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1 - 40 件 / 186件

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^sureの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 186件

  • 神保哲生 on Twitter: "IOCが、五輪に参加する全選手に、未来永劫IOCを訴えないという誓約書にサインさせてるというところごすごい、っつうかひでぇな。 Olympic leaders are making sure the Tokyo Games are… https://t.co/tTyTkdtCiv"

    IOCが、五輪に参加する全選手に、未来永劫IOCを訴えないという誓約書にサインさせてるというところごすごい、っつうかひでぇな。 Olympic leaders are making sure the Tokyo Games are… https://t.co/tTyTkdtCiv

      神保哲生 on Twitter: "IOCが、五輪に参加する全選手に、未来永劫IOCを訴えないという誓約書にサインさせてるというところごすごい、っつうかひでぇな。 Olympic leaders are making sure the Tokyo Games are… https://t.co/tTyTkdtCiv"
    • I'm not sure if "Tsunami" is a good name. But I need your opinion. · Issue #5 · google/tsunami-security-scanner

      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

        I'm not sure if "Tsunami" is a good name. But I need your opinion. · Issue #5 · google/tsunami-security-scanner
      • Perspective | Olympic leaders are making sure the Tokyo Games are safe — from liability

        The Tokyo Games will be safe, perfectly safe. How do I know? Because Baron Von Ripperoff and the other lords at the International Olympic Committee have assured me so. And the IOC’s assurances are to be trusted, are they not? Just look at them, so authoritative in their dark lapels and gold pins and rimless glasses. They’re as immovable and solid as statues. Any resemblance to the living is purely

          Perspective | Olympic leaders are making sure the Tokyo Games are safe — from liability
        • It sure seems like Google is struggling to invent the future

          Earlier this week, Google made some serious cuts to its startup incubator Area 120, cutting half of its projects, according to TechCrunch. The purpose of Area 120 was to give Google employees somewhere to experiment or chase their passion projects, with the hope that they could stumble upon the next Big Idea like Adsense, Gmail, or Google News. But as the economy has turned, it seems Google may be

            It sure seems like Google is struggling to invent the future
          • Who is Russia’s top field commander in Ukraine? The US isn’t sure. | CNN Politics

            - Source: CNN " data-fave-thumbnails="{"big": { "uri": "https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/220322111434-gen-marks-vpx-thumbnail.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_540,w_960,c_fill" }, "small": { "uri": "https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/220322111434-gen-marks-vpx-thumbnail.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_540,w_960,c_fill" } }" data-vr-video="false" data-show-html=" New Day " data-byline-html=" " data-chec

              Who is Russia’s top field commander in Ukraine? The US isn’t sure. | CNN Politics
            • ヤギの人 on Twitter: "「高いところから落ちるのが好きなタニシ」 Not sure if this is the right sub for this…but, my snails like to climb as high as they can an… https://t.co/vDM0fr0Kol"

              「高いところから落ちるのが好きなタニシ」 Not sure if this is the right sub for this…but, my snails like to climb as high as they can an… https://t.co/vDM0fr0Kol

                ヤギの人 on Twitter: "「高いところから落ちるのが好きなタニシ」 Not sure if this is the right sub for this…but, my snails like to climb as high as they can an… https://t.co/vDM0fr0Kol"
              • GitHub - ddd-crew/ddd-starter-modelling-process: If you're new to DDD and not sure where to start, this process will guide you step-by-step

                This process gives you a step-by-step guide for learning and practically applying each aspect of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) - from orienting around an organisation's business model to coding a domain model. Using this process will guide you through each of the essential steps in designing a software system with the DDD mindset, so you can focus on your business challenges and not be overwhelmed by

                  GitHub - ddd-crew/ddd-starter-modelling-process: If you're new to DDD and not sure where to start, this process will guide you step-by-step
                • gitでPlease make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. が出た時の対処法 - Qiita

                  gitでPlease make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. が出た時の対処法GitGitHubSSH Git で以下のエラーが出た時にやったこと。 Bad owner or permissions on ~/.ssh/config fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. このエラーの前提 普段とは異なる環境からの SSH 接続。PCの買い替えや再インストール、クラウドの使用など。 結論 結論から書くと、sshの公開鍵,秘密鍵を再発行してgithubに登録して、configファイル

                    gitでPlease make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. が出た時の対処法 - Qiita
                  • Are forces join special sure the to want you you | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                    単語をならべかえて英文を完成させよう(レベル10)「Are forces join special sure the to want you you」「特殊部隊に入りたいって本当ですか。」#英語学習 | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                      Are forces join special sure the to want you you | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング
                    • I'm not sure.ってネイティブみたい?夢の話 - 自己満足な日記or備忘録 akayamaqueen

                      先日見た夢の話。 なんのオチもないのだけれど 目覚めても覚えているって、なんか不思議じゃない? 備忘録として書き留めなきゃ。 夢の内容 さいごに 夢の内容 私は高校生で、その日から オリエンテーションか何かで 泊りでどこかに行くことになっていた。 宿泊の大荷物を持って学校に行くと オズワルドの伊藤いる。 どうも、担任の先生らしい。(笑) 一日目はクラスごとに行動するようで オズワルド伊藤先生が、 「自転車で大きな公園(たぶん都立水元公園)行く」 と言う。 私にしては珍しく 早めに登校したので時間によゆうはあった。 先生に 隣のコンビニに弁当とお菓子と飲み物買いに行っていいかと、たずねると はやくしろよー!だって。 なんかホントに先生っぽくて笑える 校門の横にセブンイレブンっぽい看板があったので すぐに向かうと 隣にあるはずなのに コンビニまでの間には他の建物があって 米軍みたいな人が忙しそ

                        I'm not sure.ってネイティブみたい?夢の話 - 自己満足な日記or備忘録 akayamaqueen   
                      • Are You Sure You Want to Use MMAP in Your Database Management System?

                        Are You Sure You Want to Use MMAP in Your Database Management System? Memory-mapped (MMAP) file I/O is an OS-provided feature that maps the contents of a file on secondary storage into a program’s address space. The program then accesses pages via pointers as if the file resided entirely in memory. The OS transparently loads pages only when the program references them and automatically evicts page

                          Are You Sure You Want to Use MMAP in Your Database Management System?
                        • Are You Sure You Want to Use MMAP in Your Database Management System?

                          Are You Sure You Want to Use MMAP in Your Database Management System? Andrew Crotty Carnegie Mellon University andrewcr@cs.cmu.edu Viktor Leis University of Erlangen-Nuremberg viktor.leis@fau.de Andrew Pavlo Carnegie Mellon University pavlo@cs.cmu.edu ABSTRACT Memory-mapped (mmap) file I/O is an OS-provided feature that maps the contents of a file on secondary storage into a program’s address spac

                          • GitHub - derwiki/layoff-runbook: Being laid off can be overwhelming and it's easy to miss important tasks. This runbook will help make sure you stay on track.

                            Being laid off can be overwhelming and it's easy to miss important tasks. This runbook will help make sure you stay on track. Note: this is primarily geared towards Software Engineers, although much of the information is general enough to be applicable to any professional. Note: this is almost assuredly incomplete, please feel free to submit a pull request or email layoffrunbook@der.wiki 🙏 If you

                              GitHub - derwiki/layoff-runbook: Being laid off can be overwhelming and it's easy to miss important tasks. This runbook will help make sure you stay on track.
                            • jack on Twitter: "not sure anyone has heard but, I resigned from Twitter https://t.co/G5tUkSSxkl"

                              not sure anyone has heard but, I resigned from Twitter https://t.co/G5tUkSSxkl

                                jack on Twitter: "not sure anyone has heard but, I resigned from Twitter https://t.co/G5tUkSSxkl"
                              • エラーメッセージ「NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. 」

                                以前、機械学習でGPU使えるように設定したまま使っていなかったので、一度使ってみようと思ったら以下のエラーが発生しました。 $ nvidia-smi NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. 調べてみると、apt-get upgrade が影響している可能性があるらしい事と再インストールすれば改善しそうという事がわかりました。 環境 Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTSGeforce RTX 2060 既存ドライバのアンインストール まずは以前インストールしていたドライバ・CUDAをアンインストール $ sudo apt-get --purge r

                                  エラーメッセージ「NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. 」
                                • After Four Antibody Tests, I’m Still Not Sure I’ve Had Covid-19

                                  Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world

                                    After Four Antibody Tests, I’m Still Not Sure I’ve Had Covid-19
                                  • Bloomberg Quicktake on Twitter: ""If you don't have symptoms, don't do a test. It is another way that the American people can make sure that we are… https://t.co/t6WSIAK7dI"

                                    "If you don't have symptoms, don't do a test. It is another way that the American people can make sure that we are… https://t.co/t6WSIAK7dI

                                      Bloomberg Quicktake on Twitter: ""If you don't have symptoms, don't do a test. It is another way that the American people can make sure that we are… https://t.co/t6WSIAK7dI"
                                    • イベントのお知らせ 実写と講演の集い 四方田犬彦「日本映画は韓国人をどう描いてきたか」 (四方田犬彦『志願兵の肖像──映画にみる皇民化運動期の朝鮮と戦後日本』刊行記念)<strong>終了しました!</strong> <p>日時 2023年5月13日(土) <p>13時開場/13時30分開演  場所 地塩寮(京大YMCA青年会館)2階ホール|編集グループ〈SURE〉

                                      イベントのお知らせ 実写と講演の集い 四方田犬彦「日本映画は韓国人をどう描いてきたか」 (四方田犬彦『志願兵の肖像──映画にみる皇民化運動期の朝鮮と戦後日本』刊行記念)終了しました! 日時 2023年5月13日(土) 13時開場/13時30分開演 場所 地塩寮(京大YMCA青年会館)2階ホール 2023年04月08日 更新 今年5月初旬、四方田犬彦さんが、日本の植民地支配期の朝鮮で 製作された映画を論じる、異色の映画史論 『志願兵の肖像──映画にみる皇民化運動期の朝鮮と戦後日本』を 刊行します。 これを記念し、実際の映画のシーンを上映しながら、 四方田さんが講義をする「日本映画は韓国人をどう描いてきたか」の集いを開催します。 会場は、W・M・ヴォーリズ設計の登録有形文化財として知られる 地塩寮(京大YMCA青年会館)です。 SUREの書籍の販売も行ないます。 日時 2023年5月13日(土

                                      • ChatGPT can talk, but OpenAI employees sure can’t

                                        ChatGPT can talk, but OpenAI employees sure can’tWhy is OpenAI’s superalignment team imploding? Sam Altman (left), CEO of artificial intelligence company OpenAI, and the company’s co-founder and then-chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, speak together at Tel Aviv University in Tel Aviv on June 5, 2023. Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images Kelsey Piper is a senior writer at Future Perfect, Vox’s effective alt

                                          ChatGPT can talk, but OpenAI employees sure can’t
                                        • “If you don’t make it beautiful, it’s for sure doomed”: putting the Vault in GitHub’s Arctic Code Vault

                                          CommunityOpen Source“If you don’t make it beautiful, it’s for sure doomed”: putting the Vault in GitHub’s Arctic Code VaultGitHub this month installed a massive steel vault, etched with striking AI-generated art, deep within an Arctic mountain, finalizing its Arctic Code Vault. This vault contains the 188 reels of hardened archival film which will preserve the 02/02/2020 snapshot of every active p

                                            “If you don’t make it beautiful, it’s for sure doomed”: putting the Vault in GitHub’s Arctic Code Vault
                                          • Opinion | We Must Make Sure Russia Finishes This War in a Worse Position Than Before (Published 2022)

                                            Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine, Western governments have tirelessly condemned this egregious act and declared their support for Ukraine. But as united as they have been in their outrage, they have been vague about their goals. This posture has begun to change. Recently, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said that America wanted “to see Russia weakened” so that it could not threaten its neighbor

                                              Opinion | We Must Make Sure Russia Finishes This War in a Worse Position Than Before (Published 2022)
                                            • Dana Fried on Twitter: "Not sure whether spooky or just sad? https://t.co/E8uvavkuQf"

                                              Not sure whether spooky or just sad? https://t.co/E8uvavkuQf

                                                Dana Fried on Twitter: "Not sure whether spooky or just sad? https://t.co/E8uvavkuQf"
                                              • Remote work has a dark side. Here are 3 ways to make sure you overcome it in 2021

                                                Spoiler alert: it’s likely not your productivity that’s suffering; it’s your career. When the pandemic forced many knowledge workers out of the office and into their homes, many hypothesized that it wouldn’t work, at least not long-term. Some worried that productivity and collaboration would suffer. Others, company culture. So now that we’re nearly nine months into the pandemic, is remote work wor

                                                  Remote work has a dark side. Here are 3 ways to make sure you overcome it in 2021
                                                • GitHub - mmkal/expect-type: Compile-time tests for types. Useful to make sure types don't regress into being overly-permissive as changes go in over time.

                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                    GitHub - mmkal/expect-type: Compile-time tests for types. Useful to make sure types don't regress into being overly-permissive as changes go in over time.
                                                  • SURE - 英語の顔表情.airabuwo.blog

                                                    Sure.  シュア

                                                      SURE - 英語の顔表情.airabuwo.blog
                                                    • Future Islands - For Sure (Official Video)

                                                      'For Sure' by Future Islands, from new album 'As Long As You Are' out now on 4AD. Listen, buy and stream here: https://futureislands.ffm.to/aslongasyouare A Film by Samuel Jerome Mason Finishing by John Harrison Rendered with GarageFarm Special Thanks to Anna, Jemima, Mike, Willy, Saad, Eric, Arsen Perish the pain I was impoverished Those ties that wind And stared into open lanes Stared into lon

                                                        Future Islands - For Sure (Official Video)
                                                      • Can you be sure to clear a line at Tetris? - a3nm's blog

                                                        Summary: it is possible to play Tetris and guarantee that you will score at least one line, no matter which pieces are given to you, i.e., even assuming they are chosen adversarially. There are many things that can be found online about the game Tetris: high scores (see for instance this great documentary), implementation details (did you know there was a specification for Tetris games?), intellec

                                                        • Irulan, Princess Royal, Bene Gesserit-trained on Twitter: "I’m sure you know this by now, but the reason ABBA wore those wild costumes was because Swedish tax law would only… https://t.co/AC12stZReX"

                                                          I’m sure you know this by now, but the reason ABBA wore those wild costumes was because Swedish tax law would only… https://t.co/AC12stZReX

                                                            Irulan, Princess Royal, Bene Gesserit-trained on Twitter: "I’m sure you know this by now, but the reason ABBA wore those wild costumes was because Swedish tax law would only… https://t.co/AC12stZReX"
                                                          • GitHub - basecamp/accessibility: Guidelines and tools we use at 37signals to make sure our apps are accessible

                                                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                              GitHub - basecamp/accessibility: Guidelines and tools we use at 37signals to make sure our apps are accessible
                                                            • AmpはInstagramを利用しています:「New FRAM video up on @kyleawsm YouTube channel! Please be sure to drop a thumbs up on the awesome video he put together showcasing my…」

                                                              Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

                                                              • Sure Cuts Pro System Requirements - lasopapromos

                                                                'Sure Cuts A Lot PRO' is an easy to use software, which allows you to cut virtually any shape with various electronic cutting machines. System Requirements. Pentium processor-based PC or compatible computer (Windows) Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (Windows) Intel based Macintosh (Mac) Macintosh OSX 10.6/10.7/10.8/10.9 (Mac) 512 MB of RAM or more. At least 50 MB of available hard disk space. USB Port 1.1 or

                                                                  Sure Cuts Pro System Requirements - lasopapromos
                                                                • Round71&72 WarriorGC /Oak valleyCCとインチキマーカーSURE PUTT - NC Life log ゴルフと買い物ノート

                                                                  こんにちは、急に朝晩涼しくなりました もう一回暑い日が戻って欲しいな 週末は連チャンでラウンドで、身体がガタピシ言ってますが 頑張って胸と腰を回してます、ケアがキーポイントですね、、 まずは Round71 、いつものWarrior GCへ一人で ご一緒したJohn さんkent さんkingさんとは、 また来週どこかでラウンドすることになりました ゴルフ好きメンバー足りないのかな? Round71 WarriorGC (6193yd Par71)  42/39=81 右腰で打つの2日目ですが確かにOBは減りました ただ、ボールのうわっつら引っ掛けるミスがありますね ボール位置とか、身体の回し方まだまだです *ティーショット平均202 Max 226 フェアウエイキープ69% 左15%右15% ワンペナ1(2ndshot) OB なし *パーオン率44%  (左に0%右0%ショート56%

                                                                    Round71&72 WarriorGC /Oak valleyCCとインチキマーカーSURE PUTT - NC Life log ゴルフと買い物ノート
                                                                  • Third-party Twitter clients stopped working, and nobody’s sure why

                                                                    Enlarge / Many third-party Twitter clients, apps the social network has been seeking to diminish since 2012, are suddenly not working, with no update or outreach from Twitter. Tweetbot, Twiterrific, Echofon, and other third-party Twitter clients have failed to work for many people since late Thursday night, and the social network has seemingly not notified the apps' developers as to why. Paul Hadd

                                                                      Third-party Twitter clients stopped working, and nobody’s sure why
                                                                    • J.K. Rowling on Twitter: "‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? W… https://t.co/JEQbzYBS9O"

                                                                      ‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? W… https://t.co/JEQbzYBS9O

                                                                        J.K. Rowling on Twitter: "‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? W… https://t.co/JEQbzYBS9O"
                                                                      • Blue Origin sure seems confident it will launch New Glenn in 2024

                                                                        Enlarge / This picture, taken several months ago, shows different parts for Blue Origin's New Glenn rocket inside the company's manufacturing facility in Florida. For the first time, it's starting to feel like Jeff Bezos's space company, Blue Origin, might have a shot at launching its long-delayed New Glenn rocket within the next 12 months. Of course, there's a lot for Blue Origin to test and vali

                                                                          Blue Origin sure seems confident it will launch New Glenn in 2024
                                                                        • It sure looks like Elon Musk is deliberately destroying X

                                                                          An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile.

                                                                            It sure looks like Elon Musk is deliberately destroying X
                                                                          • 覚えておくと役に立つ「Make sure」の使い方

                                                                            皆さんは、“make sure”という表現を耳にしたことはありませんか?「~を確認する」や「必ず~する」を意味するこの表現は、日常会話だけでなくビジネスシーンでも役立つとても使い勝手の良い表現ですので、ぜひ覚えて会話で使ってみてください。 Make sure →「確かめる、確認する、確実にする、必ず」 makeを使った熟語の中でも“make sure”は幅広く使えるフレーズの一つであり、ネイティブは日常会話・ビジネス会話にかかわらず頻繁にこの表現を使います。「確かめる」は“confirm”、「確実にする」は“ensure”と覚えている人も多いと思いますが、どちらも少し硬い表現になるため、そのどちらの意味としても使うことができる親しみやすい言い回しの“make sure”を覚えておくと会話に役立ちます。 “make sure”は通常、「make sure to + 動詞の原形」と「make

                                                                              覚えておくと役に立つ「Make sure」の使い方
                                                                            • It Sure Sounds Like Trump May Barricade Himself in the Oval Office and Refuse to Come Out If Biden Wins

                                                                              It Sure Sounds Like Trump May Barricade Himself in the Oval Office and Refuse to Come Out If Biden Wins By now you’ve likely heard that after pulling ahead in Georgia and, most crucially, Pennsylvania, Joe Biden will very likely be the next president of the United States. As you’ve probably also heard, Donald Trump is taking it as well as everyone had expected, ranting and raving about all kinds o

                                                                                It Sure Sounds Like Trump May Barricade Himself in the Oval Office and Refuse to Come Out If Biden Wins
                                                                              • sure - 💕はりいごきます💕

                                                                                小さな  光をたどって 僕らが  どこへゆこうとも  ♪ 小豆島です お天気は なんとか 持田香織 確かなことが あるとすれは それは

                                                                                  sure - 💕はりいごきます💕
                                                                                • 「Greer Amps Sure Shot Boost」!クリーンだけでなく歪みも生み出すブースター! - きになるおもちゃ -ギター・エフェクター・アンプ・DTM関連の情報サイト-

                                                                                  Greer Amps Sure Shot Boost 長年数多くのエフェクターを制作しているGreer Ampsから、ミニサイズのシンプルなブースターが登場です。 「Greer Amps Sure Shot Boost」。 LOUDノブのみのミニサイズブースターです。ですが単純なクリーンブーストではなく、内部にクリッピングダイオードを用いることで、LOUDを上げていくごとに歪みが加わっていくブースターとなっています。 シンプルに音量を上げるだけでなく、ペダル自体の歪みを加えることで、真空管アンプをブーストした時にも複雑なテクスチャが合わさった歪みを作る事ができるようになる、ということです。 www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Lineアカウントからブログ更新をお知らせ! がっきや速報 人気blogランキングへ

                                                                                    「Greer Amps Sure Shot Boost」!クリーンだけでなく歪みも生み出すブースター! - きになるおもちゃ -ギター・エフェクター・アンプ・DTM関連の情報サイト-