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"user experience"の検索結果1 - 25 件 / 25件

  • GitHub - aws/aws-northstar: NorthStar is an open source design system with reusable React components for rapidly prototyping intuitive, meaningful and accessible user experience. It simplifies your work and ensures consistent, predictable user experience

    NorthStar is an open source design system with reusable React components for rapidly prototyping intuitive, meaningful and accessible user experience. It simplifies your work and ensures consistent, predictable user experience at scale for your customers. With NorthStar, you can focus on innovation and do more with less.

      GitHub - aws/aws-northstar: NorthStar is an open source design system with reusable React components for rapidly prototyping intuitive, meaningful and accessible user experience. It simplifies your work and ensures consistent, predictable user experience
    • GitHub - dot-cafe/beam.cafe: 🌠 Blazing fast file transfer app focused on user-experience. Fastest way to share files without uploading them.

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        GitHub - dot-cafe/beam.cafe: 🌠 Blazing fast file transfer app focused on user-experience. Fastest way to share files without uploading them.
      • https://tech.gunosy.io/entry/user-experience-gunosy-sports

        こんにちは、グノシー事業部でiOSエンジニアをしているsyouit523です。この記事は Gunosy Advent Calendar 2019 10日目の記事です。 昨日の記事は akinkさんの広義のQuality向上のためにQAメンバーが大事にしていることでした。 はじめに 今年から新卒で入社しiOSエンジニアとして働いています。そこで今回は、私が普段から心がけている気持ちいいアプリ体験を提供するということについて、導入事例を交えてご紹介します。 私は、ユーザー体験の向上は非常に重要であると考えています。 主にグノスポでの導入事例をご紹介します。 gunosy-sports.com parallax viewの導入 まずはじめはparallax viewの導入です。フロントエンド界隈では馴染み深い用語かもしれません。 parallax viewの導入で、スクロールに追従したアニメーシ

        • Design a superior user experience with the new Side Panel API  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

          A year ago, in May 2022, we added the side panel to Chrome. This is a new companion surface that allows users to use tools alongside the content they are browsing. Today, we're excited to announce that your extension can start showing content in the side panel, beginning in Chrome 114. A dictionary extension that shows the definition of a selected word. See the code in the chrome-extensions-sample

          • GitHub - divriots/jampack: Optimizes static websites for best user experience and best Core Web Vitals scores.

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              GitHub - divriots/jampack: Optimizes static websites for best user experience and best Core Web Vitals scores.
            • 「5段階モデル」の再解釈を通し、UXの本質を見つめ直す:まえがき『The Elements of User Experience - 5段階モデルで考えるUXデザイン』|designing

              「5段階モデル」の再解釈を通し、UXの本質を見つめ直す:まえがき『The Elements of User Experience - 5段階モデルで考えるUXデザイン』 ソシオメディア 上野学氏が捉える『The Elements of User Experience』の現代における意味。 2022.06.14 Adaptive Pathの共同創業者Jesse James Garrett氏の著書『The Elements of User Experience - 5段階モデルで考えるUXデザイン』が、2022年5月25日に出版された。 同書は、2002年に刊行された同名著書の2ndエディション(2011年)の邦訳版。今回は、著者がFast Companyに寄稿した『I helped pioneer UX design. What I see today disturbs me』の翻訳をdes

                「5段階モデル」の再解釈を通し、UXの本質を見つめ直す:まえがき『The Elements of User Experience - 5段階モデルで考えるUXデザイン』|designing
              • GitHub - material-shell/material-shell: A modern desktop interface for Linux. Improve your user experience and get rid of the anarchy of traditional desktop workflows. Designed to simplify navigation and reduce the need to manipulate windows in order to i

                A modern desktop interface for Linux. Improve your user experience and get rid of the anarchy of traditional desktop workflows. Designed to simplify navigation and reduce the need to manipulate windows in order to improve productivity. It's meant to be 100% predictable and bring the benefits of tools coveted by professionals to everyone.

                  GitHub - material-shell/material-shell: A modern desktop interface for Linux. Improve your user experience and get rid of the anarchy of traditional desktop workflows. Designed to simplify navigation and reduce the need to manipulate windows in order to i
                • CSS Custom Properties Beyond the :root · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer

                  Manuel asked: Is there a good reason why we’re defining global custom properties on :root/html and not on body?” It’s a great question: Everybody just seems to define most of their global custom properties (aka CSS variables) on the :root selector without giving it a second thought – and so am I. But why :root? The answer is that there is no real reason. It’s just a convention. Defining custom pro

                    CSS Custom Properties Beyond the :root · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer
                  • Monitoring user experience 
of Flutter apps with SLI/SLO (日本語)

                    こちらは 2024年6月に https://flutterninjas.dev/ で登壇した資料です。 SLI/SLO is often heard as a SRE word, but it is not familiar to mobile app development. In my product, the failure rate is high, and I needed a mechanism to detect and solve the problems as early as possible. So I adapted the SLI/SLO mechanism to fit mobile apps and created a mechanism to detect poor user experience. This mechanism allows for imm

                      Monitoring user experience 
of Flutter apps with SLI/SLO (日本語)
                    • Evaluation method of UX “The User Experience Honeycomb” | blog / bookslope

                      ウェブサイトを評価する・レビューする方法にはさまざまな視点が必要になると思いますが、市場の流れから考えて「UX」視点が必要だとする見方があります。以前から、利用者視点というものを評価方法として加えている調査会社であれば、当然の流れといえますが、そうした場合のUXの評価とはユーザーテストを実施して実際に被験者に利用してもらうことが多いと思います。 ユーザテストのシナリオ作成においては、もっぱらそうした検討がされていると思いますが、評価方法としてUXを考える場合、「UXハニカム構造」がベースになるように思いました。 User Experience Design – Semantic Studios この記事に「The User Experience Honeycomb」というものがあり、これを「UXハニカム構造」と呼んでいるわけですが、UXを構成する要素には、Useful (役に立つ)・Usa

                        Evaluation method of UX “The User Experience Honeycomb” | blog / bookslope
                      • GitHub - mathesar-foundation/mathesar: Web application providing an intuitive user experience to databases.

                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                          GitHub - mathesar-foundation/mathesar: Web application providing an intuitive user experience to databases.
                        • The New Generation of Performance Metrics for Better User Experience - Calibre

                          The New Generation of Performance Metrics for Better User Experience Traditional performance metrics like load time or DOMContentLoaded focus on details that are easy to measure, but these milestones don’t translate well to what the users care about. If you optimize only for fast loading time, you can quickly end up with sites that still have a poor user experience. A site can have fast total load

                            The New Generation of Performance Metrics for Better User Experience - Calibre
                          • GitHub - ravynsoft/ravynos: A BSD-based OS project that aims to provide source and binary compatibility with macOS® and a similar user experience.

                            ravynOS is a new open source OS project that aims to provide a similar experience and some compatibility with macOS on x86-64 (and eventually ARM) systems. It builds on the solid foundations of FreeBSD, existing open source packages in the same space, and new code to fill the gaps. The main design goals are: Source compatibility with macOS applications (i.e. you could compile a Mac application on

                              GitHub - ravynsoft/ravynos: A BSD-based OS project that aims to provide source and binary compatibility with macOS® and a similar user experience.
                            • Adding notification permission data to the Chrome User Experience Report  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                              Chrome 80 introduced quieter permission UI for notifications. To help site owners understand notification permission metrics, we’re adding this data to the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) in the 202001 dataset, released on February 11, 2020. This will allow site owners gain a better understanding of typical user notification permission responses for their sites and comparable sites in their c

                              • Kinvolk: Shining a light on the Kubernetes User Experience with Headlamp

                                Shining a light on the Kubernetes User Experience with Headlamp By Joaquim Rocha / Andy Randall · November 16, 2020 If you’ve ever seen a Kubernetes demo, it probably involved a terminal and someone typing commands using kubectl and arcane yaml configuration files. This might be a powerful workflow for experts, but in an age when everything has a slick web interface, it is not the most accessible

                                  Kinvolk: Shining a light on the Kubernetes User Experience with Headlamp
                                • Web: How to document the screen reader user experience - Accessibility, Your Team and You

                                  User experience designers guide, How to document the screen reader user experience User experience designers are responsible for designing the user experience. Period. A visual is not enough. This doesn't ensure a good user experience (UX) for all users. Accessible design process includes documenting the non-visual UX, for screen reader users. This also helps in achieving a good user experience fo

                                  • The Thing With Leading in CSS · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer

                                    The spacing between individual elements of a website and, in particular, the vertical spacing, has been a regular matter of debate between web designers and developers. Designers insist that what they see in the browser doesn’t look at all like the layout they originally designed. Developers respond that all the margins in the style sheets exactly match the margins in the layout. So who is right?

                                      The Thing With Leading in CSS · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer
                                    • Enhancing User Experience With CSS Animations by Stéphanie Walter - UX Researcher & Designer.

                                      This content is 3 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated. With CSS and JS progress, implementing animations on websites has never been easier. But how do we make sure that our CSS animations and transitions will be meaningful to our users? That they will not be just some annoying “in-your-face” eye candy? How can CSS animations enhance your user experience? In the talk, I

                                        Enhancing User Experience With CSS Animations by Stéphanie Walter - UX Researcher & Designer.
                                      • PRIME Study Progress Update — User Experience

                                        It is estimated that 180,000 Americans live with quadriplegia, and each year, an additional ~18,000 suffer a paralyzing spinal cord injury. We live in a digital society where‬‭ much of our work, entertainment, and social lives rely heavily on our use of computers and‬‭ smart devices. People with quadriplegia often find that their needs to engage seamlessly with the digital world go unmet, leading

                                          PRIME Study Progress Update — User Experience
                                        • Cluster API v1alpha3 Delivers New Features and an Improved User Experience

                                          This article is more than one year old. Older articles may contain outdated content. Check that the information in the page has not become incorrect since its publication. The Cluster API is a Kubernetes project to bring declarative, Kubernetes-style APIs to cluster creation, configuration, and management. It provides optional, additive functionality on top of core Kubernetes to manage the lifecyc

                                            Cluster API v1alpha3 Delivers New Features and an Improved User Experience
                                          • User Experience (UX) - Learn UX | UX Database

                                            The largest collection of resources for learning and working with digital product. Discover tools to optimise your design flow or learn and improve your skills with the most comprehensive course, ever. User experience (UX) is much more than designing user interfaces (UI). It is the art and science of designing and taking into account all possible interactions of people using any kind of artefact a

                                              User Experience (UX) - Learn UX | UX Database
                                            • MaaS x Card - Think of User Experience Design Method | blog / bookslope

                                              「ノンデザイナーのためのデザインツールを開発したい」この思いから、このたびクラウンドファンディングを実施することにしました。第一弾のテーマは「MaaS※」です。 ※MaaS(マース)とは「Mobility as a service」の略で「サービスとしての移動」を意味します。 これまで、デジタルプロダクト(ウェブやアプリなど)におけるUX(User Experience)をテーマにしたワークショップは数多く実施してきましたが、そのノウハウを活用した新しい試みです。 第一弾は「MaaS」ですが、今後さまざまな分野にも応用していくことを想定しています。そのため、専用コミュニティも並行して進める予定です。 クラウンドファンディング 今回、縁あって「CAMPFIRE」というプラットフォームで公開することになりました。プロジェクトの概要は、クラウンドファンディングのページ「ノンデザイナーのためのデザ

                                                MaaS x Card - Think of User Experience Design Method | blog / bookslope
                                              • GitHub - Physton/sd-webui-prompt-all-in-one: This is an extension based on sd-webui, aimed at improving the user experience of the prompt/negative prompt input box. It has a more intuitive and powerful input interface function, and provides automatic tran

                                                This is an extension based on sd-webui, aimed at improving the user experience of the prompt/negative prompt input box. It has a more intuitive and powerful input interface function, and provides automatic translation, history record, and bookmarking functions. 这是一个基于 sd-webui 的扩展,旨在提高提示词/反向提示词输入框的使用体验。它拥有更直观、强大的输入界面功能,它提供了自动翻译、历史记录和收藏等功能。

                                                  GitHub - Physton/sd-webui-prompt-all-in-one: This is an extension based on sd-webui, aimed at improving the user experience of the prompt/negative prompt input box. It has a more intuitive and powerful input interface function, and provides automatic tran
                                                • GitHub - mealie-recipes/mealie: Mealie is a self hosted recipe manager and meal planner with a RestAPI backend and a reactive frontend application built in Vue for a pleasant user experience for the whole family. Easily add recipes into your database by p

                                                  Mealie is a self hosted recipe manager and meal planner with a RestAPI backend and a reactive frontend application built in Vue for a pleasant user experience for the whole family. Easily add recipes into your database by providing the url and mealie will automatically import the relevant data or add a family recipe with the UI editor

                                                    GitHub - mealie-recipes/mealie: Mealie is a self hosted recipe manager and meal planner with a RestAPI backend and a reactive frontend application built in Vue for a pleasant user experience for the whole family. Easily add recipes into your database by p
                                                  • GitHub - felixpalmer/procedural-gl-js: Mobile-first 3D mapping engine with emphasis on user experience

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                                                      GitHub - felixpalmer/procedural-gl-js: Mobile-first 3D mapping engine with emphasis on user experience