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81 - 120 件 / 1047件

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Olympicの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 1047件

  • Japan scraps Zaha Hadid plan for Olympic stadium

    The move sparked an immediate response from world rugby’s governing body, which was scheduled to host the 2019 World Cup final in the stadium and will now no longer be able to do so. It said it was “very disappointed” at the decision and would need to consider its options. “We have decided to go back to the start on the Tokyo Olympics-Paralympics stadium plan, and start over from zero,” said the p

      Japan scraps Zaha Hadid plan for Olympic stadium
    • 全部KAITOで奏でるOlympic Fanfare[42人]


        全部KAITOで奏でるOlympic Fanfare[42人]
      • IQ Olympic: 1桁の計算をどれだけ素早く行えるかを競う、超ストイックゲーム。無料。1159 | AppBank

        計算!スピード!!計算!!!スピード!!!! 反射神経・計算速度に自信のあるやつは全員集合!!全員でオリンピックだ!IQ Olympic !! まあなんですかね。僕とか、理系なんで、結構自信あったんですけどね。何回やってもIQが100行かないのはなんでなんでしょうかね。どゆことですかね。 え?オレなら余裕で100行くって?だったらやってみせてって話ですよ! まず名前を入力して、「Start」をタップ!! とっても簡単なルールが解説されます。 なるほど。一桁の計算を繰り返すわけですね。わかったぜ!!! 無音・・・無音で計算・・計算、計算、計算・・・。 やべ、間違えた。BACKで戻って修正だ。 時間のロスがヤバい!!! 終わった!!!IQはどうだ!!! ご、ごじゅうにだと・・・。 そ、そんなバカな・・・・。 というわけで何回かやったのですが、最高で92でした。もっとあとでやってみようっと!!!

        • Olympic pole vault penis claim denied by Japan athlete Hiroki Ogita

          Hiroki Ogita was upset at the media's reporting of and social media's response to the incident Japanese pole vaulter Hiroki Ogita has described his bewilderment after reports his penis had prevented him from progressing in the Rio Olympics went viral. A video of the athlete hitting the bar with what looked to some like his penis under his shorts quickly spread online. His leg had already made cont

            Olympic pole vault penis claim denied by Japan athlete Hiroki Ogita
          • 平昌オリンピックを襲った「Olympic Destroyer」、真の目的は?

            2018年2月に開催された平昌オリンピック。2月9日に行われた開会式の裏では、「Olympic Destroyer」と呼ばれるマルウェアによる被害が発生した。Wi-Fiサービスが利用できなくなったり、チケットのプリントができなくなったりと、大会運営に支障が生じたことが報じられている。 その後、複数のセキュリティ企業がOlympic Destroyerの検体を入手して解析に取り組み、リサーチ結果を発表した。ロシアのKaspersky Labもその1社だ。2018年3月8~9日にメキシコのカンクン市で開催された「Security Analyst Summit 2018」の講演では解析の概要が明らかになった。 Olympic Destroyerを実行したのは誰か。ロシアや中国、北朝鮮などさまざまな国家組織の関与を疑う報道が飛び交っている。 だが、Kaspersky Labの調査分析チーム「GRe

              平昌オリンピックを襲った「Olympic Destroyer」、真の目的は?
            • Olympic Games

              The Telegraph's Paris 2024 Olympic Games page offers news and updates on Team GB and other participating nations, event previews, competition schedules, medal tables, daily live blogs covering every event, plus expert analysis, opinion, and exclusive insights.

              • Women's Olympic Fencing

                Spectators at the fencing competition at the Olympics are often treated to some dramatic, emotional scenes - played out by passionate competitors dressed all in white, hi-tech gear, meeting inside a large darkened stadium. It also makes for some dramatic imagery, which I'll share with you here -- 16 scenes from recent women's fencing matches in Beijing. (16 photos total) China's Zhang Lei reacts t

                  Women's Olympic Fencing
                • Cycle Olympic サイクルオリンピック | 自転車|自転車修理 |

                  ミラ*クル ラボ 人間中心設計を基礎とし、自転車の起源まで遡り調査、研究、開発するチーム。主な代表作として「電池の要らないアシストギア」FREE POWER/フリーパワーを10年の研究期間を経て2018年発表。斬新的な視点で様々な分野の専門者や、開発者とコラボレーションして乗る人に「楽しさと笑顔」をもたらす進化形自転車を創造していきます。 MIRA*CLE LAB(ミラ*クル ラボ)は株式会社OSCサイクルが展開するプロダクトブランドです。 電池の要らないアシストギア = FREE POWER® もこのMIRA*CLE LABが開発に参画し、改良し、多くの自転車専門店にお届けしています。 電池のいらないアシストギア 10年の開発期間を経て、ついに始動! シリコーンの力で自転車がもっと楽しくなる! 世界初、画期的ギアシステム「フリーパワー」 ペダルを踏み込む力でシリコーンを圧縮、 その反発

                  • A Collection of Olympic Torches - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com

                    Feedback August 1, 2008 Passing the Torch: An Evolution of Form

                    • Luciano Pavarotti Nessun Dorma (turandot) Torino 2006 - Winter Olympic Games

                      Luciano Pavarotti's Last public performance at the Opening Ceremony of the Torino 2006 Winter Olympic Games. La última actuación de Luciano, en la apertura de los juegos olimpicos de invierno de Torino de 2006. Luciano Pavarotti (1935-2007) R.I.P.

                        Luciano Pavarotti Nessun Dorma (turandot) Torino 2006 - Winter Olympic Games
                      • Tokyo urged to stop using cheap timber in centerpiece Olympic stadium

                        LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A village leader from Borneo urged Japan on Wednesday to stop building its Olympic stadium with cheap timber that he says is obliterating traditional life for his indigenous people. Bilong Oyoi, whose Penan people live in Borneo's Malaysian rainforests, handed a petition of 140,000 signatures to Tokyo's embassy in Bern, Switzerland, demanding it halt use of de

                        • Japan investigates subway death, media says involved Olympic official

                          1 minute readJune 7, 20219:22 AM UTCLast Updated agoJapan investigates subway death, media says involved Olympic official TOKYO, June 7 (Reuters) - Tokyo police said they are investigating a deadly incident on the city's subway, which media reports said involved a senior official at the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC). Private broadcaster Nippon Television, citing metropolitan police sources, ide

                            Japan investigates subway death, media says involved Olympic official
                          • Tokyo 2020 organisers accused of excluding Olympic opening ceremony musician for being ‘African’

                            Thank you for registeringPlease refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged inPlease refresh your browser to be logged in Tokyo 2020 organisers accused of excluding Olympic opening ceremony musician for being ‘African’Exclusive: Senegalese percussionist Latyr Sy claims he was removed from Friday’s opening ceremony because organisers did not want an ‘African’

                              Tokyo 2020 organisers accused of excluding Olympic opening ceremony musician for being ‘African’
                            • Tokyo Olympic Plagiarism – Unattributed photos copies without permission – Randomwire

                              Since its unveiling in July, the logo for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and its designer Kenjiro Sano, has been mired in controversy amid accusations of plagiarism and a decidedly tepid reaction from the public. Whilst Mr. Sano denies the claims, it appears that whoever put together the mockups highlighting how the emblem might be used in public settings around Tokyo also decided to take some liberties

                              • 2010Guide – Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games: バンクーバー五輪の競技予定・結果をチェック!無料。343 | AppBank

                                おはいち無料アプリのお時間です!スポーツは好きか? そろそろオリンピックが開催します。ぶっちゃけ何日に始まるのか全く知らなかったわけですが、この無料アプリ2010Guide – Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Gamesを入れれば大丈夫! いつ始まるのか?気になるあの競技はいつ行われるのか?などをチェックすることができます。 起動画面。起動時に情報をアップデートするか確認されます。Yes, do it!! アプリは英語オンリーなのですが、デザインが非常にわかりやすくなっていてほとんど迷いません。 スキージャンプは2月13日とのこと。 イベントを日毎に見て行きましょう。こんなにたくさん競技あるんですね。 おお、フィギュアスケートは2月15日ですか。浅田真央がんばれ!! スポーツごとの予定を確認したり、会場一覧も見れます。 個別会場の詳細もチェック! 場所や、その会

                                • YouTube - Japan olympic team for curling

                                  Mr. MANABU KATO is an asshole reporter from JAPAN doing a poor job in the Beijing Olympics. He makes JAPAN and JAPANESE people look bad. The JAPANESE should take him back to JAPAN and shun him.

                                  • (`~- Olympic Games Museum -~�)

                                    Olympic Games Museum Virtual Museum of Olympic Summer Games collector pieces, memorabilias, rare items and important facts and Information. We are very pleased to welcome you to the private Olympic Museum and invite you to participate in a tour along its attractions. On more than 500 pages featuring about 2,500 pictures, you can have a look at memorable moments of the Olympic Summer Games. The vis

                                    • No Olympic Tokyo 2020(P.24) - flagburner's blog(仮)

                                      森 喜朗元首相や竹田 恒和日本オリンピック協会会長などが、先月開幕したロンドン五輪に出席した後で意味不明なコメントを述べていた。 ・東京の招致委 ロンドンでアピール(2012年7月29日 nhk.or.jp) 石原 慎太郎東京都知事の代わりに森元首相が出席した時点で危険なにほひしかしなかったこの件。 以下、2012年7月29日分 nhk.or.jp『東京の招致委~』を全文(略 ---- 以下引用 ---- 2020年の夏のオリンピックとパラリンピックの招致を目指す、東京の招致委員会が、オリンピック開催中のロンドンで会見し、海外のメディアに向けて、東京での開催をアピールしました。 東京の招致委員会は28日、ロンドンのオリンピックパーク内にある記者会見場で会見し、竹田恒和理事長や森喜朗元総理大臣などが出席しました。 会見には海外のメディアを中心におよそ40人の記者が集まり、ほとんどが英語で行わ

                                        No Olympic Tokyo 2020(P.24) - flagburner's blog(仮)
                                      • Tokyo Olympic Games logo embroiled in plagiarism row

                                        Left, the Tokyo 2020 logo. Right, the Théâtre de Liege design. Photograph: Getty Images/Guardian composite/the Guardian

                                          Tokyo Olympic Games logo embroiled in plagiarism row
                                        • Olympicグループ、革新的自転車アイテム「フリーパワー」で寄らずS高! ノアコイン絡みのビートホールディングスは反落のS安へ! - いきなり無職!

                                          こんばんは、ふくろう主です。 本日は大阪で震度6の地震があったという事で・・ 阪神淡路大震災、東日本大震災を両方経験している身としては 他人事ではないという感じです。 特に東日本大震災では震度6を体験してますので 状況等はもちろんそれぞれ違うでしょうが 被害にあわれた方の大変さは身に染みてわかります。 当時は丸5日間電気が使えず大変でした。 一日も早く元の生活へと戻れるようお祈りしております。 そして決して脅かす訳ではないですが 数日は更なる大きな地震、そして余震には 注意して頂きたいと思います。 先の震災の時、それから記憶に新しい熊本の地震の時も 最初の地震の後に同程度の地震が起きていますので・・ さて、そんな本日の相場は・・ 日経平均22680.33円、前日比は-171.42円! 本日は、地震の影響に加えて、米中の貿易摩擦が懸念されて 様子見が多かったように思います。 正直もっと下落が

                                            Olympicグループ、革新的自転車アイテム「フリーパワー」で寄らずS高! ノアコイン絡みのビートホールディングスは反落のS安へ! - いきなり無職!
                                          • 【動画】須藤元気率いる「ワールド・オーダー」の最新動画「WELCOME to TOKYO OLYMPIC 2020」が米で大人気 : 【2ch】コピペ情報局

                                            元スレ:http://hayabusa3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news/1381372064/ 1: ダブルニードロップ(愛知県):2013/10/10(木) 11:27:44.46 ID:nzst7yGZP WORLD ORDER "Welcome to TOKYO" 2009年に結成された須藤元気率いるパフォーマンス集団「ワールド・オーダー」の最新動画がハフィントンポストUS版で人気だ。 スローモーションのパフォーマンスと上品なスーツの出で立ちが海外ではawesomeness(超カッコイイ)と評判になっている。 今回の動画は新宿、秋葉原、歌舞伎座、上野アメ横、浅草寺、東京駅など、東京ならではのロケーションをバックにダンスし、 最後には「WELCOME to TOKYO OLYMPIC 2020」(2020年東京オリンピックへようこそ)の文字が登場する。

                                            • Rio's Olympic venues, six months on – in pictures

                                              Rio's Olympic venues, six months on – in pictures A view of the Olympic Aquatics Stadium Photograph: Pilar Olivares/Reuters Six months after hosting South America’s first-ever Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Rio de Janeiro venues – some of which have been looted – sit mainly idle and already in disrepair, raising questions about a legacy that organisers promised would benefit the Brazilian city

                                                Rio's Olympic venues, six months on – in pictures
                                              • Japan scraps Zaha Hadid's Tokyo 2020 Olympic Stadium

                                                Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe has announced that the design of the stadium will be started again from scratch due to spiralling costs, according to the Guardian. "We have decided to go back to the start on the Tokyo Olympics-Paralympics stadium plan, and start over from zero," Abe told reporters. "I have been listening to the voices of the people for about a month now, thinking about the poss

                                                  Japan scraps Zaha Hadid's Tokyo 2020 Olympic Stadium
                                                • Olympic Stars - 2010 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit - SI.com

                                                  Lindsey Vonn, Hannah Teter, Clair Bidez and Lacy Schnoor were photographed by Warwick Saint at Whistler Blackcomb Resort in Whistler, Canada. Swimsuits by Yellowman, Perry Ellis, Kuschcush and La Perla.

                                                  • Oldest 2012 Olympic athlete - aged 71

                                                    A Japanese Olympian is proving age does not matter when it comes to sporting success. Hiroshi Hoketsu is the oldest competitor taking part in the London Games - aged 71. He will compete for Japan in the Equestrian events. David Eades reports.

                                                      Oldest 2012 Olympic athlete - aged 71
                                                    • CSS Only TOKYO 2020 Olympic & Paralympic Games Emblem

                                                      About HTML Preprocessors HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. For instance, Markdown is designed to be easier to write and read for text documents and you could write a loop in Pug. Learn more · Versions Adding Classes In CodePen, whatever you write in the HTML editor is what goes within the <body> tags in a basic HTML5 template. So you don't have access to higher-

                                                        CSS Only TOKYO 2020 Olympic & Paralympic Games Emblem
                                                      • An Olympic Photographer's Endurance

                                                        View Slide Show21 Photographs A Father, a Son, a Disease and a Camera

                                                          An Olympic Photographer's Endurance
                                                        • XXI Olympic Winter Games 2010

                                                          Event results for XXI Olympic Winter Games 2010 2010.

                                                          • Boxersled! Subaru WRX STI vs an Olympic Bobsled Run

                                                            Watch Mark Higgins drive a Subaru WRX STI down an Olympic Bobsled Run. Learn more about the Subaru WRX at https://www.subaru.com/vehicles/wrx.html

                                                              Boxersled! Subaru WRX STI vs an Olympic Bobsled Run
                                                            • Presentation of Competation for the Architecture Design of National Stadium (2008 olympic Main Stadium)

                                                              Key scheme recommended by evaluation panel:B11 Superexcellent scheme:B11. B12. B08 B01 B01: Emerging from the landscape, and shaped by nature, the design will create a simple symbolic link - a bridge - between old and new, between people and country and China with the world. The design introduces an innovative solution to the provision of temporary seats during the Olympic Games.

                                                              • Japanese architects rally against Zaha Hadid's 2020 Olympic Stadium

                                                                News: Japanese architect Fumihiko Maki has gathered a throng of designers including Toyo Ito, Sou Fujimoto, Kengo Kuma and Riken Yamamoto to oppose the design of Zaha Hadid's 2020 Olympic Stadium in Tokyo. Maki, who was awarded the Pritzker Prize in 1993, has organised a symposium where Japanese architects will protest against the scale of the proposed 80,000-seat stadium, which is set to become t

                                                                  Japanese architects rally against Zaha Hadid's 2020 Olympic Stadium
                                                                • Olympic Triathlon 2020: Tokyo Bay Water Quality in Question - Bloomberg

                                                                  • Opinion: Olympic leaders misguided in setting new date for Tokyo Games

                                                                    Opinion: Olympic leaders misguided in setting new date for Tokyo Games In these extraordinary times, in the midst of sickness and death and despair and uncertainty throughout the world, we now know the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games will begin July 23, 2021, one day earlier than they would have started this summer. I care more about the Olympics than anyone I know, but I didn’t need to know that date to

                                                                      Opinion: Olympic leaders misguided in setting new date for Tokyo Games
                                                                    • I won a contest to go to the London Olympic games. | Smartphones, Jeux vidéo et réalité augmentée.

                                                                      Disclaimer: I was unable to obtain a copy of the NDA (non-disclosure agreement) which I signed at the beginning of the trip and as such I have chosen not to give the name of the brand I am talking about. I would like to apologise in advance to the French subsidiary of this brand who have organised the most amazing events over the past two years. I would also like to give my sincere apologies to on

                                                                      • Blog :: How the 2016 Olympic Logo and Font Were Created :: Behance

                                                                        The Olympics is a place where dreams come true — including for designers, who create everything from the logos to the tickets, the mascots to medals for every Games. To finish all of the Olympics collateral in time, the Olympic design committee outsources the different jobs to various local firms. These projects can overlap across mediums, leaving two firms to indirectly throw in together on a pro

                                                                        • History Of Olympic Logos

                                                                          Origins of 49 Olympic emblems from ancient to current.

                                                                            History Of Olympic Logos
                                                                          • Olympic Medals per Capita

                                                                            Total Medals per Capita Gold Medals per Capita Weighted Medals per Capita Weighted Medals by GDP Total Medals Gold Medals Population About

                                                                            • LIVE-Rio Olympic Games 2016 - Opening Ceremony Live Stream Online free

                                                                              LIVE-Rio Olympic Games 2016 - Opening Ceremony Live Stream Online free CLICK TO WATCH HERE---- http://bit.ly/2016Olympicslivestream CLICK TO WATCH HERE---- http://bit.ly/2016Olympicslivestream

                                                                              • Revealed: the biggest threat to the future of the Olympic Games | Andy Bull

                                                                                A protester attends an anti-Olympics bid rally in Chicago, which was a candidate for the 2016 Games. Photograph: John Gress/Reuters

                                                                                  Revealed: the biggest threat to the future of the Olympic Games | Andy Bull
                                                                                • Tokyo plans to submit bid for 2020 Olympic Games

                                                                                  Japan's recovery was at the forefront of Ishihara's re-election campaign Tokyo intends to bid for the 2020 Olympics as part of Japan's recovery from the devastating earthquake and tsunami which hit the country in March. City governor Shintaro Ishihara made the declaration following his re-election for a fourth term. "Although they [the 2020 Games] are nine years from now, we can start raising our

                                                                                    Tokyo plans to submit bid for 2020 Olympic Games