Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                  • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                    Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                    • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                      Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                      • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                        Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                        • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                          Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                          • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                            Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                            • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                              Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                              • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                  Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                  • 『World of Tanks』のWargamingが、創業の地のベラルーシおよびロシアから全面撤退 - AUTOMATON

                                                    Wargamingは4月4日、ロシアとベラルーシにおける事業から全面撤退することを明らかにした。両国における同社事業は、3月31日付けでLesta Studioへと移管されたとのこと。 Wargamingは、『World of Tanks』や『World of Warships』などを開発・運営するゲーム企業だ。同社はベラルーシのミンスクにて創業し、現在はキプロスを本拠地としている。今回の発表によれば、同社は3月31日付けにてロシアおよびベラルーシでの事業をLesta Studio(旧Wargaming Saint Petersburg)に移管。以降、Wargamingは両国内での事業から完全撤退し、同社ゲーム運営はLesta Studioにより継続されるとのこと。 ロシアおよびベラルーシでの事業を引き継ぐLesta Studioは、ロシアのサンクトペテルブルクを拠点としている。創業は19

                                                      『World of Tanks』のWargamingが、創業の地のベラルーシおよびロシアから全面撤退 - AUTOMATON
                                                    • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                      Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                        World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                                      • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                        Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                        • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                          Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                            World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                                          • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                            Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                            • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                              Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                              • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                  Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                    World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                                                  • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                    Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                    • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                      Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                        World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                                                      • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                        Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                          World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                                                        • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                          Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                            World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                                                          • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                            Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                            • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                              Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                              • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                                Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                                • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                                  Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-
