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benchmarkingの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 213件

  • GitHub - wg/wrk: Modern HTTP benchmarking tool

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      GitHub - wg/wrk: Modern HTTP benchmarking tool
    • KVM and Docker LXC Benchmarking with OpenStack

      Forward Linux containers (LXCs) are rapidly becoming the new "unit of deployment" changing how we develop, package, deploy and manage applications at all scales (from test / dev to production service ready environments). This application life cycle transformation also enables fluidity to once frictional use cases in a traditional hypervisor Virtual Machine (VM) environment. For example, developing

        KVM and Docker LXC Benchmarking with OpenStack
      • Benchmarking Nginx with Go

        benchmark+go+nginx.md Benchmarking Nginx with Go There are a lot of ways to serve a Go HTTP application. The best choices depend on each use case. Currently nginx looks to be the standard web server for every new project even though there are other great web servers as well. However, how much is the overhead of serving a Go application behind an nginx server? Do we need some nginx features (vhosts

          Benchmarking Nginx with Go
        • GitHub - sharkdp/hyperfine: A command-line benchmarking tool

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            GitHub - sharkdp/hyperfine: A command-line benchmarking tool
          • Benchmarking node.js vs golang

            AWS Top Engineer (Security)がre:Invent 2023で見たセキュリティの民主化と生成AI活用の未来 / The future of security democratization and generative AI as seen by AWS Top Engineer (Security) at re:Invent 2023

              Benchmarking node.js vs golang
            • Search Benchmarking: RediSearch vs. Elasticsearch - Redis

              Click to learn more about RediSearch: RediSearch: A High Performance Search Engine as a Redis Module white paper Background RediSearch is a distributed full-text search and aggregation engine built as a module on top of Redis. It enables  users to execute complex search queries on their Redis dataset in an extremely fast manner. The unique architecture of RediSearch, which was written in C and bui

                Search Benchmarking: RediSearch vs. Elasticsearch - Redis
              • Xbench: Comprehensive Macintosh Benchmarking

                Xbench is Freeware. If you would like to support future development, please make a donation: Alternate donation methods. "I only tried your product out this afternoon for the first time. I'm really impressed. I heard some buzz about it on versiontracker and some of the tech sites, but thought it was "only" a bench mark utility. I had no idea until I downloaded it and watched it run that it was a t

                • Phoronix Test Suite - Linux Testing & Benchmarking Platform, Automated Testing, Open-Source Benchmarking

                  Easy To Use The Phoronix Test Suite makes the process of carrying out automated tests incredibly simple. The Phoronix Test Suite will take care of the entire test process from dependency management to test download/installation, execution, and result aggregation. Extensible Architecture The Phoronix Test Suite has access to more than 450 test profiles and over 100 test suites via OpenBenchmarking.

                  • Benchmarking Percona Server TokuDB vs InnoDB

                    All of Percona’s open-source software products, in one place, to download as much or as little as you need.

                      Benchmarking Percona Server TokuDB vs InnoDB
                    • GitHub - google/caliper: Micro-benchmarking library for Java

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                        GitHub - google/caliper: Micro-benchmarking library for Java
                      • Benchmarking on AWS @Developers.io 2015

                        株式会社マーベラスさん主催の勉強会まべ☆てっく vol.2にて登壇させて頂きました。 負荷試験をかける前に目を通しておいていただきたい資料となります。 https://marv-tech.connpass.com/event/42023/

                          Benchmarking on AWS @Developers.io 2015
                        • JS Benchmarking on HASTY: Optimize performance with benchmarks

                          Unleash the power of performance by comparing your code. In other words, only use your champion. Stop guessing, start winning. Are you juggling multiple code snippets for the same task, unsure which one truly reigns supreme? Performance testing is your secret weapon.

                            JS Benchmarking on HASTY: Optimize performance with benchmarks
                          • KVM and docker LXC Benchmarking with OpenStack

                            Passive benchmarking with docker LXC and KVM using OpenStack hosted in SoftLayer. These results provide initial incite as to why LXC as a technology choice offers benefits over traditional VMs and seek to provide answers as to the typical initial LXC question -- "why would I consider Linux Containers over VMs" from a performance perspective. Results here provide insight as to: - Cloudy ops times (

                              KVM and docker LXC Benchmarking with OpenStack
                            • OpenBenchmarking.org - Cross-Platform, Open-Source Automated Benchmarking Platform

                              Popular Tests Timed Linux Kernel Compilation7-Zip CompressionHashcatBlenderSVT-AV1GLmark2 Newest Tests Counter-Strike 2QuicksilverGpuOwlProjectPhysX OpenCL-BenchmarkSpeedbScyllaDB Recently Updated Tests LibplaceboVkFFTdav1dNAMDGROMACSIntel Open Image Denoise New & Recently Updated Tests Recently Updated Suites SteamHPC - High Performance ComputingMachine Learning New & Recently Updated Suites Comp

                              • Kazuho at Work: Benchmarking SSD for MySQL

                                Today I bought Intel X25-M, to test its performance and consider if we could replace a HDD used in our slave database of Pathtraq with a solid state disk. Connecting the drive to a test server, I have just run a synthetic benchmark to check its performance for 16KB random access with O_DIRECT flag set, which is pretty similar to the access pattern we see in our daily InnoDB use.

                                • GitHub - evanphx/benchmark-ips: Provides iteration per second benchmarking for Ruby

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                                    GitHub - evanphx/benchmark-ips: Provides iteration per second benchmarking for Ruby
                                  • Benchmarking Apache Kafka: 2 Million Writes Per Second (On Three Cheap Machines)

                                    Benchmarking Apache Kafka: 2 Million Writes Per Second (On Three Cheap Machines) I wrote a blog post about how LinkedIn uses Apache Kafka as a central publish-subscribe log for integrating data between applications, stream processing, and Hadoop data ingestion. To actually make this work, though, this "universal log" has to be a cheap abstraction. If you want to use a system as a central data hub

                                      Benchmarking Apache Kafka: 2 Million Writes Per Second (On Three Cheap Machines)
                                    • 検索の応答性能を維持するための Benchmarking Automation | メルカリエンジニアリング

                                      ※この記事は、"Blog Series of Introduction of Developer Productivity Engineering at Mercari" の一環で書かれています。 はじめに こんにちは、メルカリMicroservices SREチームの藤本(@jimo1001)です。 私は Embedded SRE としてメルカリJPの検索に関連するマイクロサービスを提供している サーチインフラチームに入り、サービスの信頼性向上やインフラ周りの自動化に従事しています。今回は、メルカリの商品検索の応答性能を維持するための Benchmarking Automation の取り組みについて紹介したいと思います。 検索基盤のアーキテクチャ まず、検索基盤のアーキテクチャについて簡単に説明します。主要なコンポーネントに絞ってシンプルに表現したものが以下の図になります。 各コンポー

                                        検索の応答性能を維持するための Benchmarking Automation | メルカリエンジニアリング
                                      • SiSoftware – Windows, Android, GPGPU, CUDA, OpenCL, analysers, diagnostic and benchmarking apps

                                        Comments Off on Intel 14th Gen Core RaptorLake-Refresh (i7 14700K(F)) Review & Benchmarks – Hybrid Top-End Performance What is “RaptorLake-Refresh”? It is the “next-generation” (14th gen) Core architecture, refreshing the current “RaptorLake” (13th gen) and thus the 4th generation “hybrid” (aka “big.LITTLE”) arch that Intel has released. As before, it combines big/P(erformant) “Core” cores with LI

                                        • Benchmarking Cassandra Scalability on AWS

                                          by Adrian Cockcroft and Denis Sheahan Netflix has been rolling out the Apache Cassandra NoSQL data store for production use over the last six months. As part of our benchmarking we recently decided to run a test designed to validate our tooling and automation scalability as well as the performance characteristics of Cassandra. Adrian presented these results at the High Performance Transaction Syst

                                            Benchmarking Cassandra Scalability on AWS
                                          • Fusion-io(ioDrive) benchmarking #sfstudy 01 LT

                                            第9回「Fusion-io ioDriveがもたらした新世界とテクノロジーの肝」(2011/10/06 on しすなま!) ②IBM資料System x 部 (生!) : しすなま! @ Lenovo Enterprise Solutions Ltd.

                                              Fusion-io(ioDrive) benchmarking #sfstudy 01 LT
                                            • State of the Stack - A Ruby on Rails Benchmarking Report - Sept. 2011 - New Relic Blog

                                              A report on Ruby usage among New Relic Customers We saw recently that our friend Peter Cooper has created a nice tutorial on moving to Ruby 1.9 called The Ruby 1.9 Walkthrough: How to Go From Ruby 1.8.7 to 1.9.2 and 1.9.3. We started to wonder how many of our customers are on 1.8 versus 1.9, then quickly (and embarrassingly) realized we hadn’t published a Ruby on Rails State of the Stack Report in

                                                State of the Stack - A Ruby on Rails Benchmarking Report - Sept. 2011 - New Relic Blog
                                              • Benchmarking Go vs Node vs Elixir

                                                Benchmarking Go vs Node vs Elixir 6 minute read Modified: 6 Jan, 2020 In this benchmark test, we compare three web application servers—Go, Node, and Elixir (Cowboy)—by subjecting each to a synthetic workload, first with 10k, and later with 100k connections. To simulate a generic web application client and server behavior, we have devised the following synthetic workload. The client device opens a

                                                • Benchmarking a Go AI in Ruby: CRuby vs. Rubinius vs. JRuby vs. Truffle – a year later

                                                  Thoughts on different Ruby implementations Let’s wrap this up with a couple of thoughts on the different implementations: TruffleRuby TruffleRuby is making steady and great progress, which I’m thoroughly impressed with. To be honest, I was wondering if its performance increased since the last benchmark as I was worried that implementing new Ruby features would lead to decreased performance. Seeing

                                                    Benchmarking a Go AI in Ruby: CRuby vs. Rubinius vs. JRuby vs. Truffle – a year later
                                                  • Xbench: Comprehensive Macintosh Benchmarking

                                                    Xbench is Freeware. If you would like to support future development, please make a donation: Alternate donation methods. "I only tried your product out this afternoon for the first time. I'm really impressed. I heard some buzz about it on versiontracker and some of the tech sites, but thought it was "only" a bench mark utility. I had no idea until I downloaded it and watched it run that it was a t

                                                    • GitHub - twitter/rpc-perf: A tool for benchmarking RPC services

                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                        GitHub - twitter/rpc-perf: A tool for benchmarking RPC services
                                                      • Benchmarking High Performance I/O with SSD for Cassandra on AWS

                                                        by Adrian Cockcroft Today AWS has launched a new Solid State Disk (SSD) based instance that addresses the need for high performance I/O, and we have run a few initial benchmarks to see how it shapes up. With this announcement AWS makes it easy to provision extremely high I/O capacity with consistently low latency. AWS has been competitive in instance memory capacity for a long time and is leading

                                                          Benchmarking High Performance I/O with SSD for Cassandra on AWS
                                                        • YappoLogs: HTTP::Engine VS Mojo Benchmarking

                                                          HTTP::Engine And Mojo Benchmarking Update: Mojo作者のSebastianもベンチマークとってくれたよ! (new benchmark by Sebastian) Mojo vs. HTTP::Engine - Sebastian Riedel - Perl and the Web sri++ And if there is time, i make benchmark of FCGI. 本気bar効果でMojoが注目されてるのでHTTP::Engineとの速度差を簡単にとった。 そもそもMojo単体のWeb Serverの使い方が良くわからないので Mojolicious の CLI を見てそれっぽい Mojo::Server::Daemon を使った。 on New MacBook 2.4G Mojo's source codeuse str

                                                          • Benchmarking CRuby, MJIT, YJIT, JRuby and TruffleRuby

                                                            Benchmarking CRuby, MJIT, YJIT, JRuby and TruffleRuby In this blog post we benchmark many Ruby versions and the latest Ruby Just-in-Time compilers (JITs) on the newest Ruby benchmark suite, yjit-bench. As a teaser, the geometric mean speedups compared to CRuby 3.1 on these 14 benchmarks are: MJIT 1.26x, YJIT 1.39x, JRuby 1.86x and TruffleRuby 6.23x. Read on to find more about the benchmarks and ga

                                                              Benchmarking CRuby, MJIT, YJIT, JRuby and TruffleRuby
                                                            • Benchmarking gRPC in Rust & Go

                                                              Some backgroundIf you’re a developer looking to build a reliable, memory safe, high performance application today, Rust & Go are surely your options. If you’re looking to get even more performance out of your internal applications, you might also want to look at using gRPC instead of a normal REST api. All these are solutions to reducing your computational overhead. I try to compare various librar

                                                                Benchmarking gRPC in Rust & Go
                                                              • GitHub - mcollina/autocannon: fast HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool written in Node.js

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                                                                  GitHub - mcollina/autocannon: fast HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool written in Node.js
                                                                • Benchmarking TensorFlow on Cloud CPUs: Cheaper Deep Learning than Cloud GPUs

                                                                  Benchmarking TensorFlow on Cloud CPUs: Cheaper Deep Learning than Cloud GPUs I’ve been working on a few personal deep learning projects with Keras and TensorFlow. However, training models for deep learning with cloud services such as Amazon EC2 and Google Compute Engine isn’t free, and as someone who is currently unemployed, I have to keep an eye on extraneous spending and be as cost-efficient as

                                                                    Benchmarking TensorFlow on Cloud CPUs: Cheaper Deep Learning than Cloud GPUs
                                                                  • GitHub - utkusen/reqstress: a benchmarking&stressing tool that can send raw HTTP requests

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                                                                      GitHub - utkusen/reqstress: a benchmarking&stressing tool that can send raw HTTP requests
                                                                    • GitHub - majimboo/node-benchmarks: Benchmarking various operations in Node.JS

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                                                                        GitHub - majimboo/node-benchmarks: Benchmarking various operations in Node.JS
                                                                      • Benchmarking the Raspberry Pi 4

                                                                        UPDATE: Since this feature was written, the Raspberry Pi team has been hard at work releasing regular firmware updates which add new features — like network boot support — and enhance the Raspberry Pi 4’s power draw and heat output, boosting performance. The latest figures for thermal throttling and power draw, plus a real-world workload head-to-head against the Raspberry Pi 3 B+, can be found ove

                                                                          Benchmarking the Raspberry Pi 4
                                                                        • Benchmarking low-level I/O: C, C++, Rust, Golang, Java, Python

                                                                          This post is a continuation of Measuring network service performance. When my computer doesn’t have an Internet connection, I find that there is not much I can do with it. Indeed, we mostly use our laptops and smartphones to access information stored or generated somewhere else. It’s even hard to imagine the utility of non-user facing apps without network communication. While the proportion of I/O

                                                                            Benchmarking low-level I/O: C, C++, Rust, Golang, Java, Python
                                                                          • ab - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.2

                                                                            Please note This document refers to the 2.2 version of Apache httpd, which is no longer maintained. The active release is documented here. If you have not already upgraded, please follow this link for more information. You may follow this link to go to the current version of this document. ab is a tool for benchmarking your Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. It is designed to give y

                                                                            • ioDrive de benchmarking 2011 1209_zem_distribution

                                                                              ~ベンチマークで見るioDrive~ ベンチマーク情報のアップデート版。ioDriveの概要説明、File Input/Output (Read/Write)、MySQL OLTP(DBT-2,sysBench)、SSDとの比較。Read less

                                                                                ioDrive de benchmarking 2011 1209_zem_distribution
                                                                              • Benchmarking Go and Python Web servers

                                                                                To build the Web applications I use mostly Python. An year ago I started learning Go, mainly for fun. In the meantime it turned out that I have to rewrite some old CGI application written in C, which have worked with thttpd server in chroot mode. I started searching for a tool with which I could write a standalone web application with embedded web server, easy to chroot. At the same time I started

                                                                                • ab - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool - Apache HTTP Server

                                                                                  Please note This document refers to the 2.0 version of Apache httpd, which is no longer maintained. Upgrade, and refer to the current version of httpd instead, documented at: Current release version of Apache HTTP Server documentationYou may follow this link to go to the current version of this document. ab is a tool for benchmarking your Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. It is des