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Ransomwareの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 158件

  • Ransomware Protection | Perception Point

    Solutions Back To Menu Solutions By Channel Read the company overview to learn more about how Perception Point provides unparalleled prevention of advanced cyber threats across all attack vectors.

      Ransomware Protection | Perception Point
    • Hive ransomware gets upgrades in Rust | Microsoft Security Blog

      April 2023 update – Microsoft Threat Intelligence has shifted to a new threat actor naming taxonomy aligned around the theme of weather. DEV-0237 is now tracked as Pistachio Tempest. To learn about how the new taxonomy represents the origin, unique traits, and impact of threat actors, and to get a complete mapping of threat actor names, read this blog: Microsoft shifts to a new threat actor naming

        Hive ransomware gets upgrades in Rust | Microsoft Security Blog
      • Garmin services and production go down after ransomware attack

        Ransomware: An executive guide to one of the biggest menaces on the web Everything you need to know about ransomware: how it started, why it's booming, how to protect against it, and what to do if your PC is infected. Read now The company is currently planning a multi-day maintenance window to deal with the attack's aftermath, which includes shutting down its official website, the Garmin Connect u

          Garmin services and production go down after ransomware attack
        • Ransomware operators are hiding malware deeper in installer packages – Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog

          On May 12, 2017 we detected a new ransomware that spreads like a worm by leveraging vulnerabilities that have been previously fixed. While security updates are automatically applied in most computers, some users and enterprises may delay deployment of patches. Unfortunately, the ransomware, known as WannaCrypt, appears to have affected computers that have not applied the patch for these vulnerabil

            Ransomware operators are hiding malware deeper in installer packages – Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog
          • 無償のランサムウェア対策ツール「Bitdefender Anti-Ransomware」が公開

              無償のランサムウェア対策ツール「Bitdefender Anti-Ransomware」が公開
            • New Sextortion Scam Campaign Delivering GandCrab Ransomware

              The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has warned that scammers are impersonating its employees in an attempt to commit fraud. In an alert posted on the CISA website, the organisation warned that so-called impersonation scams are on the rise. An impersonation scam is any type of fraud where a criminal pretends to be a trusted individual or organisation to dupe a victim...

              • Countermeasures_to_Protect_Against_Ransomware - Speaker Deck

                攻撃者は、ほんの少しのセキュリティの隙を見逃してはくれません。ランサムウェア攻撃の手口を攻撃者視点で語るとともに、ランサムウェアに感染したらどうするかをお伝えします。 https://itmedia.smartseminar.jp/public/application/add/1686

                  Countermeasures_to_Protect_Against_Ransomware - Speaker Deck
                • Ransomware operators are hiding malware deeper in installer packages – Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog

                  Products Product families Microsoft Defender Microsoft Entra Microsoft Intune Microsoft Priva Microsoft Purview Microsoft Sentinel Security AI Microsoft Copilot for Security Identity & access Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) Microsoft Entra External ID Microsoft Entra ID Governance Microsoft Entra ID Protection Microsoft Entra Internet Access Microsoft Entra Private Access Microsoft Ent

                    Ransomware operators are hiding malware deeper in installer packages – Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog
                  • Honda investigates possible ransomware attack, networks impacted

                    HomeNewsSecurityHonda investigates possible ransomware attack, networks impacted Computer networks in Europe and Japan from car manufacturer giant Honda have been affected by issues that are reportedly related to a SNAKE Ransomware cyber-attack. Details are unclear at the moment but the company is currently investigating the cause of the problems that were detected on Monday. Trouble confirmed, li

                      Honda investigates possible ransomware attack, networks impacted
                    • Massive ransomware infection hits computers in 99 countries

                      The ransomware has been identified as WannaCry - here shown in a safe environment on a security researcher's computer A massive cyber-attack using tools believed to have been stolen from the US National Security Agency (NSA) has struck organisations around the world. Cyber-security firm Avast said it had seen 75,000 cases of the ransomware - known as WannaCry and variants of that name - around the

                        Massive ransomware infection hits computers in 99 countries
                      • New OS X Ransomware KeRanger Infected Transmission BitTorrent Client Installer

                        New OS X Ransomware KeRanger Infected Transmission BitTorrent Client Installer This post is also available in: 日本語 (Japanese) On March 4, we detected that the Transmission BitTorrent client installer for OS X was infected with ransomware, just a few hours after installers were initially posted. We have named this Ransomware “KeRanger.” The only previous ransomware for OS X we are aware of is FileC

                          New OS X Ransomware KeRanger Infected Transmission BitTorrent Client Installer
                        • 14-Year-Old Japanese Boy Arrested for Creating Ransomware

                          Japanese authorities have arrested a 14-year-old boy in Osaka, a prefecture and large port city, for allegedly creating and distributing a ransomware malware. This is the first such arrest in Japan which involves a Ransomware-related crime. Ransomware is a piece of malware that encrypts files on a victim's computer and makes them inaccessible until the victim pays a ransom, usually in Bitcoins, in

                            14-Year-Old Japanese Boy Arrested for Creating Ransomware
                          • NAS DeadBolt Ransomware - IwaoMISHの日記

                            1ヶ月位前から DeadBolt ランサムウェアが広がっています. 最初は QNAP NAS だったのですが,ASUSTOR NAS も影響を受けるそうです. www.asustor.com Synology NAS に比べ,これらの NAS のデフォルトが甘い様に感じます. 私の NAS 関連の記事のアクセス元 IP に対して,開いての確認です. すると,数%程度 NAS へのログイン画面が表示される環境があります. 外からアクセスできる機器が増えているので,一度確認することをお勧めします. また,次の様な ポートマッピング の設定も確認してください. ここに何も登録されていなければ良いです. 何か設定されている場合は,外からそのポートにアクセスしてみてください. 攻撃を受けやすい環境かどうかの確認方法です. dev.mish.work 外から LAN 内にアクセスするために VPN の

                              NAS DeadBolt Ransomware - IwaoMISHの日記
                            • アクロニス、ランサムウェア対策ソフトを無償公開、AI技術を使った「Acronis Ransomware Protection」

                                アクロニス、ランサムウェア対策ソフトを無償公開、AI技術を使った「Acronis Ransomware Protection」 
                              • Business technology giant Konica Minolta hit by new ransomware

                                HomeNewsSecurityBusiness technology giant Konica Minolta hit by new ransomware Business technology giant Konica Minolta was hit with a ransomware attack at the end of July that impacted services for almost a week, BleepingComputer has learned. Konica Minolta is a Japanese multinational business technology giant with almost 44,000 employees and over $9 billion in revenue for 2019. The company offer

                                  Business technology giant Konica Minolta hit by new ransomware
                                • Norsk Hydroで発生したRansomware被害についてまとめてみた - piyolog

                                  ノルウェーのアルミニウム製造大手 Norsk Hydro(世界40か国、従業員3.5万人以上)は3月19日未明にRansomwareによるサイバー攻撃を受け、複数の事業分野に影響が出ていると発表しました。ここでは関連する情報をまとめます。 Norsk Hydroの公式発表 発生直後はFacebookを通じて情報公開が行われていた。 Norsk Hydro - Hydro is currently under cyber attack.... | Facebook Norsk Hydro - Update on cyber-attack against Hydro: Hydro... | Facebook Norsk Hydro - Hydro invites to a press meeting at 15:00... | Facebook Norsk Hydro - Hydro subj

                                    Norsk Hydroで発生したRansomware被害についてまとめてみた - piyolog
                                  • SynAck targeted ransomware uses the Doppelgänging technique

                                    The Process Doppelgänging technique was first presented in December 2017 at the BlackHat conference. Since the presentation several threat actors have started using this sophisticated technique in an attempt to bypass modern security solutions. In April 2018, we spotted the first ransomware employing this bypass technique – SynAck ransomware. It should be noted that SynAck is not new – it has been

                                      SynAck targeted ransomware uses the Doppelgänging technique
                                    • ESET releases new decryptor for TeslaCrypt ransomware

                                      Award-winning news, views, and insight from the ESET security community Cybercrime ESET releases new decryptor for TeslaCrypt ransomware If your encrypted files had the extensions .xxx, .ttt, .micro, .mp3 or left unchanged, then ESET has good news for you. Have you been infected by one of the new variants (v3 or v4) of the notorious ransomware TeslaCrypt? If your encrypted files had the extensions

                                        ESET releases new decryptor for TeslaCrypt ransomware
                                      • WannaCry ransomware used in widespread attacks all over the world

                                          WannaCry ransomware used in widespread attacks all over the world
                                        • Microsoft SQL servers hacked in TargetCompany ransomware attacks

                                          HomeNewsSecurityMicrosoft SQL servers hacked in TargetCompany ransomware attacks Vulnerable Microsoft SQL servers are being targeted in a new wave of attacks with FARGO ransomware, security researchers are warning. MS-SQL servers are database management systems holding data for internet services and apps. Disrupting them can cause severe business trouble. BleepingComputer has reported similar atta

                                            Microsoft SQL servers hacked in TargetCompany ransomware attacks
                                          • Macを標的としたランサムウェアを販売するRansomware-as-a-Service「MacRansom」が確認される。

                                            Macを標的としたランサムウェアを販売するRansomware-as-a-Service「MacRansom」が確認されたそうです。詳細は以下から。 ネットワークセキュリティを提供する米Fortinet, Inc.によると、ランサムウェアをサービスとして販売するRansomware-as-a-Service(以下、RaaS)にMacを対象とする「MacRansom」サービス&ランサムウェアがTORネットワーク上に出現しているそうです。 Ransomware-as-a-services (RaaS) hits MacOs, proving just how in vogue the cybercrime business model has become https://t.co/VYTOpN7YVy — FortiGuard Labs (@FortiGuardLabs) 2017年6月9日

                                            • 法人向けランサムウェア対策:Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business

                                              企業を狙うランサムウェアは、世界中で脅威となっています。Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Businessは、軽量で無料のランサムウェア対策ツールです。 コンピューターのロックやファイルの暗号化により大切なデータを人質として身代金の支払いを要求するタイプのマルウェア「ランサムウェア」は、個人法人を問わず世界中で脅威となっています。調査によると、企業を標的とするランサムウェア攻撃の数は、2014年度から2015年度にかけて5.8倍にも増加したことが明らかになりました。 世界各国の企業を対象にKaspersky Labが実施した2016年度の調査では、過去12か月のうちにランサムウェアの攻撃を経験したと回答した中小企業は、全体の42%でした。身代金を支払ったのはそのうち34%、しかし、支払った企業のうち約18%は、データを取り戻すことができませんでした。 K

                                                法人向けランサムウェア対策:Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business
                                              • ランサムウェア(Ransomware)

                                                「WannaCry」など、最近急速に被害が拡大しているランサムウェア。ユーザーデータを「人質」にとって身代金を要求するその“手口”とは? その事例や被害額、対策は? 90秒の解説動画も追加! ランサムウェアとは、ユーザーのデータを「人質」に取って、その身代金を要求するマルウェア(悪意のあるプログラム)のこと。「ランサム(ransom)」とは「身代金」という意味。 ランサムウェアに感染すると、ユーザーは自分のデータにアクセスできなくなると同時に、身代金を支払えば元に戻すというメッセージが表示される。通常、PCなどには重要なデータが多数保存されており、それらを人質にするのが特徴だ。データのバックアップがない場合、そのデータを取り戻すには、現状では身代金を払うぐらいしか方法がなく、ユーザーにとっては実に厄介なマルウェアである。 近年は匿名でやりとりできるネットワーク(Torなど)や電子マネーシス

                                                • New Ransomware Spreading Rapidly in China Infected Over 100,000 PCs

                                                  A new piece of ransomware is spreading rapidly across China that has already infected more than 100,000 computers in the last four days as a result of a supply-chain attack... and the number of infected users is continuously increasing every hour. What's Interesting? Unlike almost every ransomware malware, the new virus doesn't demand ransom payments in Bitcoin. Instead, the attacker is asking vic

                                                    New Ransomware Spreading Rapidly in China Infected Over 100,000 PCs
                                                  • Canon confirms ransomware attack in internal memo

                                                    08/06 update added below. This post was originally published on August, 5th, 2020. ​Canon has suffered a ransomware attack that impacts numerous services, including Canon's email, Microsoft Teams, USA website, and other internal applications. In an internal alert sent to employees, Canon has disclosed the ransomware attack and working to address the issue. BleepingComputer has been tracking a susp

                                                      Canon confirms ransomware attack in internal memo
                                                    • Toymaker’s website pushes ransomware that holds visitors’ files hostage

                                                      The website belonging to Maisto International, a popular maker of remote-controlled toy vehicles, has been caught pushing ransomware that holds visitors' files hostage until they pay a hefty fee. Malicious files provided by the Angler exploit kit were hosted directly on the homepage of Maisto[.]com, according to antivirus provider Malwarebytes. The attack code exploits vulnerabilities in older ver

                                                        Toymaker’s website pushes ransomware that holds visitors’ files hostage
                                                      • Ransomware groups continue to target healthcare, critical services; here’s how to reduce risk | Microsoft Security Blog

                                                        At a time when remote work is becoming universal and the strain on SecOps, especially in healthcare and critical industries, has never been higher, ransomware actors are unrelenting, continuing their normal operations. Multiple ransomware groups that have been accumulating access and maintaining persistence on target networks for several months activated dozens of ransomware deployments in the fir

                                                          Ransomware groups continue to target healthcare, critical services; here’s how to reduce risk | Microsoft Security Blog
                                                        • Exclusive: Chinese hackers behind U.S. ransomware attacks - security firms

                                                          (Reuters) - Hackers using tactics and tools previously associated with Chinese government-supported computer network intrusions have joined the booming cyber crime industry of ransomware, four security firms that investigated attacks on U.S. companies said. The word 'password' is pictured on a computer screen in this picture illustration taken in Berlin May 21, 2013. REUTERS/Pawel Kopczynski Ranso

                                                            Exclusive: Chinese hackers behind U.S. ransomware attacks - security firms
                                                          • Hospital Declares ‘Internal State of Emergency’ After Ransomware Infection – Krebs on Security

                                                            Hospital Declares ‘Internal State of Emergency’ After Ransomware Infection A Kentucky hospital says it is operating in an “internal state of emergency” after a ransomware attack rattled around inside its networks, encrypting files on computer systems and holding the data on them hostage unless and until the hospital pays up. A streaming red banner on Methodisthospital.net warns that a computer vir

                                                              Hospital Declares ‘Internal State of Emergency’ After Ransomware Infection – Krebs on Security
                                                            • Ransomware operators are hiding malware deeper in installer packages – Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog

                                                              (Note: We have published a follow-up blog entry on this ransomware attack. We have new findings from our continued investigation, as well as platform mitigation and protection information: Windows 10 platform resilience against the Petya ransomware attack.) The new ransomware has worm capabilities, which allows it to move laterally across infected networks. Based on our investigation, this new ran

                                                                Ransomware operators are hiding malware deeper in installer packages – Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog
                                                              • 氾濫する悪徳ウェア 身代金要求のransomwareからスパイ、迷惑広告まで

                                                                コンピュータのデータを人質に取って身代金を要求する「ransomware」の被害が止まらない。米国や欧州では病院が次々に狙われて患者の診療ができなくなり、人命にかかわりかねない事態も起きている。 Ransomware scrambles data, and it can only be unscrambled if the target pays the attacker a sum of money. (Voice of America) ランサムウェアはデータを暗号化する。狙われた者が攻撃者に一定額を支払わない限り、データ復元はできない。 ransomware(ランサムウェア)はコンピュータに悪さをするsoftwareの一種。そうした悪者ソフトウェアを総称する「malware」(マルウェア)という単語は、soft-wareの「soft」の部分を「mal(悪い)」に入れ替えてつくられた言

                                                                  氾濫する悪徳ウェア 身代金要求のransomwareからスパイ、迷惑広告まで
                                                                • Ransomware operators are hiding malware deeper in installer packages – Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog

                                                                  Products Product families Microsoft Defender Microsoft Entra Microsoft Intune Microsoft Priva Microsoft Purview Microsoft Sentinel Security AI Microsoft Copilot for Security Identity & access Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) Microsoft Entra External ID Microsoft Entra ID Governance Microsoft Entra ID Protection Microsoft Entra Internet Access Microsoft Entra Private Access Microsoft Ent

                                                                    Ransomware operators are hiding malware deeper in installer packages – Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog
                                                                  • PetrWrap: the new Petya-based ransomware used in targeted attacks - Securelist

                                                                      PetrWrap: the new Petya-based ransomware used in targeted attacks - Securelist
                                                                    • WannaCry 2.0 ransomware attacks continue...

                                                                      Concerned about recent PAN-OS and other firewall/VPN CVEs? Take advantage of Zscaler’s special offer today

                                                                        WannaCry 2.0 ransomware attacks continue...
                                                                      • Ransomware: Past, Present, and Future

                                                                        "What's past is prologue." -- William Shakespeare, The Tempest Introduction The rise of ransomware over the past year is an ever growing problem. Businesses often believe that paying the ransom is the most cost effective way of getting their data back - and this may also be the reality. The problem we face is that every single business that pays to recover their files, is directly funding the deve

                                                                          Ransomware: Past, Present, and Future
                                                                        • Ransomware operators are hiding malware deeper in installer packages – Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog

                                                                          Products Product families Microsoft Defender Microsoft Entra Microsoft Intune Microsoft Priva Microsoft Purview Microsoft Sentinel Security AI Microsoft Copilot for Security Identity & access Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) Microsoft Entra External ID Microsoft Entra ID Governance Microsoft Entra ID Protection Microsoft Entra Internet Access Microsoft Entra Private Access Microsoft Ent

                                                                            Ransomware operators are hiding malware deeper in installer packages – Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog
                                                                          • SamSam Ransomware Campaigns

                                                                            Counter Threat Unit Research Team February 15, 2018 Summary In late 2015, Secureworks® Counter Threat Unit™ (CTU) researchers began tracking financially motivated campaigns leveraging SamSam ransomware (also known as Samas and SamsamCrypt). CTU™ researchers associate this activity with the GOLD LOWELL threat group. GOLD LOWELL typically scans for and exploits known vulnerabilities in Internet-faci

                                                                              SamSam Ransomware Campaigns
                                                                            • VMware Security Response Center (vSRC) Response to 'ESXiArgs' Ransomware Attacks

                                                                              VMware Security Response Center VMware Security Response Center (vSRC) Response to ‘ESXiArgs’ Ransomware Attacks Greetings from the VMware Security Response Center! We wanted to address the recently reported ESXiArgs ransomware attacks as well as provide some guidance on actions concerned customers should take to protect themselves. VMware has not found evidence that suggests an unknown vulnerabil

                                                                                VMware Security Response Center (vSRC) Response to 'ESXiArgs' Ransomware Attacks
                                                                              • Ransomware operators are hiding malware deeper in installer packages – Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog

                                                                                Products Product families Microsoft Defender Microsoft Entra Microsoft Intune Microsoft Priva Microsoft Purview Microsoft Sentinel Security AI Microsoft Copilot for Security Identity & access Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) Microsoft Entra External ID Microsoft Entra ID Governance Microsoft Entra ID Protection Microsoft Entra Internet Access Microsoft Entra Private Access Microsoft Ent

                                                                                  Ransomware operators are hiding malware deeper in installer packages – Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog
                                                                                • セキュリティツール「Malwarebytes 3.0」、「Anti-Exploit」「Anti-Ransomware」を統合

                                                                                    セキュリティツール「Malwarebytes 3.0」、「Anti-Exploit」「Anti-Ransomware」を統合