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algebraの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 55件

  • 線形代数というものの見方 / View from Linear Algebra


      線形代数というものの見方 / View from Linear Algebra
    • The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra.pdf at main · kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra

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        The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra.pdf at main · kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra
      • Unexplanations: sql is syntactic sugar for relational algebra

        Unexplanations: sql is syntactic sugar for relational algebra This idea is particularly sticky because it was more or less true 50 years ago, and it's a passable mental model to use when learning sql. But it's an inadequate mental model for building new sql frontends, designing new query languages, or writing tools likes ORMs that abstract over sql. Before we get into that, we first have to figure

        • Seven Sins of Numerical Linear Algebra

          In numerical linear algebra we are concerned with solving linear algebra problems accurately and efficiently and understanding the sensitivity of the problems to perturbations. We describe seven sins, whereby accuracy or efficiency is lost or misleading information about sensitivity is obtained. In linear algebra courses we learn that the solution to a linear system of equations in unknowns can be

            Seven Sins of Numerical Linear Algebra
          • The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra-j.pdf at main · kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra

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              The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra-j.pdf at main · kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra
            • Eigenvectors from eigenvalues: A survey of a basic identity in linear algebra

              If $A$ is an $n \times n$ Hermitian matrix with eigenvalues $\lambda_1(A),\dots,\lambda_n(A)$ and $i,j = 1,\dots,n$, then the $j^{\mathrm{th}}$ component $v_{i,j}$ of a unit eigenvector $v_i$ associated to the eigenvalue $\lambda_i(A)$ is related to the eigenvalues $\lambda_1(M_j),\dots,\lambda_{n-1}(M_j)$ of the minor $M_j$ of $A$ formed by removing the $j^{\mathrm{th}}$ row and column by the for

              • 「Algebra2」に纏わる苦しみと愛の数式 ~ "sin" "cos" "log" が紡いだ兄妹の絆 - Friendshipは船と港 ~藤田くらら 小6でTOEIC980点までの軌跡~

                先週も学校で新たにオミクロン感染者が出たため、週の半分はオンラインとなった娘です。 関西でも学級閉鎖が相次いでいますが、規模の小さい娘の学校では小学部で感染者が出ても全体が休校になってしまいます。 校舎を共有しているため仕方のない事で、これ以上感染を広げないために学校も大変なようです。 社会を揺るがす一連の禍々しい成り行きに対して、こんなことを言っては顰蹙ものかもしれませんが・・・ 12月中旬にブラッドパッチ手術を行い冬休みをほぼずっと寝て過ごした上に、逆流性食道炎で胃腸が悲鳴を上げ登校が大変だった娘にとっては、月曜日まで在宅できるというのは「天の助け」と言ってもよいくらいの大恩恵となっています。 このところ毎日オンライン授業なので、自分の寝床で寝たり起きたりしながらまったりとした時間割となっているのです。 しかし問題が発生・・・ スポンサーリンク 数学がいきなり難しくなる‼ 娘から究極の

                  「Algebra2」に纏わる苦しみと愛の数式 ~ "sin" "cos" "log" が紡いだ兄妹の絆 - Friendshipは船と港 ~藤田くらら 小6でTOEIC980点までの軌跡~
                • Algebra Solver Software Downloads

                  Visiteurs depuis le 25/01/2019 : 6381 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 15 Algebra Solver Software DownloadGenerally, a download manager enables downloading of large files or multiples files in one session. Many web browsers, such as Internet Explorer 9, include a download manager. Stand-alone download managers also are available, including the Microsoft Download Manager. 2: Math Algebra Solver

                    Algebra Solver Software Downloads
                  • How Machine Learning Uses Linear Algebra to Solve Data Problems

                    Machines or computers only understand numbers. And these numbers need to be represented and processed in a way that lets machines solve problems by learning from the data instead of learning from predefined instructions (as in the case of programming). All types of programming use mathematics at some level. Machine learning involves programming data to learn the function that best describes the da

                      How Machine Learning Uses Linear Algebra to Solve Data Problems
                    • Linear Algebra of Types

                      It gives my brain a pleasant thrum to learn new mathematics which mimics the algebra I learned in middle school. Basically this means that the new system has operations with properties that match those of regular numbers as much as possible. Two pretty important operations are addition and multiplication with the properties of distributivity and associativity. Roughly this corresponds to the mathe

                        Linear Algebra of Types
                      • Mathematics for Machine Learning - Linear Algebra

                        Welcome to the “Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra” course, offered by Imperial College London. This video is an online specialisation in Mathe...

                          Mathematics for Machine Learning - Linear Algebra
                        • GitHub - pygae/clifford: Geometric Algebra for Python

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                            GitHub - pygae/clifford: Geometric Algebra for Python
                          • Shota Imai@えるエル on Twitter: "線形代数を直感的に理解できるようにと、『The Art of Linear Algebra』という、線形代数のさまざまな操作を視覚的に表現した教科書が公開されています https://t.co/JDo0Us1S18 なんと序文に、… https://t.co/9n4yznqyzS"

                            線形代数を直感的に理解できるようにと、『The Art of Linear Algebra』という、線形代数のさまざまな操作を視覚的に表現した教科書が公開されています https://t.co/JDo0Us1S18 なんと序文に、… https://t.co/9n4yznqyzS

                              Shota Imai@えるエル on Twitter: "線形代数を直感的に理解できるようにと、『The Art of Linear Algebra』という、線形代数のさまざまな操作を視覚的に表現した教科書が公開されています https://t.co/JDo0Us1S18 なんと序文に、… https://t.co/9n4yznqyzS"
                            • GitHub - kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra: Graphic notes on Gilbert Strang's "Linear Algebra for Everyone"

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                                GitHub - kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra: Graphic notes on Gilbert Strang's "Linear Algebra for Everyone"
                              • GitHub - sarah-ek/faer-rs: Linear algebra foundation for the Rust programming language

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                                  GitHub - sarah-ek/faer-rs: Linear algebra foundation for the Rust programming language
                                • UoPeopleでCollege Algebra(大学代数学)を修了した振り返り - えんぴつぶろぐ

                                  学費無料のオンライン大学、University of the PeopleでMATH1201-College Algebra(大学代数学)を履修したのでその感想を書きます。 前回までのあらすじ コンピューターサイエンスの学位(学士)を取るために、University of the Peopleという学費無料の米国オンライン大学に入学してみたよ。 英語の学力要件はパスできたけど、正式な学部生(Degree-seeking student)になるためには、2つ以上の基礎コースを修了する必要があるよ。 1つ目の基礎コースOnline Education Strategiesは無事終了したよ。 コロナ禍で在宅勤務 with kidsの最中だったからクソしんどかったよ。 2つ目の基礎コースはCollege Algebra(大学代数学)を受けることにしたよ。 これまでのUoPeople関連の記事はこち

                                    UoPeopleでCollege Algebra(大学代数学)を修了した振り返り - えんぴつぶろぐ
                                  • Linear Algebra Done Right

                                    This best-selling textbook for a second course in linear algebra is aimed at undergrad math majors and graduate students. The novel approach taken here banishes determinants to the end of the book. The text focuses on the central goal of linear algebra: understanding the structure of linear operators on finite-dimensional vector spaces. The author has taken unusual care to motivate concepts and to

                                      Linear Algebra Done Right
                                    • A Vision of Linear Algebra | Supplemental Resources | MIT OpenCourseWare

                                      This collection of videos presents Professor Strang’s updated vision of how linear algebra could be taught. It starts with six brief videos, recorded in 2020, containing many ideas and suggestions about the recommended order of topics in teaching and learning linear algebra. Topics include A New Way to Start Linear … Show more This collection of videos presents Professor Strang’s updated vision of

                                        A Vision of Linear Algebra | Supplemental Resources | MIT OpenCourseWare
                                      • [ANN] Symbolics.jl: A Modern Computer Algebra System for a Modern Language

                                        The JuliaSymbolics Organization Roadmap We need new Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) for this new era of computing. We need a CAS that dispatches in the multiple ways we think. We need a CAS that scales exponentially like our problems. We need a CAS that integrates with our package ecosystem, letting people extend parts and contribute back to the core library all in one language. We need a modern CA

                                          [ANN] Symbolics.jl: A Modern Computer Algebra System for a Modern Language
                                        • Introduction to Linear Algebra for Applied Machine Learning with Python

                                          Introduction to Linear Algebra for Applied Machine Learning with Python Linear algebra is to machine learning as flour to bakery: every machine learning model is based in linear algebra, as every cake is based in flour. It is not the only ingredient, of course. Machine learning models need vector calculus, probability, and optimization, as cakes need sugar, eggs, and butter. Applied machine learni

                                          • Introduction to Linear Algebra

                                            Please choose one of the following, to be redirected to that book's website Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Edition (2016 edition) Introduction to Linear Algebra, 6th Edition (2023 edition) Accessibility

                                            • GitHub - markrogoyski/math-php: Powerful modern math library for PHP: Features descriptive statistics and regressions; Continuous and discrete probability distributions; Linear algebra with matrices and vectors, Numerical analysis; special mathematical fu

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                                                GitHub - markrogoyski/math-php: Powerful modern math library for PHP: Features descriptive statistics and regressions; Continuous and discrete probability distributions; Linear algebra with matrices and vectors, Numerical analysis; special mathematical fu
                                              • The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra-j.pdf at main · kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra

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                                                  The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra-j.pdf at main · kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra
                                                • Amazon.co.jp: Linear Algebra Done Right (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics): Axler, Sheldon: 本

                                                    Amazon.co.jp: Linear Algebra Done Right (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics): Axler, Sheldon: 本
                                                  • Why is Linear Algebra Taught So Badly?

                                                    I’m aware of the irony of using non-parallel lines to illustrate a blog about linear algebra. Image: Pexels Here’s a quick maths question for you. Raise your hand if you can multiply these two matrices together:

                                                      Why is Linear Algebra Taught So Badly?
                                                    • I❤️LA: Compilable Markdown for Linear Algebra

                                                      Mathematical notation has evolved over centuries to efficiently communicate technical concepts such as the sparse graph Laplacian construction in the top left. Meanwhile, programming languages communicate with a machine typically with a reduced character set and syntax causing handwritten translation of mathematics to visually stray far from the “chalkboard math” and from each other. I❤️LA is a no

                                                        I❤️LA: Compilable Markdown for Linear Algebra
                                                      • UoPeopleのCollege Algebra(MATH 1201/大学代数学)を受講して感じたつまづきと工夫したこと、数学コンプレックスの克服 - Health comes first

                                                        Computer Scienceの学位が取れるオンライン大学University of the People(UoPeople)において、最初の数学のコースであるCollege Algebra(MATH 1201)を2021年9月〜10月(2021-2022 Term1)に修了しました。 おかげさまでコースをパスすることができたので、振り返りを書きたいと思います。ただ、コースの内容やどうやって勉強するかについてはすでに詳細にまとめられているブログ(下記)がありますので、そちらは先人に任せ、この記事では自分がコース中にどうやって数学と向き合ったか、コース中につまづいたこと、自分なりの工夫などを中心にシェアします。 empitsu88.hatenablog.com okauuu.hatenablog.com 改めて、私が今期数学のコースをパスできたのは、先人たちが情報をシェアしてくださったおか

                                                          UoPeopleのCollege Algebra(MATH 1201/大学代数学)を受講して感じたつまづきと工夫したこと、数学コンプレックスの克服 - Health comes first
                                                        • Abstract algebra in F# using Sylvester and Jupyter.

                                                          NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Sylvester.AbstractAlgebra/ Github: https://github.com/allisterb/Sylvester/tree/master/src/Math/Sylvester.AbstractAlgebra

                                                            Abstract algebra in F# using Sylvester and Jupyter.
                                                          • Graphic Notes on Linear Algebra and Data Science

                                                            すうがく徒のつどい、9/19 にて発表バージョン。 講演動画はこちら。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR3JvijvjW8 オリジナル論文はこちら。 https://github.com/kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra/blob/main/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra.pdf 1つ1つの技術解説はこちら。 各々の分解等のトピックス解説は、Qiita に詳しくしてあります。 https://qiita.com/kenjihiranabe/items/bfa9cd68bb355afc56b7Read less

                                                              Graphic Notes on Linear Algebra and Data Science
                                                            • GitHub - mentat-collective/emmy: The Emmy Computer Algebra System.

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                                                                GitHub - mentat-collective/emmy: The Emmy Computer Algebra System.
                                                              • GitHub - parrt/tensor-sensor: The goal of this library is to generate more helpful exception messages for matrix algebra expressions for numpy, pytorch, jax, tensorflow, keras, fastai.

                                                                See article Clarifying exceptions and visualizing tensor operations in deep learning code and TensorSensor implementation slides (PDF). (As of September 2021, M1 macs experience illegal instructions in many of the tensor libraries installed via Anaconda, so you should expect TensorSensor to work only on Intel-based Macs at the moment. PyTorch appears to work.) One of the biggest challenges when wr

                                                                  GitHub - parrt/tensor-sensor: The goal of this library is to generate more helpful exception messages for matrix algebra expressions for numpy, pytorch, jax, tensorflow, keras, fastai.
                                                                • Elementary Linear Algebra-8th Edition By Ron Larson - climatelasopa

                                                                  Elementary Linear Algebra - Kindle edition by Ron Larson. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Elementary Linear Algebra 8th Edition, Kindle Edition. Ron Larson is a professor of Mathematics at The Pennsylvania State. Buy Elementary Linear Algebra 8th edition (004) by Ron Larson for up to 90% off at Textbooks.com. OverviewDesigned specifically for the introduc

                                                                    Elementary Linear Algebra-8th Edition By Ron Larson - climatelasopa
                                                                  • Sugimoto Algebra Seminar

                                                                    We meet on every Friday at 16:00 in Sugimoto campus of Osaka Metropolitan University. The venue is Room E408 in the Science Building E. We broadcast the seminar via Zoom as well. Organizers: Yohsuke Matsuzawa, Ryo Kanda, Sho Ejiri, Takamichi Sano Friday, April 19, 2024, 16:00-17:00 Yoshimune Koreeda (Hiroshima University) Title : Jet scheme of singular surfaces of rational double points Abstract :

                                                                    • Blending and Compositing Algebra for ggplot2

                                                                      ggblend is a small algebra of operations for blending, copying, adjusting, and compositing layers in ggplot2. It allows you to easily copy and adjust the aesthetics or parameters of an existing layer, to partition a layer into multiple pieces for re-composition, and to combine layers (or partitions of layers) using blend modes (like "multiply", "overlay", etc). ggblend requires R ≥ 4.2, as blendin

                                                                      • GRAPH THEORY AND LINEAR ALGEBRA

                                                                        • Tivadar Danka on Twitter: "The single most undervalued fact of linear algebra: matrices are graphs, and graphs are matrices. Encoding matrice… https://t.co/ox2zgedUHW"

                                                                          The single most undervalued fact of linear algebra: matrices are graphs, and graphs are matrices. Encoding matrice… https://t.co/ox2zgedUHW

                                                                            Tivadar Danka on Twitter: "The single most undervalued fact of linear algebra: matrices are graphs, and graphs are matrices. Encoding matrice… https://t.co/ox2zgedUHW"
                                                                          • measure algebra - Google 検索

                                                                            In mathematics, a measure algebra is a Boolean algebra with a countably additive positive measure. A probability measure on a measure space gives a measure ...

                                                                            • University of the PeopleでCollege Algebraを受講した話 - Learning Journal

                                                                              University of the PeopleでCollege Algebra(MATH1201)とProgramming 1(CS1102)を受講しました。 この記事は特に集中して取り組んだCollege Algebraについての振り返りです。自分の学習記録用ですが、これから受講する方のお役に少しでも立てれば幸いです。 成績 成績はA-(Grade Points3.67)でした。 Graded QuizとFinal Examで合計4問間違え、Discussion Forumは8点周辺をうろうろ、Written Assignmentは大体80~90点くらいで、Learning Journalはインストラクターが毎回10点つけてくれてました。 これまで数学で好成績を取ったことがなかったので、AがつくGradeで修了できたのは純粋に嬉しいです。 学習内容 定義域・値域 一次関数・二次関数 多

                                                                                University of the PeopleでCollege Algebraを受講した話 - Learning Journal
                                                                              • Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra 第4章 | 10001 ideas

                                                                                前回はこちら。4章はクラスタリングの話。序盤でクラスタリングみたいな話が入ってくるのは珍しい。それだけ応用を意識している本ということだろうか。 クラスタリングがどういうものかの説明の後に様々な応用事例が述べられている。例えば郵便番号のクラスタリングや、アンケート結果のクラスタリングなど、非常に幅広い分野で応用が可能。 クラスタリングの目的関数とk-means法の紹介がある。この辺りは、よくある機械学習の教科書とかを見れば簡単に理解できる。 最後に実際の応用事例としてMNISTのクラスタリングやドキュメントトピックのクラスタリングが説明されている。MNISTの場合は単純にピクセル値を、ドキュメントトピッククラスタリングの場合は単語のカウントをベクトルとして入力としただけで、それなりにもっともらしい結果が出力できている。

                                                                                • Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra 第5章 | 10001 ideas

                                                                                  第4章はこちら。第5章は線形独立について。 まずは線形従属とは何ぞやという話から始まって、線形独立なベクトルを開設している。その後Basis(基底)の説明があって、線形独立なベクトルは基底を張っているというような内容が書かれている。 例としてはキャッシュフローとローンの利率の計算をある期間のでどのように変化するかという例が挙げられている。 そのあとは、Orthonormalベクトルの解説があり、グラムシュミットのアルゴリズムでOrthonormalベクトルを求める方法が説明されている。