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Goodiesの検索結果1 - 21 件 / 21件

  • Merging Remix and React Router

    We've been building a bridge. You can hear Ryan talk about this announcement at React Conf 🎥 For nearly 4 years we've been working on Remix, a fullstack framework built on web standards to help you build better websites and applications. React Router has always been Remix's largest dependency after React itself. The two projects are so closely aligned that we updated React Router to include Remix

      Merging Remix and React Router
    • 静的サイトジェネレータ「Astro 3.2」早くも正式リリース。ブラウザの履歴操作、遷移のタイミング制御など新機能

      静的サイトジェネレータ「Astro 3.2」早くも正式リリース。ブラウザの履歴操作、遷移のタイミング制御など新機能 オープンソースで開発されている静的サイトジェネレータ「Astro」の最新バージョンとなる「Astro 3.2」が正式にリリースされました。 先月(2023年9月)にAstro 3.0がリリースされたばかりで、1カ月足らずでのマイナーバージョンアップとなります。 参考:静的サイトジェネレータ「Astro 3.0」正式リリース。JavaScriptなしでSPAのようなアニメーションの画面遷移など新機能 Astro 3.2ではAstro 3.0で導入された、SPAのようなアニメーションの画面遷移を実現するView Transitionsをよりよく利用できる新機能などが追加されました。 We just released 3.2 with a bundle of view transi

        静的サイトジェネレータ「Astro 3.2」早くも正式リリース。ブラウザの履歴操作、遷移のタイミング制御など新機能
      • 「Steamサマーセール 2024」6月28日午前2時開幕へ。『パルワールド』や『Manor Lords』などセール対象の一部公開 - AUTOMATON

        Valveは6月25日、「Steamサマーセール」を日本時間の6月28日午前2時から7月12日午前2時にかけて開催する。このたびセール対象タイトルの一部となる、以下の14タイトルが紹介されている。 ・『Rain World』 ・『Palworld』 ・『iRacing』 ・『ディズニー ドリームライトバレー』 ・『Supermarket Simulator』 ・『Kebab Chefs! – Restaurant Simulator』 ・『Manor Lords』 ・『Stellaris』 ・『The Planet Crafter』 ・『Content Warning』 ・『Party Animals』 ・『Ultimate Chicken Horse』 ・『Roboquest』 ・『バットマン:アーカム・ナイト』 Now that we're past the summer solsti

          「Steamサマーセール 2024」6月28日午前2時開幕へ。『パルワールド』や『Manor Lords』などセール対象の一部公開 - AUTOMATON
        • So You Think You Know Git - FOSDEM 2024

          Scott Chacon's FOSDEM 2024 talk on Git Tips and Tricks. Scott talks about: 00:00 - Introduction 01:06 - About Me (well, Scott Chacon) 02:36 - How Well Do You Know Git? 05:09 - Our Agenda 06:25 - Some Helpful Config Stuff 09:42 - Oldies But Goodies 16:22 - Some New Stuff (You May Not Have Noticed) 23:48 - Some Big Repo Stuff / Monorepo Stuff 33:29 - Some New Github Stuff 35:54 - GitButler 36:50 -

            So You Think You Know Git - FOSDEM 2024
          • Open Source Mac Apps - Indie Goodies

            Meeting Bar Your meetings at your fingertips in the macOS menu bar

            • 週刊Railsウォッチ: Rails 8でSprocketsがPropshaftに置き換わる、devcontainerサポートほか(20240228)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

              週刊Railsウォッチについて 各記事冒頭には🔗でパーマリンクを置いてあります: 社内やTwitterでの議論などにどうぞ 「つっつきボイス」はRailsウォッチ公開前ドラフトを(鍋のように)社内有志でつっついたときの会話の再構成です👄 お気づきの点がありましたら@hachi8833までメンションをいただければ確認・対応いたします🙏 TechRachoではRubyやRailsなどの最新情報記事を平日に公開しています。TechRacho記事をいち早くお読みになりたい方はTwitterにて@techrachoのフォローをお願いします。また、タグやカテゴリごとにRSSフィードを購読することもできます(例:週刊Railsウォッチタグ) 🔗Rails: 先週の改修(Rails公式ニュースより) 公式更新情報: Ruby on Rails — Rails World CFP, ActiveRe

                週刊Railsウォッチ: Rails 8でSprocketsがPropshaftに置き換わる、devcontainerサポートほか(20240228)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
              • 789 KB Linux Without MMU on RISC-V

                Follow @popovicu94 In this guide, we’ll build a very tiny Linux kernel, weighing in at 789 K, and requiring no MMU support. We’ll write some userspace code and this will be deployed on a virtual RISC-V 64-bit machine, without MMU, and we’ll run some tiny programs of our own. As a reminder, please go through the guide for a micro Linux distro to understand the concepts behind what we’re doing today

                  789 KB Linux Without MMU on RISC-V
                • SPA Mode | Remix

                  SPA Mode From the beginning, Remix's opinion has always been that you own your server architecture. This is why Remix is built on top of the Web Fetch API and can run on any modern runtime via built-in or community-provided adapters. While we believe that having a server provides the best UX/Performance/SEO/etc. for most apps, it is also undeniable that there exist plenty of valid use cases for a

                    SPA Mode | Remix
                  • MySQL 8.4 First Peek

                    MySQL 8.4 has now been officially released, and this is a quick review of what is in the release notes. This is momentous as it is designated a Long-Term Support (LTS) release. Various 8.0 releases introduced material changes that impacted speed and stability, causing hair-pulling and swearing among those affected. Please note this is a first peek at the release notes, and comments in italics are

                      MySQL 8.4 First Peek
                    • React 19 and Suspense - A Drama in 3 Acts

                      React 19 and Suspense - A Drama in 3 Acts16.06.2024 — ReactJs, React Query, Suspense, JavaScript — 7 min read That was quite a roller-coaster last week 🎢. Some things unravelled, some things went down, and in the middle of it: React Summit, the biggest React conference in the world. Let me try to break down what happened, in hopefully the right order, and what we can all learn from it. To do that

                        React 19 and Suspense - A Drama in 3 Acts
                      • Making a micro Linux distro

                        Follow @popovicu94 In this article, we’ll talk about building up a tiny (micro) Linux “distribution” from scratch. This distribution really won’t do much, but it will be built from scratch. We will build the Linux kernel on our own, and write some software to package our micro-distro. Lastly, we are doing this example on the RISC-V architecture, specifically QEMU’s riscv64 virt machine. There’s ve

                          Making a micro Linux distro
                        • フロントエンドのLintツールをXOに統一した話 | PR TIMES 開発者ブログ

                          こんにちは、フロントエンドエンジニアのやなぎ( @apple_yagi )です。 PR TIMESではこれまでLintツールとしてESLintを使用していましたが、2023年9月からXOを使うようにし始めました。本エントリーでは、XOを導入した経緯や進め方、そして導入した結果についてご紹介します。 導入をした経緯 これまでPR TIMESでは .eslintrc.jsを自分たちで一から作り、ESLintルールを運用していました。しかし、その設定は最初期の環境構築時に色々なドキュメントを見ながら、つぎはぎで作成したものになっており、なぜこのルールが入っているのかや、このルールは必要なのかなどの疑問がありました。 そのような状況であったため、各々がESLintの設定を自由に変え、本来であればエラーになって欲しいルールもoffにされていたりしました。 そこでアドバイザーとして入って頂いている 1

                          • A layered approach to MLOps

                            This article was co-authored by Chris Hughes & Bernat Puig Camps At present, MLOps — Machine Learning Operations — is a popular topic, with numerous books, blog posts, conference talks, and more focusing on how to build a scalable, repeatable, and production-ready Machine Learning workflow. Despite this interest, MLOps remains an emerging area, and there seem to be many different ideas on the “bes

                              A layered approach to MLOps
                            • Hidden manuals: gittutorial, giteveryday, gitglossary, gitworkflow | Hacker News

                              Today I discovered a set of wonderful and slightly hidden manuals on git: man gittutorial man giteveryday man gitglossary man gitworkflow Actually they aren’t all that well hidden if an observant user just started poking at git: $ man git GIT(1) ... DESCRIPTION Git is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system with an unusually rich command set that provides both high-level operations a

                              • Introducing the Chromatic Visual Tests addon

                                TLDR: We’re launching a visual tests addon for Storybook. It automatically QAs the look of all your components, tracks their appearance, and notifies you of visual changes right inside your Storybook env. Sign up here for early access! Testing UIs is awkward because you have to account for tons of design details. “Did I pick the right shade of gray?" – "Did margins collapse or stack?" The simplest

                                  Introducing the Chromatic Visual Tests addon
                                • We built the fastest CI in the world. It failed. Here's what we learned

                                  TLDR We are shutting down Earthly CI. We are doubling down on Earthly’s core strengths of local builds and reproducibility. We are recentering around Earthly and Earthly Satellites. The Fastest CI Imagine you live in a world where no part of the build has to repeat unless the changes actually impacted it. A world in which all builds happened with automatic parallelism. A world in which you could r

                                    We built the fastest CI in the world. It failed. Here's what we learned
                                  • What to Pack Before Moving to Japan

                                    Are you excited about moving to Japan? Whether taking on a new job in Japan, going there to study, or just planning to spend an extended period there, you might wonder what to pack before moving to Japan. However, apart from some items, this guide about what to pack for going to Japan is also to help tourists traveling to Japan. Moving to a new country can be an exciting and overwhelming experienc

                                      What to Pack Before Moving to Japan
                                    • Iggy.rs - building message streaming in Rust

                                      Origins Over half a year ago (in April, to be exact), I eventually decided to learn Rust for good. My previous attempt during the 2022 AoC had failed rather quickly, after a few days of completing the exercises - I finally realized that I needed a real project to work on. For the last few years, I've been dealing with the different kinds of distributed systems (mostly using C#), including the typi

                                      • Git Tips and Tricks

                                        Git Tips and Tricks Some things that people don’t tend to know about Git anymore, and some new things you might not have noticed. My FOSDEM 2024 talk on little known Git stuff that this blog series is based off. Years ago I used to do talks on advanced Git stuff. For the last decade or so, I've sort of assumed that everyone knew all the advanced command line stuff by now. However, in the last few

                                          Git Tips and Tricks
                                        • Things I like about Gleam's Syntax

                                          Things I like about Gleam’s Syntax Gleam is a Type-Safe programming language that transpiles to ErlangAnd javascript., so you can run its code on the BEAM. I’ve slept on Gleam for a while because its syntax. It was too much Rust and not enough Elixir for me. Recently, I was reminded of Gleam when someone mentioned that Gleam doesn’t have an if statement, but instead uses case for everything. As a

                                          • Traffic 101: Packets Mostly Flow - Slack Engineering

                                            Radha Kumari Staff Software Engineer, Site Reliability Slack handles billions of inbound network requests per day, all of which traverse through our edge network and ingress load balancing tiers. In this blog post, we’ll talk about how a request flows — from a Slack’s user perspective — across the vast ether of the network to reach AWS and then Slack’s internal services. Let’s dive in! How packets

                                              Traffic 101: Packets Mostly Flow - Slack Engineering