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  • 30 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know

    How do I Find Out Linux CPU Utilization? 2. vmstat – Virtual memory statistics The vmstat command reports information about processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, and cpu activity. # vmstat 3 Sample Outputs: procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu------ r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st 0 0 0 2540988 522188 5130400 0 0 2 32 4 2 4 1 9

      30 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know
    • Sysadmin Toolbox:第1回 RDBMSが使えるPowerDNS|gihyo.jp

      はじめに 以前はDNSサーバと言えば、BINDとdjbdnsくらいしかありませんでしたが、現在ではさまざまなDNSサーバが利用できるようになりました。 MaraDNS NSD PowerDNS DNSはサイト固有の要件が増えることが多く、またテキストファイルによる管理では不都合もなにかとでてきます。このため、RDBMSでレコードを管理できると便利です。BINDをRDBMSに対応させるパッチも存在します。 PowerDNSとは ここでは、RDBMSを利用でき、容易な管理をサポートする機能が豊富なPowerDNSを紹介します。 PowerDNSは豊富なバックエンドをサポートするDNSサーバです。コンテンツDNSサーバとキャッシュDNSサーバの両方をサポートしており、それぞれは別のプロセスとして実行されます。すでに大規模なサービスプロバイダでも採用されており、実績も十分あるとされています。バック

        Sysadmin Toolbox:第1回 RDBMSが使えるPowerDNS|gihyo.jp
      • GitHub - kahun/awesome-sysadmin: A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources inspired by Awesome PHP.

        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

          GitHub - kahun/awesome-sysadmin: A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources inspired by Awesome PHP.
        • Find out what is using your swap - All things sysadmin

          This article is now over five years old, please consider reading a more recent version Have you ever logged in to a server, ran free, seen that a bit of swap is used and wondered what’s in there? It’s usually not very indicative of anything, or even overly helpful knowing what’s in there, mostly it’s a curiosity thing. Either way, starting from kernel 2.6.16, we can find out using smaps which can

          • 50 UNIX / Linux Sysadmin Tutorials

            Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all TGS Readers. To wrap this year, I’ve collected 50 UNIX / Linux sysadmin related tutorials that we’ve posted so far. This is lot of reading. Bookmark this article for your future reference and read it whenever you get free time. Disk to disk backup using dd command: dd is a powerful UNIX utility, which is used by the Linux kernel makefiles to make boot imag

            • Docker in Production: A retort - Sysadmin 4 lyfe

              The internet has been awash with a well written article about the dangers of running Docker in production today. Docker in Production: A History of Failure. The piece was well written and touched on the many challenges of running Docker in production today. However towards the end it tailed off into a rant filled with rhetoric that was a knee jerk reaction to a problem many IT folks have experienc

              • GitHub - awesome-foss/awesome-sysadmin: A curated list of amazingly awesome open-source sysadmin resources.

                ^ back to top ^ Build automation. Apache Ant - Automation build tool, similar to make, a library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other. (Source Code) Apache-2.0 Java Apache Maven - Build automation tool mainly for Java. A software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of

                  GitHub - awesome-foss/awesome-sysadmin: A curated list of amazingly awesome open-source sysadmin resources.
                • The sad state of sysadmin in the age of containers

                  System administration is in a sad state. It in a mess. I’m not complaining about old-school sysadmins. They know how to keep systems running, manage update and upgrade paths. This rant is about containers, prebuilt VMs, and the incredible mess they cause because their concept lacks notions of “trust” and “upgrades”. Consider for example Hadoop. Nobody seems to know how to build Hadoop from scratch

                  • GitHub - pditommaso/awesome-pipeline: A curated list of awesome pipeline toolkits inspired by Awesome Sysadmin

                    ActionChain - A workflow system for simple linear success/failure workflows. Adage - Small package to describe workflows that are not completely known at definition time. AiiDA - workflow manager with a strong focus on provenance, performance and extensibility. Airflow - Python-based workflow system created by AirBnb. Anduril - Component-based workflow framework for scientific data analysis. Antha

                      GitHub - pditommaso/awesome-pipeline: A curated list of awesome pipeline toolkits inspired by Awesome Sysadmin
                    • Scripting Twitter with cURL - Tech@Sakana – A sysadmin’s blog

                      Scripting Twitter with cURL March 18th, 2007 by Stéphane Kattoor Twitter already provides an API but it is currently very limited. It will let you fairly easily change your status, but won’t let you send a direct message. Comes in cURL. cURL is a very versatile command line utility which is designed to script web pages interactions. As a little demo, I’ll show you how to use it to easily overcome

                      • システム管理者だったら見ておきたいスクリーンキャスト集『Sysadmin Casts』 | 100SHIKI

                        これは知っておくといいかも。 Sysadmin Castsでは、システム管理者だったら見ておきたいスクリーンキャストをまとめている。 Ansible、Vagrant、Dockerなどなど、話題の技術が揃っているのではなかろうか。 なお、動画だけでなくテキスト情報も充実しているのでわかいやすい。 英語ではあるが毎週更新らしいのでチェックしてみるといいですな。

                          システム管理者だったら見ておきたいスクリーンキャスト集『Sysadmin Casts』 | 100SHIKI
                        • A sysadmin's guide to network management

                          A reference list of Linux utilities and commands makes managing servers and networks easier. If you're a sysadmin, your daily tasks include managing servers and the data center's network. The following Linux utilities and commands—from basic to advanced—will help make network management easier. In several of these commands, you'll see <fqdn>, which stands for "fully qualified domain name." When yo

                            A sysadmin's guide to network management
                          • I, newbie » 自宅サーバから目指すsysadmin

                            「基礎を固め、プラスアルファの専門を磨け」 「Linuxのサーバエンジニアに関しては『自宅でLinuxサーバを構築して独学で勉強してきました』という人でも、その意欲や経験は評価されます。採用のすそ野が広がってきているのです」 「すそ野が広がってきている」というのは微妙な表現だな。別に採用する側だってすそ野を広げたいわけでもないだろうに。それはともかく。「独学で勉強」はやってて当り前。やってない方がおかしい。実戦に備えるなら以下の項目を満たしてほしいところ。 本番環境とテスト環境は別 バックアップから任意のファイルを任意の時点にリストアできる bug report/patchを書いて報告したことがある 用途に応じてネットワークはセグメント化されている 失敗してもrollbackできる準備がある やってみたいことは必ず実行に移す 複数の言語でプログラムを書ける 英語を使って目的を達成できる

                            • Chris's Wiki :: blog/sysadmin/LogAllAuthentication

                              Here's something that I've recently had my nose smacked with: Every place where users can authenticate over the network to your systems should log successful authentications, including the source IP address. Every place. No exceptions. And all of the pieces (minimally user name, remote IP, and time) should be logged explicitly in one place; you should not have to piece together this information by

                              • GitHub - trimstray/test-your-sysadmin-skills: A collection of Linux Sysadmin Test Questions and Answers. Test your knowledge and skills in different fields with these Q/A.

                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                  GitHub - trimstray/test-your-sysadmin-skills: A collection of Linux Sysadmin Test Questions and Answers. Test your knowledge and skills in different fields with these Q/A.
                                • How Large Your Linux Swap Partition Should Be - The Lone Sysadmin

                                  This is post #4 in my December-long series on Linux VM performance tuning, Tuningmas. One of those timeless questions in system administration has always been “how much swap space do I configure on my server?” The old rule used to be twice the amount of memory, but does a server with 256 GB of RAM really need a half terabyte of swap? And what about VMs? Swapping on VMs is a serious performance dra

                                  • Share your SysAdmin Horror Stories—in GIF form | Puppet

                                    Ramp your automation efforts with the leading DevOps platform

                                      Share your SysAdmin Horror Stories—in GIF form | Puppet
                                    • Test Your Sysadmin Skills - UNIX系システム管理者の知識をテストすることができる質問と回答集2018年版 | ソフトアンテナ

                                      システム上に存在する問題の特定や、ログのチェック、エラーの確認、手法のドキュメント化などシステム管理者が必要とするスキルは多岐に渡ります。 本日紹介する「Test Your Sysadmin Skills」は、そのようなシステム管理者の知識を確認することができる、問題と回答のコレクションサイトです。 特にUnix系のシステム管理者を対象としており、システム管理者を対象とした就職面接や試験で活用することができると説明されています。 入門からグルまで Test Your Sysadmin Skillsの問題は、一般的な知識を問う入門、一般、上級システム管理者向けの問題と、さらによりマニアックな知識を確認するグル向けの問題に分類されています。 ▲例えば入門者向けの問題では「Linuxディストリビューションの名前を挙げよ」という問題が出題されていて、答えを確認すると「Red Hat Enterpr

                                        Test Your Sysadmin Skills - UNIX系システム管理者の知識をテストすることができる質問と回答集2018年版 | ソフトアンテナ
                                      • Wait, what? TrueCrypt 'decrypted' by FBI to nail doc-stealing sysadmin

                                        Do the Feds know something we don't about crypto-tool? Or did bloke squeal his password? Discontinued on-the-fly disk encryption utility TrueCrypt was unable to keep out the FBI in the case of a US government techie who stole copies of classified military documents. How the Feds broke into the IT bod's encrypted TrueCrypt partition isn't clear. It raises questions about the somewhat sinister situa

                                        • The Sysadmin Song - Streaming Google Version

                                          The Sysadmin Song - Streaming Google Version - 02:42 - Jul 6, 2005 Dead Troll Dot Com - www.deadtroll.com/new/new.html ()  Rate: A funny song that sings the praises of System Administrators. Written by Wes Borg of Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie. Visit our site at ht...all » A funny song that sings the praises of System Administrators. Written by Wes Borg of Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie. Visit our

                                          • My sysadmin toolbox | Linux.com | The source for Linux information

                                            Every administrator has a set of software tools that he just can't live without. These are the utilities that you install as soon as you log into a new machine, to help make day-to-day tasks a little easier. Here are my top 10 tools. Vim Since I spend a lot of my time working with text files, either when I'm writing and editing or when I'm mucking with configuration files and shell scripts, I've b

                                            • TrueCrypt 'decrypted' by FBI to nail doc-stealing sysadmin? | Hacker News

                                              Click-bait. The suspect had a plea agreement. I'm not sure why there's a question whether he surrendered his password or not. He obviously did else he wouldn't have an agreement anymore. Without blindly claiming TC is backdoored, it does have an horrifically bad RNG which is housed in the application, and uses frantic wiggles of the mouse to generate seed values. Now depending on how much caffeine

                                              • Use elevator=noop For Linux Virtual Machines - The Lone Sysadmin

                                                This is post #6 in my December 2013 series about Linux Virtual Machine Performance Tuning. For more, please see the tag “Linux VM Performance Tuning.” Modern operating systems are fairly modular, and often have different modules to deal with memory, network I/O, and CPU scheduling. Disk I/O is no exception under Linux, as there are usually four different schedulers a sysadmin can choose from. Red

                                                  Use elevator=noop For Linux Virtual Machines - The Lone Sysadmin
                                                • Awesome Sysadmin - システム管理者必見のツール、サービス厳選リスト | ソフトアンテナ

                                                  作年からGitHubで流行しているAwesome-形式の厳選リンク集にまた新たな仲間が加わりました。その名も「Awesome Sysadmin」。システム管理者のためのツールやサービス、リソースなどを集めた厳選リンク集です。 Awesome Sysadminではシステム管理者向けのさまざまな情報がカテゴリごとにまとめられています。数が多いので全部はリストアップできませんが、主だったところでも、自動化、バックアップ、クローニング、クラウドコンピューティング、DNS、エディタ、LDAP、メール、NoSQL、RDBMS、SSH、Web、Wikiなど、いろいろと有用な情報が集まっています。 なかには、例えばEditorカテゴリのように、一般ユーザーにとっても役立つ情報も多く含まれています。日々の管理業務を少しでも効率化したいシステム管理者(そして一般コンピューターユーザーにも)おすすめしたいリンク

                                                    Awesome Sysadmin - システム管理者必見のツール、サービス厳選リスト | ソフトアンテナ
                                                  • A Linux sysadmin's introduction to cgroups

                                                    Defining cgroups and how they help with resource management and performance tuning in this first article kicking off a four-part series covering cgroups and resource management. So you've heard of this thing called cgroups, and you are interested in finding out more. Perhaps you caught mention of it while listening to a talk about containerization. Maybe you were looking into Linux performance tun

                                                      A Linux sysadmin's introduction to cgroups
                                                    • My sysadmin toolbox | Linux.com | The source for Linux information

                                                      I've been a system administrator since 1988, working mainly with Solaris and one or two versions of BSD. Here are some of the things I use all the time, including a number of scripts I've written myself to leverage already useful *nix tools; they're not flashy, but they save me a ton of keystrokes. Locate and xargs I was looking for a certain CSS stylesheet, and since I update my locate database e

                                                      • GitHub - fabric/patchwork: Common deployment/sysadmin operations, built on Fabric

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                                                          GitHub - fabric/patchwork: Common deployment/sysadmin operations, built on Fabric
                                                        • Sysadmin Toolbox | gihyo.jp

                                                          第4回PacSec主催者、Dragos Ruiu氏に聞く「PacSec 2007を振りかえって」 Tomoyuki Sakurai 2007-12-10

                                                            Sysadmin Toolbox | gihyo.jp
                                                          • Strace -- The Sysadmin's Microscope

                                                            Sometimes as a sysadmin the logfiles just don't cut it, and to solve a problem you need to know what's really going on. That's when I turn to strace -- the system-call tracer. A system call, or syscall, is where a program crosses the boundary between user code and the kernel. Fortunately for us using strace, that boundary is where almost everything interesting happens in a typical program. The two

                                                            • [ sysadmin] 起動しない XP を高速で復旧する方法 - Fomalhaut of Piscis Australis

                                                              Joel Spolsky: Joel on Software ソフト開発の方法論はいくつも提唱されているが、それが何で大切なのか、実施しないとなぜダメなのかがいまいちわからない。そして何よりつまらない。この本は、先の疑問に答えてくれるし、読んでいて面白い。いまだに根性論を唱えているBossにぜひとも読んでいただきたい本だ。 (★★★★★) PaulGraham/川合史郎: ハッカーと画家 プログラマの考えや行動は一般の人から見ると、奇妙で理解しがたく映るらしい。彼らはなぜそう考えそう動くのか、なぜ「常識で動く」ことをしないのか。 プログラマも、そうでない方も一度は読んでほしい。 (★★★★★) Tom DeMarco: Slack ゆとりの法則 ゆとりをなく ( 過度に最適化 ) してしまえば、組織は環境適応能力をなくしてしまい、長期的に見ると衰退する。それだけじゃなく、ゆとりをなくしてし

                                                                [ sysadmin] 起動しない XP を高速で復旧する方法 - Fomalhaut of Piscis Australis
                                                              • Configuring and Securing IPMI on Dell PowerEdge x8xx Hardware - The Lone Sysadmin

                                                                • Download macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 ISO Installer for Mac, VMware and VirtualBox - SysAdmin

                                                                  MacOS HighSierra has been released officially. The MacOS High Siera 10.13.1 update includes bug fixes, security improvements, and feature enhancements, and also includes over 70 new emoji icons. This tutorial will show you how to make macOS High Sierra 10.13.1.DMG and then convert it to macOS High Sierra 10.13.1.ISO. You can find direct download link for macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 ISO at the end of

                                                                    Download macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 ISO Installer for Mac, VMware and VirtualBox - SysAdmin
                                                                  • A MongoDB White Paper April 2014 MongoDB Operations Best Practices MongoDB 2.6 MONGODB OPERATIONS BEST PRACTICES 1 Roles and Responsibilities 1 Data Architect 2 Database Administrator (DBA) 2 System Administrator (sysadmin) 2 Application Developer 2 Netw

                                                                    A MongoDB White Paper April 2014 MongoDB Operations Best Practices MongoDB 2.6 MONGODB OPERATIONS BEST PRACTICES 1 Roles and Responsibilities 1 Data Architect 2 Database Administrator (DBA) 2 System Administrator (sysadmin) 2 Application Developer 2 Network Administrator 2 I. PREPARING FOR A MONGODB DEPLOYMENT 3 Schema Design 3 Document Size 3 Data Lifecycle Management 4 Indexing 5 Working Sets 7
