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361 - 400 件 / 1195件

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browserの検索結果361 - 400 件 / 1195件

  • Verso Browser

    Verso Browser

    • BrowserCat | Headless Browser API

      What do you do if your target sites are interactive, bot-protected, or behind a login?

        BrowserCat | Headless Browser API
      • GitHub - CubeZeero/Tweetron: Tweet stream in OBS browser source

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          GitHub - CubeZeero/Tweetron: Tweet stream in OBS browser source
        • Running Clang in the browser using WebAssembly · Blog · Wasmer

          Back to articlesRunning Clang in the browser using WebAssemblyDiscover how to compile C programs directly from JavaScript or any browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari), and explore the powerful capabilities of the Wasmer JS SDK We’ve reached a major milestone in making any software run with WebAssembly. Thanks to the newest release of Wasmer (4.4) and the Wasmer JS SDK (0.8.0) you can now run clang any

            Running Clang in the browser using WebAssembly · Blog · Wasmer
          • Kiwi Browser - Fast & Quiet - Google Play のアプリ

            Kiwi Browserは、インターネットを閲覧したり、ニュースを読んだり、ビデオを見たり、音楽を聴いたりするために、煩わしさを感じることなく作られています。 安心して閲覧できます。 Kiwiは、ChromiumとWebKitに基づいています。これは、世界で最も人気のあるブラウザーに電力を供給するエンジンであるため、習慣を失うことはありません。 私たちと同じようにキウイを愛していただければ幸いです。 パワーユーザーとサポーターへの注意:開発について話し合ったりアイデアを共有したりできるDiscord(チャット)コミュニティがあります:https://discordapp.com/invite/XyMppQq 主な特徴: ★最高のクロムに基づく ★信じられないほどのページ読み込み速度🚀 非常に最適化されたレンダリングエンジンのおかげで、Webページを超高速で表示できます。 ★実際に機能する

              Kiwi Browser - Fast & Quiet - Google Play のアプリ
            • GitHub - developit/web-worker: Consistent Web Workers in browser and Node.

              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                GitHub - developit/web-worker: Consistent Web Workers in browser and Node.
              • GitHub - browser-use/web-ui: Run AI Agent in your browser.

                This project builds upon the foundation of the browser-use, which is designed to make websites accessible for AI agents. We would like to officially thank WarmShao for his contribution to this project. WebUI: is built on Gradio and supports a most of browser-use functionalities. This UI is designed to be user-friendly and enables easy interaction with the browser agent. Expanded LLM Support: We've

                  GitHub - browser-use/web-ui: Run AI Agent in your browser.
                • GitHub - webui-dev/deno-webui: Use any web browser as GUI, with Deno in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend.

                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                    GitHub - webui-dev/deno-webui: Use any web browser as GUI, with Deno in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend.
                  • GitHub - TaxyAI/browser-extension: Automate your browser with GPT-4

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                      GitHub - TaxyAI/browser-extension: Automate your browser with GPT-4
                    • Browser-Powered Desync Attacks: A New Frontier in HTTP Request Smuggling

                      This request triggered an extremely suspicious intermittent 400 Bad Request response from various websites that were running AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) as their front-end. Investigation revealed that ALB was mysteriously adding a 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' header while downgrading the request to HTTP/1.1 for forwarding to the back-end, without making any alterations to the message body:

                        Browser-Powered Desync Attacks: A New Frontier in HTTP Request Smuggling
                      • GitHub - 5t3ph/css-browser-support: Query for CSS brower support data, combined from caniuse and MDN, including version support started and global support percentages.

                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                          GitHub - 5t3ph/css-browser-support: Query for CSS brower support data, combined from caniuse and MDN, including version support started and global support percentages.
                        • GitHub - sinclairzx81/hammer: Build Tool for Browser and Node Applications

                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                            GitHub - sinclairzx81/hammer: Build Tool for Browser and Node Applications
                          • WebVM: Client side X86 virtual machines in the browser

                            TL;DR — We made a server-less virtual Linux environment that runs unmodified Debian binaries in the browser. This is powered by CheerpX, a WebAssembly virtualization platform. Feel free to play with it and report bugs: https://webvm.io WebVM — a server-less virtual Linux environment running fully client-side in HTML5/WebAssembly.The web platform is well on its way to becoming the dominant platform

                              WebVM: Client side X86 virtual machines in the browser
                            • 匿名性を重視したWebブラウザー「Tor Browser 9.5」 ~“.onion”への切り替えUIを追加/アドレスバーのセキュリティアイコンもアップデート

                                匿名性を重視したWebブラウザー「Tor Browser 9.5」 ~“.onion”への切り替えUIを追加/アドレスバーのセキュリティアイコンもアップデート
                              • アクセシビリティを追い求める木達一仁さんが #Vivaldiを使うワケ | Vivaldi Browser

                                「#Vivaldiを使うワケ」第10回目に登場していただくのは、株式会社ミツエーリンクス CTOの木達一仁さん。ブラウザの仕様やアクセシビリティに深い造詣を持ち、さまざまなメディアに寄稿しています。今回は、Vivaldiのアクセシビリティについていろいろと伺いました。 「#Vivaldiを使うワケ」では、Vivaldiの事例記事として、Vivaldiのヘビーユーザーに取材をさせていただき、Vivaldiへのこだわりや活用法などをご紹介します。 第10回目に登場していただくのは、株式会社ミツエーリンクス CTOの木達一仁さん。クライアントワークとしては、主にフロントエンドの設計や実装、関連ガイドラインの策定に従事しています。ブラウザの仕様やアクセシビリティに深い造詣を持ち、さまざまなメディアに寄稿しています。今回は、ブラウザのアクセシビリティ、そしてVivaldiのアクセシビリティについてい

                                  アクセシビリティを追い求める木達一仁さんが #Vivaldiを使うワケ | Vivaldi Browser
                                • Browser Image Compressionで画像をアップロード前に圧縮する[Javascript] | バシャログ。

                                  どうもfujiharaです。本日は画像をアップロード前に圧縮できる BrowserImageCompressionをご紹介します。 インストール npm install browser-image-compression --save or yarn add browser-image-compression コード 以下が簡単な確認用コードになります。(react-create-appで作成) import './App.css'; import { useState } from 'react'; import imageCompression from 'browser-image-compression'; function App() { const [image_url, setImageUrl] = useState(''); const compressOption = {

                                    Browser Image Compressionで画像をアップロード前に圧縮する[Javascript] | バシャログ。
                                  • GitHub - mrd0x/BITB: Browser In The Browser (BITB) Templates

                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                      GitHub - mrd0x/BITB: Browser In The Browser (BITB) Templates
                                    • GitHub - neomacs-project/neomacs: Structural Lisp IDE/browser/computing environment

                                      Prebuilt binary for x64 Linux: https://github.com/neomacs-project/neomacs/releases/ Documentation: M-x manual. There is also an online version at https://neomacs-project.github.io/doc/toc.html To build locally, make sure you have SBCL, quicklisp, and the Ultralisp dist (if you haven't done so, (ql-dist:install-dist "http://dist.ultralisp.org/" :prompt nil)). Clone this repo and https://github.com/

                                        GitHub - neomacs-project/neomacs: Structural Lisp IDE/browser/computing environment
                                      • RLI (Recently Logged-In) Browser Cache Bypassing

                                        Tim Vereecke (@TimVereecke) loves speeding up websites and likes to understand the technical and business aspects of WebPerf since 15+ years. He is a web performance architect at Akamai and also runs scalemates.com: the largest (and fastest) scale modeling website on the planet. Delivering cached HTML pages to recently logged in (=RLI) visitors is unfortunately a guarantee to frustrate users! On w

                                          RLI (Recently Logged-In) Browser Cache Bypassing
                                        • GitHub - TokamakUI/Tokamak: SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly and native apps for other platforms

                                          At the moment Tokamak implements a very basic subset of SwiftUI. Its DOM renderer supports a few view types and modifiers (you can check the current list in the progress document), and a new HTML view for constructing arbitrary HTML. The long-term goal of Tokamak is to implement as much of SwiftUI API as possible and to provide a few more helpful additions that simplify HTML and CSS interactions.

                                            GitHub - TokamakUI/Tokamak: SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly and native apps for other platforms
                                          • Rails+Docker環境をbrowser-syncでオートリロードできるようにしてみた|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                                            例のEvil Martians流Rails + Docker環境でひとつ困っていたのが、ファイルを更新したときの自動ブラウザ再読み込みです。 今回は、Gulpなどの静的Webサイト開発などでよく使われるbrowser-syncをプロキシにしてオートリロードをやってみました。Chrome拡張をインストールせずにオートリロードできるのと、管理コンソールが使えるのが特徴です。 リポジトリ: BrowserSync/browser-sync: Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites. http://browsersync.io ドキュメント: Browsersync Documentation 同リポジトリより Dockerの外でbrowser-syncを動かす 主に以下の記事を参考にしました。 参考: Rai

                                              Rails+Docker環境をbrowser-syncでオートリロードできるようにしてみた|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                                            • browser-2020/README.md at master · luruke/browser-2020

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                                                browser-2020/README.md at master · luruke/browser-2020
                                              • GitHub - slipHQ/run-wasm: Run WASM based code executions in the browser easily

                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                  GitHub - slipHQ/run-wasm: Run WASM based code executions in the browser easily
                                                • gaining access to anyones browser without them even visiting a website - eva's site

                                                  we start at the homepage of arc. where i first landed when i first heard of it. i snatched a download and started analysing, the first thing i realised was that arc requires an account to use, why do they require an account? introducing arcs cloud features so i boot up my mitmproxy instance and i sign up, and i see that they are using firebase for authentication, but no other requests, are they re

                                                  • 2022 年総まとめ: イノベーション、権利擁護への支持、そしてチャレンジ精神 | Vivaldi Browser

                                                    2023 年の幕開けも気づけばもう間近。2022 年に Vivaldi が提供したものを振り返ってみたいと思います。 この 1 年間も昨年に引き続き、コロナウイルス、インフレ率の上昇、サプライチェーンへの障害、気候変動に関する懸念、そしてウクライナへの軍事侵攻など、多くの難題に直面する日々が続きましたね。 そんな状況の中でも、Vivaldi は希望と連帯感を忘れずに未来を見つめることができました。それは、一丸となったコミュニティの可能性というものを、これまで実際にこの目で見てきたから。 Vivaldi はパワフルなコミュニティに支えられていることを誇りに思っています。アンバサダー、ソプラノ、翻訳者、ボランティア、パートナー、そして Vivaldi チームが共同して努力した結果として築き上げられたものが Vivaldi です。「ユーザーファースト」をモットーとしたブラウザーの構築は皆さんのお

                                                      2022 年総まとめ: イノベーション、権利擁護への支持、そしてチャレンジ精神 | Vivaldi Browser
                                                    • Microsoft Edge: Your AI-powered browser, innovating for businesses and developers

                                                      This year at Build, we’re raising the bar on what a browser can and should do in today’s digital world to help you, your business, and the sites and web apps you create to stay at the forefront. Check out the latest innovations below to learn how Microsoft Edge will take your work and your organization’s productivity to the next level. Jump to the following sections to learn more: Innovations for

                                                        Microsoft Edge: Your AI-powered browser, innovating for businesses and developers
                                                      • Godot Editor running in a web browser

                                                        This article is from May 2020, some of its contents might be outdated and no longer accurate. You can find up-to-date information about the engine in the official documentation. Hello Godotters! It’s-a me, Fabio! In the last few months, thanks to the great sponsorship of Mozilla I’ve been working on a big surprise for Godot 4.0, namely making the editor available as an HTML5 application. This DOES

                                                          Godot Editor running in a web browser
                                                        • Privacy-preserving Brave Search Replaces Google as the Default Search Engine in the Brave Browser | Brave

                                                          Privacy-preserving Brave Search Replaces Google as the Default Search Engine in the Brave Browser Starting today, new Brave users will have the search functionality in the Brave browser powered by Brave Search, giving them the privacy and independence of a search/browser alternative to Big Tech. Brave Search is built on top of an independent index, and doesn’t track users, their searches, or their

                                                            Privacy-preserving Brave Search Replaces Google as the Default Search Engine in the Brave Browser | Brave
                                                          • Tiny Is a Predictive Text Model That Runs in the Browser and Fits on a Floppy Disk - Adam Grant

                                                            Tiny Is a Predictive Text Model That Runs in the Browser and Fits on a Floppy Disk - Adam Grant

                                                            • Scheme in Scheme on Wasm in the browser — Spritely Institute

                                                              Become a Spritely supporter today!We're building the next generation of distributed web technology for secure collaboration and we need your help to fill up our health bar by February 5, 2025! Scheme in Scheme on Wasm in the browserDave Thompson — December 15, 2023 Hey, folks! Today we want to talk about the wonderful read-eval-print-loop (REPL). Thanks to WebAssembly (Wasm), it's becoming increas

                                                                Scheme in Scheme on Wasm in the browser — Spritely Institute
                                                              • How projects are born and run in a web browser engine

                                                                Track A Spoken language: ja Slide language: en In this talk I will talk about a few examples and thoughts about how a project might be born and worked in a large-scale browser engine like Chromium. It's partially about scoping, designing, planning and executing, but also largely about collaboration, communication, and a lot of struggles.

                                                                  How projects are born and run in a web browser engine
                                                                • Hex Engine - A Modern 2D Game Engine for the Browser

                                                                  ⚠️ WORK IN PROGRESS ⚠️ Hex Engine is a 2D Game Engine for the browser, written in TypeScript. It is designed to feel similar to React. Hex Engine implements a variant of the popular Entity-Component-System model, adapting it to make Components radically composable. In Hex Engine, every Component is a function, and Components can call special Hook functions to define their behavior in the game engi

                                                                    Hex Engine - A Modern 2D Game Engine for the Browser
                                                                  • Browser hacking: Let's add a JIT compiler to LibJS

                                                                    Follow me on X: https://x.com/awesomekling Sponsor me on GitHub: https://github.com/sponsors/awesomekling Support me on Patreon: https://patreon.com/awesomekling Donate via PayPal: https://paypal.me/awesomekling Discord: https://discord.gg/serenityos Merch: https://store.serenityos.org/ SerenityOS is a new operating system that we're building from scratch. https://serenityos.org Ladybird is a cr

                                                                      Browser hacking: Let's add a JIT compiler to LibJS
                                                                    • Storage Browser for Amazon S3 is now generally available - AWS

                                                                      Amazon S3 is announcing the general availability of Storage Browser for S3, an open source component that you can add to your web applications to provide your end users with a simple interface for data stored in S3. With Storage Browser for S3, you can provide authorized end users, such as customers, partners, and employees, with access to easily browse, download, and upload data in S3 directly fr

                                                                        Storage Browser for Amazon S3 is now generally available - AWS
                                                                      • GitHub - mlc-ai/web-stable-diffusion: Bringing stable diffusion models to web browsers. Everything runs inside the browser with no server support.

                                                                        This project brings stable diffusion models onto web browsers. Everything runs inside the browser with no server support. To our knowledge, this is the world’s first stable diffusion completely running on the browser. Please checkout our demo webpage to try it out. You are also more than welcomed to checkout Web LLM if you are interested in deploying LLM-based chat bots to browser. We have been se

                                                                          GitHub - mlc-ai/web-stable-diffusion: Bringing stable diffusion models to web browsers. Everything runs inside the browser with no server support.
                                                                        • モバイルデバイス向けのWebサイト構築のために開発された開発者向けブラウザ・「LT Browser」 - かちびと.net

                                                                          LT Browserはモバイルデバイス向けのWebサイト構築のために開発された開発者向けブラウザです。クロスブラウザテストのアプリを公開しているLambdaTestが開発したブラウザになります。 プリインストールされた様々なモバイルデバイスビューポートでWebサイトの表示テストを行ったり、自身でカスタムデバイス解像度を作成したり、複数デバイスを同時確認したり、DevToolsを使う事も可能で、ホットリロードもサポート、パフォーマンステストを行いスコアの表示されたレポートを提出する事も可能となっています。 更に、遅い環境、早い環境など複数のネットワーク環境下でのテストやバグをマークし、任意のプロジェクト管理ツールに投げてチームで共有するなども可能だそうです。 なかなか良いのでは。Free foreverとの事で、ずっと無料で利用できるそうです。 LT Browser

                                                                          • HARPA AI | AI Agent for Your Browser

                                                                            Bring AI to your browser. Summarize blogs & videos, auto-reply to emails in your voice, write SEO-optimized articles, pass exams, search information with AI, monitor prices.4.9

                                                                              HARPA AI | AI Agent for Your Browser
                                                                            • GitHub - fingerprintjs/BotD: Bot detection library that runs in the browser. Detects automation tools and frameworks. No server required, runs 100% on the client. MIT license, no usage restrictions.

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                                                                                GitHub - fingerprintjs/BotD: Bot detection library that runs in the browser. Detects automation tools and frameworks. No server required, runs 100% on the client. MIT license, no usage restrictions.
                                                                              • GitHub - appuri/robust-websocket: A robust reconnecting WebSocket client for the browser

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                                                                                  GitHub - appuri/robust-websocket: A robust reconnecting WebSocket client for the browser
                                                                                • GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ancient-history: The Ladybird web browser

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                                                                                    GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ancient-history: The Ladybird web browser