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161 - 200 件 / 1691件

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70Yearsの検索結果161 - 200 件 / 1691件

  • Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej dead at 88

    Jonathan Head looks back at the reign of King Bhumibol Adulyadej Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the world's longest-reigning monarch, has died after 70 years as head of state. The 88-year-old king was widely revered but had been in poor health in recent years, making few public appearances. He was seen as a stabilising figure in a country hit by cycles of political turmoil and multiple coups.

      Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej dead at 88
    • Japan's Mitsubishi makes prisoners of war apology

      Hikaru Kimura of Mitsubishi expressed ''a most sincere apology'' to former US prisoners of war and their families Japan's Mitsubishi corporation has made a landmark apology for using US prisoners of war as forced labour during World War Two. A senior executive, Hikaru Kimura, expressed remorse at a ceremony in Los Angeles that prisoners had been put to work in mines operated by the firm. It is bel

        Japan's Mitsubishi makes prisoners of war apology
      • Elsevier — my part in its downfall

        This entry was posted on January 21, 2012 at 5:30 pm and is filed under Elsevier. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 655 Responses to “Elsevier — my part in its downfall” smy Says: January 21, 2012 at 6:13 pm | Reply Bundling of negotiations on the customer side does not automatically lead to better result

          Elsevier — my part in its downfall
        • Japanese lawmaker reprimanded for approaching emperor

          Japanese businessman Seijiro Takeshita said the MP's protest had "definitely crossed the line" A member of the Japanese parliament has been reprimanded for attempting to involve the emperor in politics. Taro Yamamoto is to be barred from future events at the Imperial Palace after handing a letter to Emperor Akihito about the impact of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Such contact is taboo in Japan,

            Japanese lawmaker reprimanded for approaching emperor
          • Phenix | フェニックス


              Phenix | フェニックス
            • Putin Quashes Japanese Hopes of End to Island Dispute (Published 2019)

              President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, right, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan at the Kremlin in Moscow on Tuesday. Japan has been far less critical of Moscow than have Europe and America.Credit...Pool photo by Alexey Druzhinin/Sputnik MOSCOW — President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia on Tuesday dashed Japanese hopes of a settlement any time soon to a territorial dispute that has festered since

                Putin Quashes Japanese Hopes of End to Island Dispute (Published 2019)
              • わたしの自由について~SEALDs 2015~

                2015年夏、路上で声を上げ続け国会前を 群衆で埋め尽くした学生団体「SEALDs」。 彼らの激動の夏に密着したドキュメンタリー。 A documentary following the turmoil of summer 2015 in Japan and the student activist group ‘SEALDs’ that led the crowds and kept protesting in front of the National Diet building. 2015年。第二次世界大戦以後、70年間、平和国家として歩んできた日本の安全保障が、大きく変わろうとしていた。 安倍晋三首相率いる自民党は、これまでの憲法解釈を180度転換し、集団的自衛権の行使容認を含む新たな安全保障関連法案を国会に提出した。 日本国憲法第9条で定められた、戦争放棄に反するこの政府の動きに

                  わたしの自由について~SEALDs 2015~
                • Albums

                  Kid Gloves Established in 1884, the Repton Boys boxing Club was founded in Bethnal Green in the heart of London's east end as a mission for underprivileged children. The club has moved three times from it's original position, but has never strayed from it's roots. Moors and Christians The Moors and Christians Festival of Alcoy, in honor of Saint George. On the second day of the day festival affili

                  • Microsoft Word - This_Time_Is_Different_04_16_2008 REISSUE.doc

                    April 16, 2008 This Time is Different: A Panoramic View of Eight Centuries of Financial Crises* Carmen M. Reinhart, University of Maryland and NBER Kenneth S. Rogoff, Harvard University and NBER Abstract This paper offers a “panoramic” analysis of the history of financial crises dating from England’s fourteenth-century default to the current United States sub-prime financial crisis. Our study

                    • Hiroshima survivors: Obama speech moving, 'more than enough'

                      HIROSHIMA, Japan (Reuters) - Barack Obama, the first sitting U.S. president to visit Hiroshima, laid a wreath on Friday at the site of the world’s first atomic bombing, which killed thousands instantly and about 140,000 within months. A man prays in front of the cenotaph for the victims of the 1945 atomic bombing, at Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima, Japan May 26, 2016 a day before U.S. President

                        Hiroshima survivors: Obama speech moving, 'more than enough'
                      • Studies of the Mortality of Atomic Bomb Survivors, Report 14

                        RADIATION RESEARCH 177, 229–243 (2012) 0033-7587/12 $15.00 Ó2012 by Radiation Research Society. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. DOI: 10.1667/RR2629.1 Studies of the Mortality of Atomic Bomb Survivors, Report 14, 1950–2003: An Overview of Cancer and Noncancer Diseases Kotaro Ozasa,a,1 Yukiko Shimizu,a Akihiko Suyama,a Fumiyoshi Kasagi,a,b Midori Soda,a Eric J. Grant,a Ritsu Sakata,

                        • だらだら日記

                          こんにちは いつもブログを読んでいただき、ありがとうございます お店にもご来店、ありがとうございます IPPOは毎週火曜日〜土曜日の10時〜17時で営業中です あれこれいろんな仕事が山積みですが、 新作ブローチのアイデアが湧いたので、作りました〜 ミニIPPOのブローチ〜 小さいブローチです。 かわいいですね〜。 ¥350です。まいど 布の模様がそのまま生かせるので、布選びも楽しい こちらは定番で、一番人気の鳥のブローチ ネーミングがよかったようで、プレゼントにもよく利用してもらってます みんな前向きになりたいんですね〜 私もしょっちゅう横向いてるどころか意外と後ろ向きなところもある そしてたまに落ち込むこともある そんな時、励ましてくれる友人の存在は、とってもありがたいです いつもありがとうございま〜す 今日はお客様が肩凝ってるね〜と、ちょっとほぐしてくれました かなり固いらしい。 マッ

                          • Japan emperor 'remorseful' over WW2, as 70th anniversary marked

                            Japanese Emperor Akihito has for the first time expressed "deep remorse" over Japan's role in World War Two. He was speaking at a ceremony to mark 70 years since his country surrendered. PM Shinzo Abe said Japanese service personnel who died had "sacrificed their futures", but China and South Korea have accused him of failing to properly atone for Japan's aggression. A service was also held at the

                              Japan emperor 'remorseful' over WW2, as 70th anniversary marked
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                              Directory Marketplace for users and providers of data, research and insights Research World Access the latest news Resource Library by ANA AI-powered resources library, access our combined knowledge spanning 70+ years Queries and Complaints Enforcing professional standards and protecting the public from non-compliant research Foundation Using data, research and insights to make a better world Job

                              • FC2、アダルトビデオ7社から提訴される ポイントは?

                                FC2、アダルトビデオ7社から提訴される ポイントは? 弁護士ドットコム |  執筆者: 弁護士ドットコム トピックス編集部 投稿日: 2014年01月07日 14時35分 JST  |  更新: 2014年01月07日 14時35分 JST メルマガ登録: メルマガ登録 フォロー: FC2 動画 損害賠償, FC2 裁判, Fc2 動画, fc2, アダルトビデオ FC2, アダルトビデオ Fc2 提訴, アダルトビデオ 損害賠償, 動画 損害賠償, 法律, 社会, ニュース アダルトビデオ会社が「米国本社」のFC2を提訴!日本で裁判を起こす「方法」とは? アメリカに本社を置いて、動画投稿サイトなどを運営する「FC2」。このネット企業に対して、日本国内のアダルトビデオ制作会社7社が、掲載動画の削除や損害賠償を求める訴訟を起こしている。 FC2を訴えたのは、SODクリエイトやケイ・エム・プ

                                • 沢田研二、公演ドタキャン損害4000万円超えか(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース

                                  歌手の沢田研二(70)が18日、横浜市内で日刊スポーツなどの取材に応じ、全国ツアーのさいたまスーパーアリーナ公演を開催直前に中止した件の真相を、自身の口で話した。9000人入ると聞いていた観客が実際には7000人だったことや、客席の一部がつぶされていたことなどから、自ら中止を決断したと明かした。 【写真】7月6日に日本武道館でスタートした沢田研二のツアー 沢田の所属事務所とイベント主催会社は18日、公式サイトで公演中止を謝罪した。いずれも「契約上の問題が発生したため、急きょ中止にした」と説明。チケットの払い戻しについては「決定次第、速やかにご案内させていただきます」としている。 さいたまスーパーアリーナを何度もライブで使用している都内のイベント会社では、今回の損害額を「4000万円を超えるのではないか」と推定した。開演直前の公演中止の場合、キャンセル料の減額が難しく、警備人件費や会場代で約

                                    沢田研二、公演ドタキャン損害4000万円超えか(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース
                                  • R.I.P. Lemmy Kilmister, Motörhead frontman dead at 70

                                    R.I.P. Lemmy Kilmister, Motörhead frontman dead at 70 Lemmy Kilmister, founding member and frontman of Motörhead. has died. He was 70 years old. News of his death was first reported by radio and TV host Eddie Trunk, who was a longtime friend of Lemmy. Several others have since confirmed the news, including Black Sabbath frontman Ozzy Osbourne, who wrote on Twitter, “Lost one of my best friends, Le

                                      R.I.P. Lemmy Kilmister, Motörhead frontman dead at 70
                                    • Pearl Harbor 70th anniversary

                                      Some 100 survivors of the attack on Pearl Harbor will gather in Hawaii today 70 years after the day which drew the US into World War II. The Japanese air and naval strike on the American military base claimed nearly 2,400 lives, destroyed over 160 aircraft and beached, damaged or destroyed over 20 ships. President Franklin D. called it " a date which will live in infamy" when he addressed the Cong

                                        Pearl Harbor 70th anniversary
                                      • The Business Case for Digital Accessibility | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C

                                        This article examines the rationale for organizations to address accessibility. It includes tangible and intangible benefits, and the risks of not addressing accessibility adequately. It explores how accessibility can: Drive Innovation: Accessibility features in products and services often solve unanticipated problems. Enhance Your Brand: Diversity and inclusion efforts so important to business su

                                          The Business Case for Digital Accessibility | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C
                                        • What Makes Us Happy?

                                          For 72 years, researchers at Harvard have been examining this question, following 268 men who entered college in the late 1930s through war, career, marriage and divorce, parenthood and grandparenthood, and old age. Here, for the first time, a journalist gains access to the archive of one of the most comprehensive longitudinal studies in history. Its contents, as much literature as science, offer

                                            What Makes Us Happy?
                                          • P2P利用のための「クイズ認証」 | スラド YRO

                                            http://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=554520&cid=23425010 [slashdot.org] Missouri の学生だと主張する人が、クイズの問題を本家に投稿していました。 こんな感じだそうです。 >Some files shared on Peer-to-Peer networks are actually viruses > * False > * True P2P ネットワークで共有されているファイルには、ウイルスも存在する 存在する/存在しない >Do you intend to infringe copyright? > * Yes > * No あなたは著作権を侵害しようとしていますか? はい/いいえ >If a student receives a first DMCA violation notice he/she

                                              P2P利用のための「クイズ認証」 | スラド YRO
                                            • "808" (Official Trailer)

                                              "808" | The heart of the beat that changed music. Film & soundtrack out now "808" features appearances and commentary from: Arthur Baker, Pharrell, David Guetta, Phil Collins, Lil Jon, Afrika Bambaataa, Norman Cook (Fatboy Slim), Rick Rubin, Diplo, Goldie and more. Produced by You Know Films in association with Atlantic Films Directed by Alexander Dunn Executive Producer: Alex Noyer Producers: A

                                                "808" (Official Trailer)
                                              • Bombing of Tokyo - Wikipedia

                                                The Bombing of Tokyo (東京大空襲, Tōkyōdaikūshū) was a series of bombing air raids launched by the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. The raids that were conducted by the U.S. military on the night of 9–10 March 1945, codenamed Operation Meetinghouse, are the single most destructive bombing raid in human history.[1] 16 square miles (41 km2; 10,000 acres) of central Tokyo was destroyed,

                                                  Bombing of Tokyo - Wikipedia
                                                • 【動画有】70年間飲まず食わずで生き延びてきたと主張する奇跡の男性 軍が真面目に検証中 : 暇人\(^o^)/速報

                                                  【動画有】70年間飲まず食わずで生き延びてきたと主張する奇跡の男性 軍が真面目に検証中 Tweet 1 名前: アジメドジョウ(アラバマ州)[] 投稿日:2010/05/01(土) 19:28:44.98 ID:1q7/uGcI BE:523944858-PLT(12001) ポイント特典 70年間飲まず食わずで生き延びてきたと主張する男性、事実なのかを軍が検証中 70年間何も飲まず食わずでいると主張している男性に対して、軍隊がそれが事実なのかを 隔離して調査していることが明らかになりました。 男性の主張が証明されれば、自然災害時の救援物資の滞りや凶作による飢餓に対応する 方法が得られるかもしれないため、期待する声も上がっています。 70年間全く飲まず食わずでいると主張するPrahlad Janiさん(82歳)が軍隊によってインドの アフマダーバードにある病院に隔離され、本当に飲まず食わず

                                                    【動画有】70年間飲まず食わずで生き延びてきたと主張する奇跡の男性 軍が真面目に検証中 : 暇人\(^o^)/速報
                                                  • How the UK found Japanese speakers in a hurry in WW2

                                                    The fall of Singapore provoked a need for Japanese-speaking British servicemen It's 70 years since Japan surrendered and World War Two ended. But when war with Japan first broke out at the end of 1941 Britain had been woefully unprepared - not least because almost no-one in Britain could speak Japanese. The only place that taught the language was the School of Oriental and African Studies, now kno

                                                      How the UK found Japanese speakers in a hurry in WW2
                                                    • Where Japanese fight a US military base with kayaks

                                                      Rupert Wingfield-Hayes travelled to Okinawa to follow the protesters on the water As Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe travels to the US for a state visit, one Japanese island is pushing back against a new American military base. This week in Washington, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will sit down with President Barack Obama and tell him the US-Japan military alliance is stronger than ever. I

                                                        Where Japanese fight a US military base with kayaks
                                                      • Class of 2015

                                                        Explore our selection of prints for saleVisit Prints ShopAnd now with Free Shipping! Top Row (left to right): Felix Nussbaum; Edith Sitwell; Filippo Tommaso Marinetti Middle Row (left to right): Rachel Carson; Edvard Munch; Flannery O’Connor; Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Bottom Row (left to right): Glenn Miller; Wassily Kandinsky; Ian Fleming; Piet Mondrian Pictured above is our top pick of those whos

                                                          Class of 2015
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                                                          波多野结衣亚洲av无码无在线观看,sm校花被灌满调教白丝死库水,中文字幕无码精品三级在线电影,少女bilibili视频,深夜爽爽动态图无遮无挡,永久免费毛片在线播放,人体张悠雨全身光一丝不,free性中国chinese乱子,亚洲午夜精品a片一区二区三区,被征服高贵肉色丝袜娇妻,香港三级午夜理论三级,磨到高潮(h)gl,翁公咬着小娇乳h边走边欢a,成人爽a毛片在线视频,啦啦啦高清影视在线观看www,黑人粗大无码av人妻一区,国产欧美另类精品久久久,肉肉的各种姿势高h细文,美女丝袜视频,傲慢小少爷撅着屁股挨c,先锋影音官网,搡6070老女人老妇女老熟女,日批网站,性盈盈影院免费无码 亚洲国产av无码男人的天堂 国产无遮挡又黄又爽动态图 国产成人精品视频a片西瓜视频 首页 国产 亚洲 小说图片 狠狠色欧美亚洲狠狠色www 亚洲第一天堂www网站 99精品人妻少妇一区二区 永久免费全网黄金网站 特

                                                          • Online Naming and Trademark | nomyne byGMO | Home

                                                            日本語 中文 English Branding done right. Starting a company. Opening of a restaurant. Developing an app. Handmade craft brand. Is that name secure? We will investigate brand power, corporate names, and leading brands and trademarks. Surveys are absolutely free! Helpful when deciding on a name!! We provide support until you get your brand rights. Membership is required for free search. If you have not r

                                                              Online Naming and Trademark | nomyne byGMO | Home
                                                            • Miranda homepage

                                                              Miranda is a pure, non-strict, polymorphic, higher order functional programming language designed by David Turner in 1983-6. The language was widely taken up, both for research and for teaching, and had a strong influence on the subsequent development of the field, influencing in particular the design of Haskell, to which it has many similarities. Miranda is however a simpler language. Here is a s

                                                              • ジョージ・オーウェル、ブログを開始:シロクマ日報:オルタナティブ・ブログ

                                                                ジョージ・オーウェルと言えば、ご存知の通り20世紀前半のイギリスの作家ですが、彼がブログを開設したとのこと: ■ What George Orwell Wrote, 70 Years Later to the Day  (New York Times) 前世紀の作家がブログを書くとはこれいかに、という種明かしは上の記事で解説されているのですが、とりあえずブログへのリンクはこちら: ■ The Orwell Prize ご覧になっていただければ分かると思いますが、日付が全て1938年になっています。実はオーウェルが1938年からつけていた日記を、70年後の同じ日にブログ記事として公開するというプロジェクト。日記は1938年8月9日から始まっていますので、まだ2週間ちょっとということですね(ちなみに同じペースで公開したとすると、2010年まで続くだけの量があるそうです)。単にテキストをデジタル

                                                                • Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Revives Debate Over the Atomic Bomb (Published 2015)

                                                                  On Sept. 8, 1945, about a month after the first atomic bomb ever used in warfare was dropped by the United States, an Allied correspondent stood in the rubble in front of the shell of a building that was once an exhibition center and government office in Hiroshima, Japan.Credit...Stanley Troutman/Associated Press Did the United States have to drop the bomb? Thousands of New York Times readers have

                                                                    Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Revives Debate Over the Atomic Bomb (Published 2015)
                                                                  • Nobel laureate Krugman: ‘Dark age of macroeconomics’ is upon us

                                                                    Midway through his standing-room-only lecture at MIT on Friday, Feb. 5, Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman PhD ’77 took a brief detour into world history — specifically to the Dark Ages. It was a period, Krugman suggested, that was especially dismal not merely due to, say, rampant barbarism, but because it constituted an intellectual reversal: “In the Dark Ages, people forgot what the Gree

                                                                      Nobel laureate Krugman: ‘Dark age of macroeconomics’ is upon us
                                                                    • 安倍首相「70年談話」に向けられた世界の視線

                                                                      日本の降伏で第2次世界大戦が終結してから70年。この10年で中国は日本を追い抜いて世界第2の経済大国となり、軍事力も伸ばして周辺海域でわがもの顔で振る舞いだした。米国はその間イラク・アフガン戦争の泥沼に足をとられ、加えてリーマン・ショックに激しく揺さぶられ内向きとなった。その中で日本は「失われた20年」から果敢に脱出を試みだし、防衛政策も大きく見直し始めた――。 これがおしなべて世界の目に映る、先の大戦のアジア戦線での主役らの今日の姿だろう。そのアジアに世界史の主舞台は移りはじめ、そこで日本の安倍晋三首相が微妙な「歴史問題」に触れて戦後70年目に当たっての談話を発表するというのだから、世界のメディアが注目しないわけがない。

                                                                      • Nazi victim Sidney Ashcroft's grave found after 70 years

                                                                        Sidney Ashcroft was deported to a Nazi prison for stealing food and punching a German officer By punching a German officer in Nazi-controlled Guernsey, 20-year-old Sidney Ashcroft sealed his own fate. He was trying to protect his single-parent mother but his act of resistance meant he would never see her again. Not a Guernsey native, she remained there until she died decades later - waiting in vai

                                                                          Nazi victim Sidney Ashcroft's grave found after 70 years
                                                                        • Reddit - Dive into anything

                                                                          AKG's Austria headquarters will be shut down by June 2017 after almost 70 years. Parent company Harman says it was a difficult decision that they were forced to make due to tough competition in the audio market. The R&D teams that developed their products will not be retained by Harman. Many people said that AKG's consumer products dropped in quality after production moved to China in 2009. Now th

                                                                          • 米中の誤解が対立を紛争に変える- 朝鮮戦争から学ぶ教訓 - MIYOSHIN海外ニュース

                                                                            対立国に対する誤解が引き起こした朝鮮戦争 共産党が政権を取ってからの中国は米国と戦争した事があるでしょうか。 朝鮮戦争で彼らは戦っています。 中国は義勇軍という名目で、米国は国連軍の一部という形で参戦しましたが、朝鮮戦争の実態は米中両国の戦争でした。 この戦争が如何にして生じたのか、その原因は何かについて、英誌Economistが「Lessons from the battles between America and China, 70 years on - When America and China went to war」(米国と中国の戦闘から学ぶ教訓 - 米中が戦争に突入した瞬間)と題して記事を掲載しました。 かいつまんでご紹介したいと思います。 Economist記事要約 70年前の今月、毛沢東が率いる中国人民解放軍は、アメリカに歴史上最悪の軍事的敗北を負わせました。 彼の「義

                                                                              米中の誤解が対立を紛争に変える- 朝鮮戦争から学ぶ教訓 - MIYOSHIN海外ニュース
                                                                            • Le Japon pratique depuis 1999 – infos et forums sur le Japon

                                                                              L’Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise a le plaisir de vous inviter aux événements du mois de mai. (Umifre 19, MEAE-CNRS) Jeudi 2 mai / 18h – 20h : Vanille naturelle contre vanille de synthèse Friday, 17 May / 12:30 – 14:00: Japanese perspective on European Union’s industry 5.0 policy Mardi 28 mai / 18h – 20h : Écrans sylvestres. Peindre la forêt à l’époque Edo,

                                                                              • Figure on Led Zeppelin IV cover identified as Victorian Wiltshire thatcher

                                                                                For Led Zeppelin fans it is an instantly recognisable image: that of a grey-bearded figure stooping, his leathery hands grasping the pole supporting a bundle of hazel on his back. But the origin of the image, which forms the centrepiece of the eye-catching front cover of Led Zeppelin IV, has remained a mystery for more than half a century. Now it has been revealed that it is a late-Victorian black

                                                                                  Figure on Led Zeppelin IV cover identified as Victorian Wiltshire thatcher
                                                                                • Surviving Iwo Jima

                                                                                  On 19 February 1945 the US launched a land invasion of the heavily defended Japanese island of Iwo Jima. It was the start of one of the hardest-fought battles of the World War Two. John Laurellio was among the US marines who spearheaded the assault 70 years ago. "I was in the first wave that landed. And I'm here to tell you - there was action. There's just chaos on the beach when you first get the

                                                                                    Surviving Iwo Jima