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  • AI-powered chat conversations with GitHub Copilot

    Version 1.93 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from August. Using Copilot Chat in VS Code The GitHub Copilot Chat extension gives you a chat interface that lets you interact with GitHub Copilot and receive answers to coding-related questions directly within VS Code, without requiring you to navigate documentation or search online forums. Copilot Chat might use syntax highligh

      AI-powered chat conversations with GitHub Copilot
    • 人間の免疫システムは「アスガルド」から来たとの研究結果

      地球上のあらゆる生物は、細胞内に遺伝子を守る核を持たない単純な細菌、核を持つ複雑な真核生物、核は持たないものの複雑な古細菌の3つにわかれています。人類を含む真核生物がウイルスと戦うために持っている免疫メカニズムは、「ロキの城」と呼ばれる深海の熱水噴出孔で見つかったアスガルド古細菌が由来だとする研究結果が発表されました。 Asgard archaea defense systems and their roles in the origin of eukaryotic immunity | Nature Communications https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-50195-2 Defense system common to all life came from 'Asgard' | Live Science https://www.

      • 解剖せずに体内が見える!塗るだけで「マウスの透明化」に成功! - ナゾロジー

        皮膚を”透明”にする最短の方法が見つかったようです。 米スタンフォード大学(SU)、テキサス大学ダラス校(UTD)らは今回、マウスに食用着色料を塗るだけで、皮膚を透明化し、血管や内臓の動きを観察することに成功したと発表しました。 この食用着色料はスナック菓子やシロップなどに普通に使われている「タートラジン」です。 しかもタートラジンを洗い流せば、皮膚はすぐ元通りになるので、安全かつ簡単な医療ツールとしての応用が期待されています。 しかし、なぜ食用着色料を塗るだけで皮膚は透明になったのでしょうか? 研究の詳細は2024年9月6日付で科学雑誌『Science』に掲載されています。 Researchers make mouse skin transparent using a common food dye https://news.stanford.edu/stories/2024/09/us

          解剖せずに体内が見える!塗るだけで「マウスの透明化」に成功! - ナゾロジー
        • 糖質制限など炭水化物の摂取を極端に減らす食事は長期的には体に害を及ぼす

          炭水化物の摂取量を減らす「糖質制限ダイエット」や、炭水化物でのカロリー摂取を脂質に置き換える「ケトンダイエット」など、炭水化物を減らす食事をすると長期的には体に悪いという論文を、オーストラリア・メルボルンの大学の研究者が発表しました。 Association of low carbohydrate diet score with the risk of type 2 diabetes in an Australian population: A longitudinal study - ScienceDirect https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871402124001103 Common Weight-Loss Diet May Come With a Serious Downside, Long-Term Stud

          • We Spent $20 To Achieve RCE And Accidentally Became The Admins Of .MOBI

            Welcome back to another watchTowr Labs blog. Brace yourselves, this is one of our most astounding discoveries. SummaryWhat started out as a bit of fun between colleagues while avoiding the Vegas heat and $20 bottles of water in our Black Hat hotel rooms - has now seemingly become a major incident. We recently performed research that started off "well-intentioned" (or as well-intentioned as we ever

              We Spent $20 To Achieve RCE And Accidentally Became The Admins Of .MOBI
            • 第829回 systemd-nspawn+pbuliderでパッケージのビルド環境を整え、別PCからビルドする | gihyo.jp

              Ubuntu Weekly Recipe 第829回systemd-nspawn+pbuliderでパッケージのビルド環境を整え⁠⁠、別PCからビルドする 今回はsystemd-nspawnとpbuilderを組み合わせ、パッケージをビルドする環境を整えます。また、別のPCからマウントもしてみます。 ビルド環境を整える時期 Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTSがリリースされたということは、22.04 LTSから24.04 LTSへのアップグレードも有効になったということです。22.04 LTSユーザーも、そろそろ24.04 LTSへのアップグレードを考える時期になりました。ただしUbuntu Weekly Topicsでも紹介しているとおり、8月30日から当面の間アップグレードの告知は表示されないようになっています。 PPAなども含めたリポジトリにパッケージがある場合は特に困ることはありま

                第829回 systemd-nspawn+pbuliderでパッケージのビルド環境を整え、別PCからビルドする | gihyo.jp
              • Massachusetts 'Reviewing' Kei Car Ban After Uproar Over Canceled Registrations

                Culture Massachusetts ‘Reviewing’ Kei Car Ban After Uproar Over Canceled Registrations The shadowy organization linked to the banning of JDM cars in multiple states has run into strong resistance in Massachusetts. States around the country are banning kei cars, and the newest battleground is Massachusetts. The organization suspected to be pushing the bans, however, doesn’t seem to know who it was

                  Massachusetts 'Reviewing' Kei Car Ban After Uproar Over Canceled Registrations
                • Reasons I still love the fish shell

                  I wrote about how much I love fish in this blog post from 2017 and, 7 years of using it every day later, I’ve found even more reasons to love it. So I thought I’d write a new post with both the old reasons I loved it and some reasons. This came up today because I was trying to figure out why my terminal doesn’t break anymore when I cat a binary to my terminal, the answer was “fish fixes the termin

                  • GTF :: Why Haskell?

                    “Impractical”, “academic”, “niche”. These are a few of the reactions I get when someone discovers that my favourite programming language is Haskell, and not only my favourite in some sort of intellectually-masturbatory way, but favourite for building things, real things, mostly involving web servers. Hobby projects would be one thing, but it gets worse: I have actual teams at Converge working in H

                    • Factor 0.100 now available – Re: Factor

                      “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” — Kierkegaard I’m very pleased to announce the release of Factor 0.100! OS/CPU Windows Mac OS Linux x86 Source code: 0.100 This release is brought to you with over 1400 commits by the following individuals: Aditya Aryaman Das, Alex null Maestas, Alexander Ilin, Andy Kluger, Bhargav Shirin Nalamati, Charlie Weismann, Dave Carlt

                      • Performance Improvements in .NET 9 - .NET Blog

                        Some other notable examples: Improved SIMD comparisons. dotnet/runtime#104944 and dotnet/runtime#104215 improve how vector comparisons are handled. Improved ConditionalSelects. dotnet/runtime#104092 from @ezhevita improves the generated code for ConditionalSelects when the condition is a set of constants. Better Const Handling. Certain operations are only optimized when one of their arguments is a

                          Performance Improvements in .NET 9 - .NET Blog
                        • Building the Same App Using Various Web Frameworks

                          Building the Same App Using Various Web Frameworks [ learning engineering 🛠 ] · 8 min read Recently, I’ve been wondering if I should migrate from my current web app stack (FastAPI, HTML, CSS, and a sprinkle of JavaScript) to a modern web framework. I was particularly interested in FastHTML, Next.js, and Svelte. FastHTML: Many folks have started building with it since Jeremy Howard launched it a m

                            Building the Same App Using Various Web Frameworks
                          • Porting C to Rust for a Fast and Safe AV1 Media Decoder

                            AV1 is an increasingly important video format and it needs a memory safe, high performance decoder. We worked with the team at Immunant to develop rav1d, a Rust-based port of dav1d, a C decoder. This is the first of two blog posts about how the team approached this effort. Complex data parsing is one of the most security-critical operations in modern software. Browsers must decode untrusted audio

                              Porting C to Rust for a Fast and Safe AV1 Media Decoder
                            • Red lines in the Russo-Ukrainian War - Wikipedia

                              The term red lines has seen use in the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, and is a veiled threat of engagement that is intended to warn an opponent or observer not to interfere or undertake in an action or behaviour that would "cross the red line." On 21 April 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a speech in which he repeatedly warned the West of red lines that Russia would not accept. Th
